Tuesday, June 9, 2020

"Unmasking The Truth"

In a nation torn by divisions of every kind, racism has taken center stage in the wake of George Floyd's death. But in 2020, even insignificant differences in opinion are enough to rip us apart. Take the mask issue, for instance.

"People resisting mandatory mask policies are, per usual, painted as unreasonable, headstrong, and backward--displaying ignorant, American bravado while rejecting science and good sense," writes Molly McCann, of The Federalist.

Surprise, surprise--the nation is divided again, reports Marc Fisher of The Washington Post, "and in painfully familiar ways, by politics and by attitudes about government power and individual choice."

"Kevin Krannawitter won't wear a mask because he just doesn't think it's necessary whatever the scientists say. Marilyn Singleton won't wear one either--and she's a physician--because she says it's un-American for the government to force people to cover their faces. You won't see Ricardo Thornton in a mask because it reminds him of a time when he wasn't free to make his own decisions about his life," Fisher explains.

"Masks have become a major metaphor, not least for national and international confusion. For some, covering the face defines civic virtue; for others, it's a concession to government overreach, a denial of individuality," contends The Imaginative Conservative.

Like pretty much everything else these days, this virus has become weaponized and the mask has become a symbol (to some) of which side you are on.

No mask = a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal too thick-headed to understand the science and too selfish to care--a typical Trump supporter.

Mask compliant = the exact opposite

Does it matter that the "experts" (including Dr. Anthony Fauci himself in a "60 Minutes" interview in March) dismissed masks as essentially useless early on in this pandemic?

Nope. What matters is the agenda.

According to The Federalist masks are only a small part of a much longer agenda.

"Mandatory masks are a critical predicate conditioning us to accept abuses of our liberty. Mandatory masking provides the foundation on which governments continue to justify emergency measures and rule by executive fiat, and it creates a national mood of consent that America will accept indefinite government expansion because we face a new normal."

But, it's just a mask, you say. True, but a cause of division because some believe it tells them all they need to know about the one wearing it or not wearing it. Masks have become an emotional issue, a symbol of all the mind-blowing life-altering global changes of the last three months. All pointing to the End Times scenario. A scenario, sad to say, that makes no mention of the United States of America.

A wise woman once said: "We're not just end-time kooks wandering down Main Street warning about a zombie apocalypse. We're warning that the Bible predicted some things that would set the stage for the final moments of history as we know it...That final scene is imminent. Everything is falling into place. Don't delay putting your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life. You are not guaranteed a tomorrow to make that call." -- Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries
"If a Kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." (MARK 3:24-25)


  • The Washington Post: 9 Minneapolis City Council members announce plans to disband police department and are "taking intermediate steps toward ending" the force. 
  • Breitbart: Over 300 NYPD officers injured in riots, 600 considering resigning; Meanwhile, Tom Arnold tweets: Time to get rifles to 'Go Nose To Nose with Trump's Gang of Misfit Tools', Rob Reiner  agrees
  • The Blaze: Instagram censors FBI crime stats graph as "Hate Speech" because it doesn't support police as racists narrative 

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