Thursday, January 25, 2024

"Disease X= WHO Tyranny"

Huge decisions are being made right now that will affect your life and the lives of your children. How so, you ask?

According to Fox News:

"World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has called on countries (all countries, as in 'the entire world') to sign onto the health organization's pandemic treaty so the world can prepare for 'Disease X'."

What's 'Disease X'? Ghebreyesus called it our "common enemy", but scientists call it a "hypothetical placeholder virus" that doesn't exist yet, but if it did, it could be "20 times deadlier than COVID-19."

Yikes. But that isn't all...

Disease X has already been added to the WHO's short list of pathogens that could cause a "serious international epidemic."

According to Ghebreyesus:

"There are things that are unknown that may happen, and anything happening is a matter of when not if, so we need to have a placeholder for that, for the diseases we don't know, " he (actually )said.

Meanwhile, world leaders met back in March of 2021 to announce that a treaty was being negotiated and drafted.

The end result?

A treaty that many experts contend will prove disasterous to national as well as personal sovereignty.

Dr. Meryl Nass, an expert on vaccines, is one of them.

"This treaty gives the Director-General of the WHO enormous power to dictate healthcare to everyone around the world. They want the ability to mandate vaccines on you in the future for pandemics that they declare at will with no standards for what that entails. They want the right to withhold drugs and to shut your doctor up. So, WHO Director-General Tedros (Ghebreyesus), who does not have a medical degree, would become the world's doctor."

Dr. Nass goes on to warn that if the WHO gets this power, it can force you to take a vaccine that has been sped through the development process (normally 10 years) in only 4 months. And they will be completely absolved from all liability.

So, when do they plan to roll out this treaty? May 2024. Yikes indeed.

A wise man once said: " It's a treaty to end your sovereignty and medical autonomy. It's a mechanism to take control of your medical decision-making against your will. And a means to end your freedom by declaring a worldwide pandemic or medical emergency. It's a United Nations back door takeover of America." --James Newman, political commentator

"A prudent person foresees danger coming and prepares for it. But the senseless rush blindly forward and suffer the consequences" (PROVERBS 23:3).



  • Zerohedge: FDA's New Rule Allows For Medical Research Without Informed Consent; cannot pose more that "minimal risk" to patient'
  • Mish Talk News: Denver Health at "Critical Point" as 8,000 Migrants Make 20,000 Emergency Visits; system may collapse
  • Natural News: WHO: 'We need global compliance to prepare for future pandemics



Thursday, January 18, 2024

WEF: New World Order?

Now that the 2024 election season is in full swing, here's something you may want to consider:   

Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) was in Davos predicting AI will soon make elections obsolete.


Apparently, Schwab (and all the other elite Davos technocratic globalists) believes AI will soon be able to predict the winner of future elections (presumably by reading our minds), so why bother to actually have them?  (Can anyone say 'New World Order'?)

Meanwhile, you may have heard the term 'Christian nationalism' bandied about this election cycle and got the distinct impression it was something you didn't want to touch with a ten-foot pole.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins explains why:

"Christian leaders have long held the Left-coined term 'Christian nationalism' as a perjorative to stop believers from speaking about national issues. They are stretching that term to suggest that anyone bringing faith into the public square is advocating for 'Christian nationalism'".

Stephen Coughlin of  Unconstrained Analytics and a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute agrees:

"Christians should recognize the term 'Christian nationalism' as part of a campaign designed to delegitimize you. It directly attacks American Christians for being politically active. As such, it's an attack on identity. It denies your right to express a faith-informed point of view."

And that ain't all folks.The ill-defined term 'Christian nationalism' has gotten a ridiculous amount of news coverage in the lead-up to this election cycle, almost universally negative. The New Republic brands the beliefs as an 'authoritative political ideology'. Time calls 'Christian nationalism' "the greatest threat to democracy in America today."

Why? Because Christians who dare to speak up are firmly within the historical mainstream of American conservatism and threaten the far Left's Godless agenda. For instance,who, if not the Christian will defend the right to life? And who will protest the evil of Drag Queen story hour? If the Christian remains silent while our schools corrupt our children with "gender fluid" brainwashing because they don't want to be political, then what on earth are we good for?

The bottom line is this: Unless and until Klaus & his cronies put an end to democratic elections, we have a moral obligation to vote our biblical values.

A wise man once said: "Somehow, the Church has gotten out of the lane of being the salt and light that God has called us to be...and I'm constantly labeled as a 'Christian nationalist'. I don't accept labels. I don't accept intimidation. I don't accept bullying." --Jack Hibbs, CCCH

"When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan" (PROVERBS 29:2).



  • Financial Times: Arab nations develop plan to end Israel/Hamas war and create Palestinian state; Netanyahu rejects a two-state solution
  • CNN: Trump lawyers warn Supreme Court of "chaos and bedlam" if states are allowed to bar him from 2024 ballot
  • FNC: British defence cheif warns of possible war within 5 years with China, Russia & Iran

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

"2024 Could Be A Pivotal Year In Bible Prophecy"

Unrelenting bad news the last few years has caused many of us to simply tune out. We don't want to hear it any more. We've got information saturation and it's become mind-numbing. Lawlessness, deception, political intrigue, war...enough bad news to make your head explode.

And it's not just here-it's everywhere, globally, all at once.

Clearly these are tumultous times and nobody enjoys the heartache and suffering they bring. But there's a line being drawn:

For those of us who believe in the imminent return of Christ, these are exciting (though difficult) times. The signs pointing to His soon return are everywhere. For those concerned only with this present life and who either don't know or don't care about a biblical worldview, these are trying times.

Ironically, the very events that frighten or depress those without a love for His coming, create a growing sense of anticipation in those of us busy waiting for His return. That's the beauty of Bible prophecy: It reveals your spiritual temperature.

For the prophecy student, world events are not arbitrary or accidental, but a carefully orchestrated plan with a divine purpose. Bible teacher Charlie Campbell explains what role fulfilled prophecy plays in validating our hope in the future as laid out in Scripture:
"Fulfilled prophecy is something that sets the Bible apart from all other religious books. There are 26 other books that people of faith (non-Christian) believe are divinely-inspired. And none of these writings contain any specific fulfilled prophecies. There are no fulfilled prophecies in the Qur'an, the Hindu Vedas, the Bhaqavad-Gita, the sayings of Buddha and Confucius, or in the Book of Mormon. The Bible on the other hand is filled with fulfilled prophecy. In fact 27% of the Bible spoke prophetically at the time it was written. And the authors of the Bible did not just predict a couple of vague things like Jeane Dixon or Nostradamus. The Old Testament alone contains hundreds of very specific prophecies that have already come to pass. The fact that these prophecies were literally fulfilled give us the intellectual basis for believing that future, unfulfilled prophecies regarding the rapture of the Church, the Thousand-year reign of Christ on earth, etc. would also be literally fulfilled."
Current events (especially those that revolve around Israel), viewed through the lense of Bible prophecy can (and should) have a purifying effect on the Christian's life. Why? Because as we see the world lining up precisely as predicted, the Bible comes alive for us. Jesus Christ becomes real for us. And the realization that we will stand before a holy God and give an account of our lives, motivates us to live in the way the Bible teaches us to live. What man views as a "good life" doesn't count. It is God's opinion that matters.
"We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad"(2 CORINTHIANS 5:10).
A wise man once said: "The clock of human history is ticking away. It neither speeds up nor slows down. It just keeps on ticking continually and relentlessly, moving us closer and closer to the end of the age. How close we are to the end will only be revealed by time itself. Don't gamble with your eternal destiny. Time may very well be running out. Make sure you are ready when Jesus comes." - the late Ed Hindson, Bible teacher
"And now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ so that when He returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from Him in shame" (1 JOHN 2:28).

  • UN: United Nations Secretary-General Warns Risk of Nuclear Confrontation Has Returned; calls on nuclear nations to commit to no first use
  • The Times of Israel: IDF spokesman says troops located tunnel in south Gaza that was used to hold hostages; Hamas official: Hostages will "not return alive" unless Israel meets group's demands 
  • MSN: New Report Suggests Rise In Hate Crimes Fueled By Anti Jewish Bias

Thursday, January 4, 2024

"Why Is The World In Chaos?"

Geoffrey Grider, of Now The End Begins, may have hit the nail on the head when he wrote:

"Remember that Jesus warns us that the very first sign of the beginning of sorrows, a time that has its doctrinal fulfillment after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, is universal deception.

"Universal deception is where we find ourselves right now, living in a world where everything the politicians in any country say is a lie, with the global media printing and broadcasting disinformation and misinformation 24 hours per day."

Grider believes that the world entered into the time period known as "the beginning of sorrows" back in 2020, when the entire planet was suddenly plunged into confusion and deception. This, he says, could signal that the end of the Church Age is rapidly approaching.

"The world continues its accelerated journey into darkness and spiritual blindness with the unsaved not even aware they are preparing themselves to receive, not Jesus Christ, but the satanic imitation of Antichrist."

Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries agrees, but adds:

"Evil, my friends, is not winning. The story of the Bible is that there is hope in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

"God promises to rescue His Church...some reading this will never die. Instead, they will be air-lifted out of this broken world by the Bridegroom, who will rescue His Bride. And what lies ahead for His Church is glorious beyond words. What lies ahead for the wicked (or unforgiven) is unthinkable."

Bottom line? Time is short. Seriously examine yourself to make sure you're in the faith.

A wise woman once said: "For some reason, God has allowed YOU to understand the grand plan outlined in the Bible. Better days are ahead. Actually, glorious days are ahead." - Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries

"When you see the events I've described beginning to happen, you can know His return is very near, right at the door" (MATTHEW 24:33).



  • The Washington Post: One-quarter of Americans believe FBI instigated Jan.6; according to new poll including 34% of Republicans, 30% of Independents and 13% of Democrats
  • Israel National News: Iranian opposition leader urges Israel to attack Iran; "80 million Iranians who are thirsty for freedom and democracy will rise up to help."
  • CNN: Deadly blasts have rattled Iran amid growing tensions of regional war