Monday, June 7, 2021

"Only 2 Choices: Inflation or Implosion"

Ever wonder what would happen to the financial system if the Fed stopped printing massive amounts of money?

Nothing good, says economist John Williams, founder of

"The Federal Reserve has painted itself into such a tight corner with the economy it really has only two choices: inflation or implosion."

Apparently, printing an endless amount of stimulus money to keep the masses happy isn't a good idea. And how does the government service all that debt? You guessed it--they just print more.

"The system needs liquidity (freshly created dollars) to function...the Fed needs to keep the banking system afloat. They want to keep the economy afloat. All that requires a tremendous influx of liquidity..."

In other words, if the Fed keeps printing enormous amounts of money, it will result in enormous amounts of inflation.

But if the Fed quits printing? KABOOM! The whole economic system implodes.

"That's the choice,' Williams says. "And I think we are going to have a combination of both of them. I think we are eventually headed into a hyperinflationary economic collapse."

Interesting, because the Bible predicts there will be hyperinflation (Revelation 6:6) and then an entirely different type of economic system (Revelation 13:16,17) during the 7 years of tribulation.

Doesn't it seem reasonable to assume something would have to happen to the current economic system for this to happen?

A wise man once said: "All the signs Jesus and the prophets said to look for are present right now. And not only are they present, but ours is the only generation in all of history that can make that claim. And you know what else? Jesus said once you see the presence of all those signs, He's coming." -- Britt Gillette, author

"When you see these things begin to happen, Look up. For your salvation is near!" (LUKE 21:28).



  • Buenos Aires Times: Poll shows Argentines expect inflation to hit 50% in next year; meanwhile, Deutsche Bank warns of inflation 'time bomb'
  • Bloomberg News: Global economy grapples with supply shortages and rising prices
  • Yahoo! finance: Global Food Prices Surge To Near Decades High, UN Says; meanwhile, Calif. drought causes farmers to destroy crops for lack of water


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