Monday, September 26, 2022

"Converging Signs Are Intensifying"

Long time prophecy teacher, Hal Lindsey has a point when he observes: 

"Critics of end-time Bible prophecy often say exactly what the Bible said they will say."

For instance, in 2 Peter 3:3-4, it says, 

"First, I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire. This will be their argument, 'Jesus promised to come back, did He? Then where is He? Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created."

Even now, when major end-time prophecies can be easily proven (Example? The Bible predicted the nation of Israel would be scattered throughout the world and cease to exist for many years and be re-gathered again in the end-times. In 70 A.D. they were scattered. Israel became Palestine. In 1948, Israel was re-established and became a nation again after 2,000 years of nonesistence). Lindsey contends the scoffers are still at it:

"Wars and rumors of war? Nothing new there, they say. Famines? They were worse in the past. Plagues and pandemics? We had a bad one for a couple of years, but the world has had worse. Lawlessness? Humanity has always had its crooks and creeps. Deception? People started lying right after they started talking. So, what's new? What's different?"

What's new and different is the fact that all the signs are here everywhere all at once. The entire world is facing the same existential threat. And,of course, Israel is back in the land.

According to Lindsey:

"Before each of the first two world wars, everyone saw the terrible possibilities. But almost no one really thought it would happen. They thought cooler heads would prevail. But cool heads did not prevail. Pride prevailed. Greed prevailed. Hate prevailed.

"It's happening again, but this time with the added threat of nuclear weapons. As before, no one believes it will really happen. But the signs are there. War threatens every part of the earth..."

And as the Bible predicted, geopolitical alliances are forming before our very eyes along with:

  • global deception
  • lawlessness
  • epidemics
  • famines
  • earthquakes in various places
How much longer can the scoffers scoff ?

A wise man once said: "What's unique about today is that the hundreds of biblical end-times signs are converging and intensifying...accompanied by a rise of technology perfectly fitted to Antichrist and the mark of the beast. The signs are all coming together right now. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Take care of your business, but do not let the cares of this world distract you from Him. Look up. Maranatha! Jesus is coming soon!" -- Hal Lindsey, author

"See I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to repay all according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (REVELATION 22:12-13).



  • Reuters: Biden accuses Russia of  'irresponsible' nuclear threats; warns the U.S. will retaliate with 'devastating strike' against Russian forces if Putin uses nukes
  • Business Insider: Nearly 100 countries are exploring the use of Central Bank digital currency including the United States
  • The Irish Times: Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev: "Any weapons in Moscow's arsenal, including strategic nuclear weapons, can be used to defend occupied territories."




Monday, September 19, 2022

'Rapture & Rosh Hashanah"

Rosh Hashanah falls on September 25th this year and prophecy buffs all over the planet are watching and waiting.

Why? Because of the seven holidays that make up the ancient festival cycle of Israel, four have already come to pass and been fulfilled. The next one--Rosh Hashanah (aka The Feast of Trumpets)--is expected to be fulfilled in the Rapture of the Church.

Like an outline of history, each feast day is a pattern that shadows a major prophetic event.

The first four, (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and Pentacost), were fulfilled when Jesus came the first time. The next three will be fulfilled during the last seven years of history.

These appointed times (literally 'dress rehearsals') provide a panarama of God's prophetic plan. They are an overview of history that has profound implications for every one of us!


  • On Passover, Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb of God that takes away the sin of all those who believe and come under His blood for salvation.
  • During the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the sinless Christ died to give us, in the place of our own, the "Bread of Life" eternally, as a gift to all who believe.
  • On the Feast of First Fruits, Jesus arose from the dead and 50 days later on Pentacost He sent His Spirit as a seal or guarantee of our salvation.
Interestingly, the Greek word for 'guarantee' can also mean 'engagement ring'. So the Church became betrothed to Christ when the Holy Spirit came on Pentacost.

Next up? Rosh Hashanah, known as the Wedding of Messiah. This feast is a picture of a Jewish wedding when the groom surprises his bride and comes for her "like a thief in the night".

Because Rosh Hashanah is the only feast that occurs on the New Moon following exactly 29.5 days after the last one, it means it could come either 29 or 30 days later. So when Jesus said, "No man knows the day or hour of His return", it could have been a reference to the Feast of Rosh Hashanah.

Will it be this year? We don't know, but if it is, the world will go from normal to experiencing the wrath of God in a split second.

If nothing happens on Rosh Hashanah (this year), it's because God is being patient, not wanting anyone to perish, so He's giving more time for people to repent (2 Peter 3:9).

But that day will come (eventually) as unexpectedly as a thief. And with the world circling the drain as it is right now, all of us should be watching and waiting. And let's not forget, He may just come on a random day and surprise us all.

A wise man once said: "God's Word tells us that there will be one generation of believers who will never know death. These believers will be removed from the earth before the Great Tribulation...that's the 'blessed hope' for true believers."  -- Hal Lindsey, author
"But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then, the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and everything in them will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be exposed to judgment" (2 PETER 3:10).

👉👉👉How To Go To Heaven! ☝


  • CNBC: FedEx boss warns of a 'worldwide' recession and outlines plans to close stores, freeze hiring, trim hours and park planes to cut costs
  • Daily Mail: Apocalypse 401k: economist Ray Dalio predicts Fed hike will crater stocks and bring the economy with it
  • FNC: Violence in California reaches 'epidemic' level

Monday, September 12, 2022

"The Beginning of the End is Rapidly Approaching"

Geoffrey Grider, of Now The End Begins, may have hit the nail on the head when he wrote:

"Remember that Jesus warns us that the very first sign of the beginning of sorrows, a time that has its doctrinal fulfillment after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, is universal deception.

"Universal deception is where we find ourselves right now, living in a world where everything the politicians in any country say is a lie, with the global media printing and broadcasting disinformation and misinformation 24 hours per day."

Grider believes that the world entered into the time period known as "the beginning of sorrows" back in 2020, when the entire planet was suddenly plunged into confusion and deception. This, he says, could signal that the end of the Church Age is rapidly approaching.

"The world continues its accelerated journey into darkness and spiritual blindness with the unsaved not even aware they are preparing themselves to receive, not Jesus Christ, but the satanic imitation of Antichrist."

Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries agrees, but adds:

"Evil, my friends, is not winning. The story of the Bible is that there is hope in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

"God promises to rescue His Church...some reading this will never die. Instead, they will be air-lifted out of this broken world by the Bridegroom, who will rescue His Bride. And what lies ahead for His Church is glorious beyond words. What lies ahead for the wicked (or unforgiven) is unthinkable."

Bottom line? Time is short. Seriously examine yourself to make sure you're in the faith.

A wise woman once said: "For some reason, God has allowed YOU to understand the grand plan outlined in the Bible. Better days are ahead. Actually, glorious days are ahead." - Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries

"When you see the events I've described beginning to happen, you can know His return is very near, right at the door" (MATTHEW 24:33).



  • WND: Drag festival drops the kid's event as sponsors pull out; Bank says 'we were unaware' of activities involving children
  • The Washington Post: Ukraine military chief says 'limited' nuclear war cannot be ruled out
  • Nasdaq: U.S. household wealth suffers record drop in second quarter according to a Federal Reserve report; down a record $6.1 trillion







Monday, September 5, 2022

"Study: Optimists Live Longer, Healthier Lives"

Want to live a longer, more fulfilling life?

Don't worry, be happy.

That's right gang-being an optimist could lead to a longer, healthier life according to new research. 

"Happiness is good for the body as well as the mind," asserts study author Hayami Koga, Ph.D. candidate at the Harvard T.H. Chah School of Public Health. In fact, Koga believes "staying positive is as good for you as exercise and can add many years to your life."

But these are turbulent times. Every day the world grows darker and more dangerous. For those of us who study Bible prophecy, it has become clear that the "birth pains" as described in the Bible have begun. And as every mother knows, once the pains begin they only get worse until it's over.

How can we be happy and optimistic in times like these?

Well, according to the World Health Organization, most people can't. Depression and anxiety disorders are going through the roof. Globally, more than 300 million  (and climbing) people of all ages suffer from depression and many millions more have anxiety disorder.

Unfortunately, global trends are anything but optimistic...and yet God expects us to be happy. Is it possible given today's circumstances?

Andre Van Belkum of Life, Hope & Truth Ministries thinks so:

"The Creator of our bodies and minds has given us a handbook as an assured, dependable and unfailing source of knowledge. It outlines basic principles and instructions for daily living.

"If applied, these guidelines will lead us into a life guaranteed to produce lasting happiness and contentment. Rejection of these principles will undoubtably produce heartache and unending sorrow. These biblical guidelines are not magical formulas, but practical rules of daily conduct that govern the way to happiness.

"The Bible contains the reason you were created. It contains God's plan for you and what He expects from you. It explains where the world is heading and why-and how God is going to rescue it. It contains the blueprint for living a successful, meaningful life in the present, and inheriting eternity in the future."

And yet, the vast majority of people refuse to read it.

A wise man once said: "The words of God are as timeless and powerful today as the the day they were first recorded." - Life, Hope & Truth Ministries 

"Happy are they who are without sin in their ways, walking in the law of the Lord. Happy are they who keep His unchanging word, searching after Him with all their heart" (PSALM 119:1-2).

click here 👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!"


  • Study finds: Praying regularly & strong belief in God improves well-being for seniors
  • Health & Medical news: Spirituality linked to 'healthier life, greater longevity'
  • Religion, Society & Cultural news: 'Digital church sparks spiritual revolution' among millennials; online sermons, chat groups with pastors, and religious content on social media attracting millennials participation