Monday, January 30, 2023

"Doomsday: Ticking Closer Than Ever"

Last week we got our annual wake-up call: It seems Doomsday is rearing its ugly head again and the world has ticked the closest to global annihilation as it has ever been.

That's right gang. The Science and Security Board at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists released their yearly "Doomsday Clock" report -- and you guessed it -- the news ain't good.

According to the keepers of The Clock:

"Nuclear risks increased significantly last year due largely to Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine...we are living in a time of unprecedented danger."

And while you can't exactly hang the dreaded Doomsday Clock on your wall to keep track of the seconds, it is a rather timely reminder: The world as we know it won't last forever.

Jesus said:

"Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father" (MATTHEW 24:36,42).

He added that the timing of the end would be unexpected, " an hour that you do not think to be it" (MATTHEW 24:44).

Even though we can't know the day and hour, Jesus didn't leave us in the dark -- He provided a composite of signs, or groups of events that would identify the time leading up to the end of the we know it...

...but not the end of the world...period.

The truth is Earth will still be here even after it ends (as we know it) and it will be filled with people, just as the Bible promises in Psalm 37:29:

"The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it."

Eventually, heaven and earth will merge and become one -- a new heaven and a new earth.

How? God will bring about the conditions described in the Book of Revelation -- just make sure you read all the way to the end.

A wise man once said: "By understanding what God says about the end of the world as we know it, there can be peace in our hearts." -- Billy Graham

"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world" (JOHN 16:33).

"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind" (ISAIAH 65:17).

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things will be gone forever"  (REVELATION 21:4).

👉👉👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!" click here ☝


  • New York Times: U.S. To Increase Artillery Ammuntion By 500% For Ukraine; While Depleting Its Own Stockpiles
  • World Health Org: WHO Suddenly Updates Medicines List For Nuclear Emergencies; warns many countries unprepared for radiation emergencies
  • ZeroHedge: U.S. Not Prepared To Fight All-Out War With Russia According To Col.Douglas MacGregor (ret),  former advisor to the Dept. of Defense






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