Is the world ready for walking, talking, 3-D holograms that can be seen, heard, and even felt without having to rely on any virtual reality systems?
Ready or not--here they come!According to a team of scientists at the University of Sussex in southern England, the future of hologram technology has come a long way, baby.
Published in the journal Nature, the Sussex team contends technology currently in use can: "Create 3-D but they are slow, short-lived and most importantly, rely on operating principles that cannot produce tactile and auditive content as well."
The team created a prototype called Multimodal Acoustic Trap Display (MATD) which can "simultaneously deliver visual, auditory, and tactile content," they said.
This uses what is known as "acoustophoresis" or sound waves that allows the hologram to be heard and even felt--a crucial element of realism.
"Even if not audible to us, ultrasound is still a mechanical wave and it carries energy through the air," explained Ryuji Hirayama, one of the scientists. "Our system directs and focuses this energy, which can then stimulate your skin to feel content."
Meanwhile, a woman with Azure Technologies and Microsoft Network recently demonstrated her personalized hologram capable of being everywhere at once while speaking any language she chose.
(Click here to watch the video).
The Bible predicts the Antichrist will create a 'living' image of himself that can speak, demanding that people all over the globe worship it or die. He'll also have complete economic control over everything bought and sold, and the ability to exclude (and thus control) some to their death (see Revelation 13:15-16).
Imagine if you will, this hologram technology combined with the advances in, say, facial recognition, AI, and implantable devices with spy ware--all in the hands of an anti-Christian dictatorial government energized by Satan.
Sounds like science fiction? Then ask yourself how it must have sounded 2,000 years ago when John the Apostle wrote about it.
A wise man once said: "There would be no earthly advantage in being alive when the Antichrist rules. We believe Christians will not be around to watch the debacle brought about by the cruelest dictator of all time." -- the late Hal Lindsey, author
"And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light" (ROMANS 12:11-12).
"Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand" (REVELATION 22:10).👉👉👉HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN☝
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