Thursday, June 21, 2018

"Can You Tell Fact From Fake News? Our Information Ecosystem Is Polluted."

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As a generation with more technology in the palm of our hand than any before us, how is it we've been deluded by:
  • misinformation
  • propaganda
  • and flat out lies?
The Bible warns repeatedly about End-Time deception, and like a flood it has come to wash the truth away.

The result? An inability to discern fact from fiction. Let's face it gang, attention  grabbing headlines rarely tell the whole story and "sound bites" are often meant to manipulate.

But not recognizing fake news when we see it is only part of the problem, according to a study done by MIT.

After examining the flow of stories on Twitter, the study found that lies really do go half-way 'round the world before truth can get its shoes on. Why? Because people...wait for it...prefer fake news.

Apparently, false news claims were 70% more likely than the truth to be shared on social media. And you guessed it: politics were not immune. In fact, the more divisive the issue, the quicker it spread.

True stories? Not so much. 

On average, the truth rarely got retweeted by more than 1,000 people, but the top 1% of false stories averaged more than 100,000 retweets.

It appears the information ecosystem is polluted and internet platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube (and most especially the MSM) only add to the muck & mire with their blatantly distorted and biased slant.

The fix? Do your homework and recognize that truth is rarer than fiction by ten to one.

A wise man once said: "A half-truth is even more dangerous than a lie. A lie, you can detect at some stage, but half a truth is sure to mislead you for long. -- Anurag Shourie, author
"And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 24: 9-14
How to know for certain you are going to heaven...

  • The Daily Caller: Outrage Over Trump's Detention Centers--But They're Actually Obama's
  • MEDIAITE: ABC Falsely Reports Manafort 'Guilty Of Manslaughter'; Paul Manafort briefly worked on the Trump campaign.
  • The Washington Free Beacon: IG Report Highlights Political Bias Among FBI Senior Officials; FBI Agent Strzok's email suggest he tried to use power to "stop" Trump's presidency.

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