Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Extreme Earth Changes?"

Though it's difficult to tell if the weather has taken a permenant turn for the weird, this past decade has seen a "quantum jump in extreme weather events,"  according to IOP Science.

This month alone, droughts, deluges, and heat waves have all made headlines.

The common denominator? Extreme.

For instance:
  • More than 46% of California is in an exceptional, 4-year old (and counting) drought, the highest classification according to the California Drought Monitor. Neighbors are now being "encouraged" to tattle on water wasters,  in worst drought in 1200 years.
  • Severe weather in Texas, Oklahoma, and Mexico left behind a trail of destruction this week leaving at least 31 dead, many more missing, 1500 homes damaged or destroyed, and thousands displaced. Some areas saw the most rain ever recorded in one month.
  • A killer heat wave swept across India this week killing over 1400 people. Temps reached a scorching 122 degrees that left even the roads melted.
  • And then there's the volcanos. We've got 40 erupting right now around the globe. Historically, the number of volcanos in a typical year is only 35,  so 40 in one month is definitely extreme.
  • Oh, and let's not forget earthquakes. Nepal's 7.8 was so violent the Himalayas sank three feet and the death toll topped 8000. Earthquakes 8.0 and above have struck at a record rate since 2004. Usually you'll get only one 8.0 per year. Since 2004? 2-4 per year.
This May has also been a deadly month for fish, birds, and bees, with mass die-offs circling the globe.

And finally, what about those spooky noises coming from the sky that people across the globe claim they are hearing?

Reported earlier this month in Daily Mail, as "sounding like a trumpet or a collective from a brass section of an orchestra...the eerie sounds have been continuously heard at all different times and locations for almost a decade."

Very extreme. But as a wise man once said: "Nature is a slave to decay and death because of sin and is under the curse described in Genesis 3:17-19. Creation is as impatient as we are to be delivered from the bondage of corruption."  --Philip W. Comfort, PhD.

"All creation anticipates the day when it will join God's children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time."  Romans 8:21-23


  • Associated Press: Punishing Storms in Texas Test Government Emergency Response; officials scrambled to deal with historic flooding, calls for evacuation along Texas rivers.
  • Reuters: Russia masses heavy firepower on border with Ukraine, while Moscow issues travel warning over U.S. "hunt for Russians."
  • Fox News Channel: Avian flu devastates poultry and egg producers; 35% of egg supply affected.

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