Wednesday, February 15, 2023

"The Asbury Revival"

"Last Wednesday (Feb. 8), students at Asbury University gathered for their bi-weekly chapel service in the 1,500 seat Hughes Auditorium,

"They sang. They listened to a sermon. They prayed.

"A week later, many of them are still there," said Bob Smietana of the Religion News Service.

You read that right--one week later--24 hours a day--it is still going on, packed beyond capacity and spreading to other campuses.

Social media is abuzz with stories from those who've experienced what's now tagged #asburyrevival," reports Greg Stier of The Christian Post. "And the reports give me hope that we could once again see a sweeping awakening across the nation," he said.

But is it for real?

Throughout church history, there have been times of "extraordinary" acts of God characterized by "a significant spiritual spillover effect of evangelism,"he said.

Stier went on to say, "It's not an out-of-control show. It's not hype. It's a spirit-orchestrated meeting wiht spirit-filled believers with the focus on Jesus--and Jesus alone.

According to a Ministry Watch report by Kim Roberts, when a similar revival broke out at Asbury University in 1970, "2,000 witnessing teams were sent out from Asbury to churches and colleges across the country."

The Asbury Revival of 1970 was a major part of the Jesus People Movement (aka The Jesus Revolution) of the 60s and 70s that saw many thousands saved in the United States and across the globe.

So will this "revival" be the same?

We pray to God that it is.

A wise man once said: "Seeing people from every nation, tribe, and tongue, and from all different generations, was a glimpse of heaven. It was very encouraging to see that every one was there for one common goal--to give God glory." -Graci Bradley, Asbury University student

"In the last days, God says,'I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams'" (ACTS 2:17).



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