Monday, February 22, 2021

"When Lying Becomes Institutionalized"

Anyone with two functioning brain cells realizes we no longer have reliable institutions, let alone an honest mainstream media (MSM).

That's right folks, the people in charge of informing the public have gone faux--as in completely and totally twisting the facts. And if you think they hit rock bottom during the Trump era, think again.

Ladies and gentlemen, our major institutions, along with the MSM, are in open revolt against both the truth and the American people. Journalistic integrity is all but dead and none of them seem interested in holding our institutions accountable. Deception, incomplete disclosure, and outright lies have invaded our bureaucracies. 

Far from being unbiased, they are Globalists, involved in a cover-up to further a globalist agenda. For instance:  a peer-reviewed study has concluded that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention violated Federal law by inflating coronavirus fatality numbers.

In the past, the MSM would have been all over that, demanding the CDC's head on a platter, or at the very least, a thorough investigation. Now? Crickets.

And what about the scientific paper (another peer-reviewed study you've never heard about) from 2017 that contends the entire foundation of the man-made global-warming theory (the assumption that greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere by trapping heat) is wrong. Again, silence.

Both studies were conducted and peer-reviewed by reputable scientists and yet both studies were buried by the MSM. 

These are only two examples. What about the voter fraud allegations that were never given a hearing or the hundreds of censored opinions we are not allowed to hear? Schools have changed our history and "science" claims we can change our gender. The bigger the lie, the more people tend to believe it.

The Bible warns the end times will be characterized by deception (especially spiritual deception).

"For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to right teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever they want to hear. They will reject the truth and follow strange myths" (2 TIMOTHY 4:3-4).

Though lies and deception seem to permeate all of our institutions, the truth is--we ain't seen nothing yet. The last seven years before the Second Coming of Christ (known as the Tribulation) is when deception will reach its peak. We aren't there yet, people, and God willing none of you reading this will be.

How will we escape? By choosing the Truth now while there's still time.

A wise woman once said: "In the end times, most of the world will reject Jesus as Messiah. But they will gladly follow someone else who tells them what they want to hear. The Antichrist will deceive most of the world into following him." --Britt Gillette, author

Jesus said, "I assure you, those who listen to My message and believe in God who sent Me have eternal life...And I assure you that the time is coming, in fact it is here, when the dead will hear My voice--the voice of the Son of God. And those who listen will live" (JOHN 5:24,25).



  • WSJ: COVID Bombshell: Herd Immunity by April; Experts should level with the public about the good news says Dr. Markary of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  • Bloomberg: Biden to ditch 'America First' in appeal for Global Partnership to combat pandemic and climate change
  • Reuters: Despite plummeting COVID cases, Fauci predicts masks still needed in 2022.
  • Rush Limbaugh gave his life to Christ a few years ago, according to personal friend Joel Rosenberg: "And it changed everything."


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