Monday, June 1, 2020

"Rampage: A Sign Of The Times?"

"Don't you understand what is going on right now?" asked former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino.

In an interview with "Fox & Friends" on Monday, Bongino maintained the violence sweeping across the nation in response to the death of George Floyd is more than an expression of outrage against racism and injustice.

"This is not about George Floyd anymore. Gosh, I wish it was. We had a sincere moment of national unity where everyone agreed, even our police officers, that this was abhorrent," Bongino said.

"Who's talking about that now? Nobody. We're talking about an insurrection. This is not a joke, this has to stop now...they need to get a lid on this stat, or this is not gonna end well."

Bongino believes the far-left group Antifa has infiltrated the protesters and we are seeing the beginnings of an insurrection. 

Bongino said he's been told "known Antifa leadership is there" organizing riots.

"This is a sophisticated insurrection-type attack trying to take down the seat of our government," Bongino said.

According to World Net Daily: "Over the weekend, more than 50 (upgraded to 60+) Secret Service agents were injured in protests just outside the White House. Many of the injuries were from rioters throwing bottles. But police also reported finding cars in the area planted with incendiary material."

President Trump and his family were rushed into the bunker under the White House for protection.

Bongino said Attorney General Bill Barr and the President "need to legally decapitate Antifa today. We need a high-profile, FBI arrest right now. We need full mobilization of our National Guards in every state. I don't care if you're in Wyoming or downtown Miami. We have to shut this down now...Antifa and these criminals have declared war on civility and the constitutional republic...this is not a protest anymore, it's an insurrection..."

Meanwhile, Matthew 24 warns that as the day of Christ draws near, nation will rise against nation. The original Greek word translated "nation" is "ethnos", from which we get our word "ethnic."

So is Jesus warning we will see ethnic group rise against ethnic group (as well as wars and insurrections) with greater frequency and intensity the closer we get to the 7 years of Tribulation? Looks like it.

A wise man once said: "As Christians, the greatest weapon and the most powerful defense we have is prayer. Our country needs prayer in a critical way...Pray for peace." -- Franklin Graham
And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come ."  (MATTHEW 24:10-14)


  • KFI Radio: Trump says he will call up military if governors refuse to call National Guard
  • Fox News: Iconic monuments in Washington D.C. vandalized by rioters including the Lincoln Memorial; historic Saint John Church burned
  • Yahoo! News: Violence spreads to 140 cities in forty-one states

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