Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today's Prepper: A Tinfoil Hat-wearing Nut Job?"

Google the word 'prepping' and you'll get 7,420,000 results.

No kidding--'prepping', once the purview of doomsday cults, has gone mainstream. Well, almost.

"When some people think of prepping, it conjures images of strange people wearing tinfoil hats huddled in a shelter while they wait for the mothership to return," says the website. "For others, thoughts of a recluse living in a one-room shack in the middle of rural Montana come to mind."

So what's the real nature of preppers?

According to David Z. Morris of CNNMoney, "Many preppers are average consumers reacting to concrete worries, and their way of thinking is spreading, fueling an emerging lifestyle trend."

"More and more Americans are spending money to get ready for an uncertain future," Morris said.

Today's prepper, far from being a wild-eyed fanatic, sees prepping as an insurance plan. According to PreppingToSurvive they:

  • buy extra food when it's on sale
  • store extra water
  • buy supplies in bulk and store some of it
  • grow their own garden
  • keep extra cash on hand
  • get out of debt
  • payoff their mortgage, if possible
  • learn emergency first aid
  • get to know their neighbors
  • get to know their Bibles
  • pray
In other words, today's prepper is: 
"A prudent person (who) foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions" (Proverbs 23:3 and 27:12. It's there twice to make sure we get it!).

It doesn't have to be the end of the world. We are only one super-sized disaster away from the end of our world. (Think Katrina, Fukishima, Super-storm Sandy, last week's super-typhoon, Richter scale 8-plus mega-quakes in various places, the loss of the US dollar as the reserve currency, hyper-inflation, or even a personal job loss or illness). Let's not be part of the crowd waiting around for somebody else to come to our rescue.

A prudent person takes precautions.

To see why you should prepare,click here

A wise women  once said:
"Private opinion creates public opinion. Public opinion overflows eventually into national behavior and national behavior, as things are arranged at present, can make or mar the world. That is why private opinion, and private behavior, and private conversation are so terrifyingly important." -- Jan Struther, author


  • Fox News Channel: South Korea reports North Korea publicly executed 80 people last week for owning Bibles and watching banned videos.
  • Reuters: Seattle police deactivate surveillance system attached to utility poles after public outrage.
  • Washington Free Beacon: UN General Assembly adopts 22 resolutions condemning Israel; 4 on the rest of the world combined (thus far in 2013) 

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