Monday, July 6, 2020

"Happiness At 50 Year Low"

Everyone wants to be happy--but according to a recent study--almost no one is.

Americans are more unhappy today than they've been in almost 50 years.

This survey, funded by the National Science Foundation, and conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago, found that only 14% of American adults identify as being very happy.

That's an all-time low in a study that's been collecting data on American attitudes and behaviors since 1972.

And get this--most of the survey's interviews were completed last month before any of the following had even happened:

  • the murder of George Floyd that touched off nationwide rage
  • the riots/looting and anarchy that followed
  • the demands to defund or even abolish the police
  • the full economic impact of 44 million job losses
  • the bankrupting of millions of small/medium -sized businesses

That's right people, this survey was completed back in the day when our biggest problem was dodging the virus and even then we saw a massive surge in suicide, alcohol and drug abuse.

If we've learned anything from the past few weeks and months it is this--happiness is fragile. And while none of us  knows how long this current crisis will last, we do know that today, more than any other time in the history of man, events are occurring that foreshadow things to come exactly as predicted in the Bible.

The alignment of nations; the collapse of law and order; the lies and deceptions and the weakening influence of our leaders to control the masses, are just a few of the indicators of the era directly preceding the return of Christ.

So what are we trying to say? Being unhappy is the least of our problems. God is sending a wake-up call that even the dimmest among us can't possibly miss. 

According to Got the message God is sending is this: 
"Repent and turn your life around. Make a conscious decision to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (MATTHEW 6:33). The meaning of this verse is as direct as it sounds. We are to seek the things of God as a priority over the things of the world...believers who have learned to truly put God first may then rest in the promise...and all these things (like love, joy, peace) will be given to you as well, then, whether Jesus comes for you at the Rapture or at your death, you will be ready for an eternity of pure joy."
"...what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin, whose lives are lived in complete honesty" (PSALM 32:2).

A wise man once said: "According to the Bible, if you know God and discover His plan for your life, you will find the happiness you're searching for. It doesn't come from seeking to be happy in and of itself. It comes from knowing and seeking the God who created you and discovering His plan and purpose for your life." -- Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship
"See, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to repay all according to their deeds" (REVELATION 22:12).


  • Breitbart: BLM Rallies in U.S. Call for 'Death to Israel, Death to America'
  • The Hill: Vladimir Putin becomes Russia's president of life; wins 2 more 6-year terms
  • Impact 2020: Anti-Trump Republicans work to sink president's re-election bid


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