Monday, October 14, 2019

"Did The Pope Deny Jesus Is God?"

Here we go again. Atheist Italian journalist, Eugenio Scalfari made headlines once more.

Can't place the name? He's the guy who's made a career out of "misquoting" his long-time friend, Pope Francis.

That's right gang--despite repeated claims from The Vatican press office that Scalfari's reports are unreliable, Pope Francis continues to grant him interviews.

According to the Catholic Church News:
In La Repubblica newspaper on Wednesday, Scalfari wrote: "Those who had the chance, as I have had different times, to meet him (Pope Francis) and speak to him with the greatest cultural confidence, know that Pope Francis conceives Christ as Jesus of Nazareth, a man, not God incarnate. Once incarnated, Jesus ceases to be a God and becomes a man until his death on the cross."
According to Scalfari, "When I happened to discuss these phrases, Pope Francis told me: "They are the definite proof that Jesus of Nazareth, once he became a man, even if he was a man of exceptional virtue, was not God at all."

As usual, the Holy See Press Office denies the allegations: "As already stated on other occasions, the words that Dr. Eugenio Scalfari attributes in quotation marks to the Holy Father during conversations with him cannot be considered as a faithful account of what has actually been said, but rather represent a personal and free interpretation of what he has heard, as is quite evident from what has been written today about the divinity of Jesus Christ."

Wait...what? Is that suppose to be a denial? Why doesn't the Pope come right out and say he believes Jesus is God and that Scalfari got it all wrong--again! (You may recall back in March 2018 Scalfari claimed the Pope told him that hell does not exist, contrary to Scripture and the Roman Catholic Church).

But no, instead Scalfari, a self-declared atheist and one-time fascist, is rewarded again and again with interviews and private audiences.

Meanwhile, Scalfari supports both abortion and euthanasia. Hmmm...can't help wondering if he supports the Pope.

A wise man once said: "Why on earth does Pope Francis still trust Eugenio Scalfari? He should disown not only the precise verbiage Scalfari reported in his piece, but the ideas foisted upon him therein--at least the ones that are manifestly heretical. The longer he does not the stronger the case becomes for believing he cannot."-- Christopher Altieri, Catholic Herald
"Spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer"  --Proverbs 13:20.


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