Thursday, December 28, 2023

2024: What Does The Future Hold?

Predicting the future is both tricky and dumb, and yet, people go on doing it. Why? Because people love it. They eat it up. They're even willing to pay for it.

And so, of course, people continue to make predictions.

Too bad no one seems to notice (or remember) how few of them come to pass. Google '2024 predictions' and we predict you'll get a ridiculous mix of astrology, I Ching, Nostradamus, and a wide variety of psychic prognosticators. Oh, and just enough Bible prophecy to discredit it along with all the others. That's right. Mix it all together--and voila--Nostradamus, remote viewers (RV), and the Bible are all equal.

Wait a minute-not so fast. Our purpose here is to raise a word of caution regarding non-biblical attempts to predict the future... because let's face it gang, we are continually shocked to discover how many people believe there is no significant difference!

So let's move full steam ahead: We are living in the most incredible times the world has ever known, and it is becoming clear even to the dimmest among us that something unusual is happening. Everything from political crises to international conflicts bombard us daily. Every new turn of events reminds us that the 'tipping point' could be just around the corner. And it could be. But one of the dangers of such expectations is the wild speculations that are sure to follow.

Instead of wildly speculating, why not use the signs of the times as a motivation to seriously study what the Bible has to say about our future?

As the late prophecy teacher Dr. Ed Hindson put it: 
"Along the highway, signs are used to identify locations, provide information, and give warnings. The same is true of prophetic signs. They stand out on the biblical horizon to get our attention. They give a glimpse of things to come--but only a glimpse. Signs are not intended to give all the details of future events, yet they do play a prominent role in biblical prophecy."
So what about 2024? Uncertainty and questions abound: Who'll be our next president? Will Trump be forced out of running or worse, be thrown into prison? Will the Gaza war escalate and ignite the whole region or peter out eventually? What if Putin makes a run on Poland? What will happen with Russia & Ukraine, China & Taiwan? Why is Japan so worried about North Korea? What about our own border crisis? Will the explosion of unvetted migration bring an Oct.7th-like attack on America as the FBI warns? What will happen with the U.S. dollar? Will there be a stock market rally or will the economy crash as some analysts predict? 

Want the truth? While there's no shortage of pronosticators hocking their wares, what it all boils down to is this: Your guess is as good as theirs.

Speculating about the future beyond what the Bible actually predicts is a dangerous game we don't want to play. Look no further than the last few years.

A wise man once said: "For the believer, these days do not rattle us because Jesus said there would be days like this...Now is the time to share your faith with others who have no hope or are fearful of the things coming upon the earth."--Jack Hibbs, Senior Pastor, CCCH
"You have more than enough advisers, astrologers and stargazers. Let them stand up and save you from what the future holds. But they are as useless as dried grass burning in a fire. They cannot even save themselves" (ISAIAH 47: 13,14).
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  • LIVESCIENCE: Solar maximum could hit us harder &sooner than we thought 
  • The Jererusalem Post: IDF attacks Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon
  • REUTERS: Russia warns Japan over providing Patriot air defence system to Ukraine

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

"Elon Musk On Living Forever"

"Billionaire Tesla & X (formerly Twitter) CEO Elon Musk believes death is critical to human progress," according to an interview with The Wall Street Journal.

That's right folks. Elon says, "Death is important because people rarely change their minds--they just die. If we live forever, we might become a very ossified (turned into bones) society where new ideas cannot succeed." begs to differ.

"It is a mistake to view eternal life as simply an unending progression of years. A common New Testament word for "eternal" is aionios, which carries the idea of quality as well as quantity. In fact, eternal life is not really associated with "years" at all, as it is independent of time.

"For this reason, eternal life can be thought of as something Christians experience now. Believers don't have to "wait" for eternal life, because it's not something that starts when they die. Rather, eternal life begins the moment a person exercises faith in Christ."

Contrary to what Elon Musk may believe, the Book of Acts says, "all who were appointed to eternal life became believers" (ACTS 13:48) and genuine believers are all about change:
  • first, we change our minds about who Jesus is
  • second, we change the direction our lives are on and
  • third, we turn from our sin and follow Him.
But that's only the beginning. To really change, we must recognize that the Bible is a supernatural book with the ability to transform the lives of those who study it and put its teachings into practice. puts it this way: 
"The Bible is literally "God breathed" (2 TIMOTHY 3:16). In other words, it is God's very word to us, totally reliable and without error. The Bible is unique among so-called "holy" books in that it does not merely give moral teaching and say, "Trust me." Rather, we have the ability to test it by checking the hundreds of detailed prophecies that it makes by checking the historical accounts it records, and checking the scientific facts it relates. Those who say the Bible has errors have their ears closed to the truth."

A wise man once said: "How can you know that you have eternal life? First of all, confess your sin before our Holy God. Then accept God's provision of a Savior on your behalf. "Every one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" (ROMANS 10:13). Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for your sins, and He rose again the third day. Believe this good news; trust the Lord Jesus as your Savior, and you will be saved (see Acts 16:31). --
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (JOHN 1:1).

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (JOHN 1:14).



  • FDA: Life expectancy decline in U.S.: "catastrophic"
  • Fox News: Laura Ingraham reports: 158,000 more unexpected U.S. deaths in 2023 than during the same period in 2019
  • JAMA Internal Medicine: Overall U.S. life expectany has dropped to 76 years; male life expectancy now  only 73 years



Thursday, November 30, 2023

"Experts Warn U.S. In Financial Death Spiral"

Financial analyst John Rubino believes the U.S. government is "running crisis-level deficits" and warns against being fooled into thinking the economy is improving.

According to Rubino,

"The official U.S. debt is $33.5 trillion. It's growing by $1.7 trillion a year and $1 trillion of that is interest...that means we are in a financial death spiral. The debt goes up, the interest on that debt goes up and that raises the debt even further, and you just spiral out of control. Then throw in this incredibly reckless military spending in the guise of foreign aid, and you get a society that has completely lost control."

Rubino warns we are in the "blow off" stage of a 70-year credit super-cycle that is sure to end "with a bang."

Financial writer, trader and analyst Rick Ackerman agrees. His prediction? A "deflationary end" to our debt-bloated financial system. In fact, Ackerman says things have gotten "far crazier" than he could have imagined, and he believes a lot of jobs will disappear.

"On the scale I believe it has to happen, it looks like a barter economy. We are talking about kind of a Stone Age...Imagine that kind of disposable cash taken out of the economy. It has more than a ripple effect. It has a tsunami effect. Everything downstream collapses too."

Unfortunately, that usually means deflation in things you own, but inflation in things you need.

And then we have Martin Armstrong, famous for his long term financial forecasts, seeing "chaos" on the horizon. Not just in the U.S., but globally, caused by the destabilization of conflict and war. He believes governments will be pushed to the limit and the spending will become "unsustainable."

In the U.S., "A debt default will tank the economy and make millions of Americans poor and broke overnight." And while Armstrong believes America will be the last to go down , eventually, he thinks, we will.

Bottom line? Trust God.

A wise man once said: "The next financial crisis will not be merely a bigger version of the 1998 and 2008 crises, it will be qualitatively different. It will encompass multiple asset classes on a global scale. It will exhibit inflation not seen since the 1970s, insolvency not seen since the 1930s, and exchange shutdowns not seen since 1914. State power will be summoned to contain the panic." -- Jim Rickards, Chief Global Strategist, Meraglim

"Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done" (PHILIPPIANS 4:6).



  • Reuters: US consumer spending cools; labor market gradually slowing
  • Moneywise: Almost one-third of Americans earning $150,000 living paycheck-to-paycheck
  • Bloomberg: Biggest Cimate Talks Ever Confront Global Chaos and Record Heat


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

"Israel: Ground Zero"

The nation of Israel is ground zero when it comes to biblical prophecy. They are the target of hundreds of predictions both past and future. It is impossible to over-emphasize their importance, as all of scripture revolves around Israel. In fact, all the world's population is divided into only two categories: One is either a Jew, or a Gentile.

The descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have phenomenal (read  miraculous) staying power. What other nationality has been destroyed as a nation (not once but twice!) and survived to re-establish themselves? Not one, not ever. The Jews spent a total of 2600 years scattered throughout the world and yet they retained their national identity. The history of the Jewish people is a fascinating study--not because their survival is amazing, though it is--but because every detail of it was prophesied beforehand. We believe this to be one of the greatest proofs of God's existence.

Let's start with the call of Abraham and Sarah. God promised they would become the parents of a new people (the Jews) and that He'd give them a new land (Israel) and through their descendant (Jesus), all of the families of the earth would be blessed. (Genesis 12). There was only one problem--Sarah was barren. Of course that little detail only made things more interesting. Though it took a while, God fulfilled this promise when Sarah conceived a child at 90 years old and Abraham was as good as dead, at 100.

Why would God wait so long? To test their faith and to make sure everyone understood this was a bonafide miracle.

Then there was Moses. He had the job of leading the Hebrew people into the Promised Land (Israel). Promised by God to His chosen people forever.

Deuteronomy 7:6, says, "For you are a people consecrated to Adonai your God: of all the peoples on earth Adonai your God chose you to be God's treasured people."

Unfortunatly, God's chosen people didn't always choose God, and  it was prophesied that Israel would be scattered among the nations two times as a punishment, and then be regathered again (for the last time) "in the latter days" (Deuteronomy 4:27-31). 

This prophecy was fulfilled on May 14,1948.

This gives you an idea of how detailed and on-target these prophecies were. Can there be any doubt prophecies concerning the future will be just as accurate?

If so, don't expect the world to go back to normal anytime soon. In fact, things will continue to spiral in a horrific downward trajectory as we enter into the concluding 7 years of world history.

Meanwhile, God warned the Israelites repeatedly of the consequences of disobedience: the end times will be brutal for them. Antisemitism will rear its ugly head among a God-hating world. The Jews will be attacked on all sides and the nations of the earth will eventually come against them in the final battle of the Tribulation known as Armeggeddon.

The good news? The Lord Jesus Christ will intervene, bringing an end to the destruction and preserve a remnant of God's chosen people for His Kingdom.
"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened" (MATTHEW 24:21-22).

A wise man once said: "If any other country received a massive, unprovoked rocket (and terror) attack aimed at its civilian population, the world would be outraged. Leaders would be stepping all over one another in their rush to condemn such barbarity. But in this case, the world mostly condemns Israel...for defending itself!" -- Hal Lindsey, author


  • FDD: Iranian-backed proxies, Hezbollah escalates attacks toward a regional war with increasing threats to Israel and the United States
  • Jewish News: Iranian president calls to eliminate Jewish state
  • X Post: Iranian Foreign Minister: "expansion of war inevitable"

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

"Is Israel About To Destroy Damascus?"

Did you know that one out of every four verses of Scripture is predictive? And while roughly 80% of these predictions have already happened, there are still hundreds of prophecies yet to be fulfilled.

For instance, Isaiah 17:1 predicts the destruction of the city of Damascus: "Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap." 

Damascus lies sixty miles northeast of the Sea of Galilee and is the capital of Syria. It is one of the oldest cities in the world and this prophecy against it has never been fulfilled.

Rumor has it (along with alleged-Israeli satellite photos) that in 2003, Saddam Hussein trucked his WMDs to Damascus and hid them throughout the city before the U.S. led invasion of Iraq.

Fast forward to the current Israeli war. Israel must engage Hamas in Gaza to its south even as skirmishes keep the IDF busy with Hezbollah in Lebanon & Syria in the north.  

Meanwhile,Israel has made it known that Damascus is in the cross- hairs should Syria be tempted to escalate rocket attacks. And if the rumors of WMDs are true, it wouldn't take much to blow that city to smithereens. 

While the timing of Isaiah 17:1 remains a mystery, its inevitability does not. The deteriorating relations between Israel and her neighbors, along with the instability of the entire region, should make one reconsider living anywhere near the city of Damascus.

A wise man once said: "I believe that Damascus is about to so threaten Israel's existence, by either launching or furnishing bio-chemical weapons or radioactive dirty bombs, that Israel will nuke them...this, in turn, will so terrify the world that it will be ripe to embrace the Antichrist when he is unveiled. And that could be very, very soon." --Hal Lindsey, author
"In that day the LORD will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; the one who is feeble among them in that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of the LORD before them. It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem" (ZECHARIAH 12:8-9).


  • Behold Israel: Incidents of marking Jewish homes with the Star of David have been reported in Germany, France, Russia and Argentina
  • BBC: IDF strikes more than 11,000 terrorist targets as of Wednesday
  • Al Jazeera: UN rights office claims Israel attacks amount to "war crimes"

Thursday, October 26, 2023

"Witchcraft: Repackaged Religion"

The U.S. witch population is rising astronomically--to the tune of 1.5 million, according to Quartzy, Basic Witches. And its popularity isn't just growing--it levitating.

Apparently, anyone can be a witch. They pride themselves on being inclusive, although witchcraft tends to appeal to a certain type of demographic--you guessed it--young, liberal women.

According to Quartzy: 
"The typical witch nowadays (and it's mostly she, though more men are starting to join in) examines her dreams for clues about her unconscious and fills her life with rituals. She probably attends new-moon gatherings or has an altar in her home. She might cast spells using crystals or herbs for manifestations of wealth and love. And she likely believes in polygamy, too."
Author Julie Roys, formerly of Moody Radio, believes, "It makes sense that witchcraft and the occult would rise as society becomes increasingly postmodern. The rejection of Christianity has left a void that people, as inherently spiritual beings, will seek to fill. Plus, Wicca has effectively repackaged witchcraft for millennial consumption. No longer is witchcraft and paganism satanic and demonic," she said. begs to differ.
"The Bible has a lot to say about witchcraft. Witchcraft and its many cousins, such as fortune-telling and necromancy, are Satan's counterfeits to holy spirituality. The Bible expressly condemns all forms of witchcraft.
"Since the Garden of Eden, Satan's major focus has been to divert the human heart away from worship of the One true God. He entices humans with the suggestion of power, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment. To become involved in witchcraft in any way is to enter Satan's realm. Modern entanglements with witchcraft include:
  • horoscopes
  • Ouija boards
  • Eastern meditation rituals
  • casting spells 
  • using crystals or herbs
  • worshiping creation rather than the Creator
 "Witchcraft and its many counterparts promise spirituality but lead only to emptiness  and death. Only Jesus has the words of life (see JOHN 6:68)."
A wise man once said: "Why seek any power apart from the source of all real power? Why seek spirits who are not the Holy Spirit?" --
"Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that came from demons" - 1 TIMOTHY 4:1.
"The god of this age (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" - 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4.
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  • FNC: suicide rate among teens jumps 70% since 2006
  • Israel News: UN Human Rights Council declares abortions and assisted suicide are universal human rights
  • The Scotsman: Scottish schools to subject 5-yr-olds to gender change teaching; parents outraged. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Israel Under Attack...Again

Students of Bible prophecy agree that the Jews back in the Land is the most significant fulfilled prophecy of our time. And though Israel has been attacked repeatedly throughout their 75-year history, the Bible makes it clear they will never again be uprooted from the Land. (Amos 9:15). Though the final World War will be fought over Jerusalem.


In 1967, Egypt started the 6-Day War and Israel shocked the world with its military superiority. Though grossly outnumbered, the Jews managed to conquer the Sinai, the city of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

Since that time, in a quest for peace, Israel has forged formal treaties with Egypt, Jordan, and was only days away from peace with Saudi Arabia, which probably would have reshaped the entire Middle East, when Hamas attacked Israel and put an end to peace talks. 

And yet the world condems Israel as the aggressor and conveniently forgets Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Lebanon. There is no Israeli occupation.

In 2006, the Palestinian people voted Hamas into power. Hamas, a known terrorist group, won the Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Control freely given to them by the Palestinian people. 

For decades Hamas has pursued a consistently violent strategy aimed at bringing death and destruction to Israel. But its stunning attack on October 7 marks its deadliest incursion yet.
This puts Israel in a very precarious position. If they defend themselves, the world condems them, but if they don't, they will be destroyed.

The Hamas massacre of Israelis was a function of pure hate. But why? What is the real reason for yet another war? The Bible makes it clear that the underlying issue is spiritual, not political. Israel is God's chosen witness to the world. The Messiah was born in Israel and will return to Israel. Satan hates the Jews and will use whatever satanic powers he can to destroy them.

And unfortunatly, the world will cooperate with Satan. The Bible predicts the entire world will eventually turn against Israel, driven by hatred of God.

Even now the lines are being drawn: we are either for God or against Him. Our advise? Choose God.

God to Israel: 
"I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you" (GENESIS 12:3).
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee" (PSALM 122:6).

A wiseman once said: "I have no illusions. The international support we recieved during the first days following the massacre will soon be exchanged with anger at Israel for its 'disproportionate response'. Jewish blood is cheap in the eyes of many nations."-- Amir Tsarfati, Behold Israel


  • MSN: U.S. Intelligence Proves Gaza Militants Not Israel Behind Hospital Blast
  • ZeroHedge: U.S. Begins To Evacuate U.S. Embassy In Beruit; sends 2,000 Marines to Middle East
  • Express: Iran Threatens 'Nuclear Showdown' Over Israel War

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

"When is The War of Ezekiel 38?"

With the horrific news coming out of Israel, many are jumping to the conclusion that the infamous war of Gog & Magog must be right around the corner.

Why? Because the war detailed in Ezekiel 38 will be a multi-pronged, surprise attack that will catch Israel completly off guard. 

Impossible? Apparently not. Saturday's attack had many of the same elements the Ezekiel war will have, so the comparison is understandable, though, Ezekiel's war will be many magnitudes worse.

There are a variety of opinions on just when Ezekiel's conflict will happen. Some place it before the 7-year tribulation; others believe it will occur at the midpoint after the first 3-1/2 years. Still others maintain it's a part of the Armageddon scenario.

And some believe there will be a war with Israel's immediate neighbors first as Psalm 83 seems to suggest.

While the precise timing of Ezekiel's prophecy is unknown, he did leave us a number of clues. For instance:
  • It will happen in the 'latter years', after the final restoration of the Jews to the Land (fulfilled in 1948), but before their spiritual rebirth (predicted in Ez.37).
  • The attack will come from a coalition of nations including an instigator from 'the far North' of Israel. (Though Russia is not mentioned by name, it lies directly north of Israel)
  • Persia (present day Iran), Ethiopia and Libya are all specifically included in the list of coalition troops.
The prophecy is quite long, covering two complete chapters and almost certainly predicts this war will be nuclear. Ez. 39:11-16 details the clean-up and burial procedures that follow the battle and they sound as if they come straight from a nuclear protocol manual.

So how close are these events? We don't know, but reports out of Israel indicate that both Iranian and Russian technology was used in Saturday's attack. 
It's possible that the two wars are completley unrelated... but we doubt it. The war of Gog and Magog may not be right around the corner...but it definitely could be.

A wiseman once said:"The Bible predicted, thousands of years ago, that the end time events would revolve around Jerusalem. Not San Francisco. Not Los Angeles. Not Moscow. Not Paris. But Jerusalem, this tiny little city, in this tiny sliver of land, will play a key role in the events of the last days. It's amazing when you think about it, because in Zachariah 12:3-4 God says, "I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves" (NLT)."--Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (PSALM 122:6).


  • CNBC22 U.S. citizens confirmed dead; 17 still missing; Israel to form emergency government
  • ABC NewsWar claims total of 2,300 lives on both sides and is expected to escalate
  • NBC NewsMorgues & hospitals overwhelmed with dead & wounded 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

"Satan's Big Fat Grand Deception"

From the FBI shananigans to the CDC admitting they had it all wrong , it seems our trust has been stretched to the max.

But wait-there's more...even some of our so called "spiritual leaders" may be less than truthful. For instance:

What do you get when you blend Christianity with, mysticism and a whole lot of "woke"  philosophy? A recipe for disaster!

The Bible tells us that the endtimes will be characterized by false teaching and deception. Even what passes for the church will grow lukewarm and lethargic, (see Revelation 3:16), with a watered-down, seeker-friendly version of the Gospel that has no place for Jesus (as presented in the Scriptures).

We are no longer a predominantly Christian society. In fact, anti-Christian sentiment so permeates our public schools, one would think the mere mention of Christ (or God forbid), the Ten Commandments, might actually corrupt young minds. The end result is a people ignorant of biblical truth and polluted by sin. The pursuit of a secular life without God leaves a spiritual vacuum that will, of necessity, be filled with deception. Take God out, and an empty, lost society will fill the void with something. Drugs, alcohol, materialism or some false religion are all popular options.

The Bible predicts that a time of spiritual defection from God's truth will precede the end and pave the way for the arrival of the Antichrist. 

Most evangelicals believe this defection is the product of a false Christianity-people who claim to be Christian, but who don't follow Christ. This false Church will have only the appearance of godliness, but deny the power of God to save. They will be devoid of the Spirit and of truth. They will be counterfeits.

The false religion of the last days will be a combination of: corrupted Christianity, pantheism, Eastern religion, mysticism, and liberal progressive ideology all tossed together into one big fat grand DECEPTION.

Christian beware.
"Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons, these teachers are hypocrites and liars. They pretend to be religious, but their consciences are dead"     (1 TIMOTHY 4:1).

A wise man once said: "Test everything against the truth of God's Word. The more familiar you are with the 'real thing' (Scripture) the easier it becomes to spot a lie."  - Jack Hibbs, Senior Pastor Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
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  • CBN NEWS: New AI Religion "Digital Abomination" that sounds like science fiction but may be imminent
  • ET Headlines: Zelenskyy warns world is on "verge of nuclear disaster"
  • ZeroHedge: Biden tells Zelenskyy new aid package including long-range missiles is on the way

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

"Have The "Birth Pains" Described In The Bible Begun?

Want to live a longer, more fulfilling life?

Don't worry, be happy.

That's right gang--being an optimist could lead to a longer, healthier life according to new research. 

"Happiness is good for the body as well as the mind," asserts study author Hayami Koga, Ph.D., a candidate at the Harvard T.H. Chah School of Public Health. In fact, Koga believes "staying positive is as good for you as exercise and can add many years to your life."

But these are turbulent times. Every day the world grows darker and more dangerous. For those of us who study Bible prophecy, it has become clear that the "birth pains" as described in the Bible have begun. And as every mother knows, once the pains begin they only get worse until it's over.

How can we be happy and optimistic in times like these?

Well, according to the World Health Organization, most people can't. Depression and anxiety disorders are going through the roof. Globally, more than 300 million  (and climbing) people of all ages suffer from depression and many millions more have anxiety disorder.

Unfortunately, global trends are anything but optimistic...and yet God expects us to be happy. Is it possible given today's circumstances?

Andre Van Belkum of Life, Hope & Truth Ministries thinks so:

"The Creator of our bodies and minds has given us a handbook as an assured, dependable and unfailing source of knowledge. It outlines basic principles and instructions for daily living.

"If applied, these guidelines will lead us into a life guaranteed to produce lasting happiness and contentment. Rejection of these principles will undoubtably produce heartache and unending sorrow. These biblical guidelines are not magical formulas, but practical rules of daily conduct that govern the way to happiness.

"The Bible contains the reason you were created. It contains God's plan for you and what He expects from you. It explains where the world is heading and why-and how God is going to rescue it. It contains the blueprint for living a successful, meaningful life in the present, and inheriting eternity in the future."

And yet, the vast majority of people refuse to read it.

A wise man once said: "The words of God are as timeless and powerful today as the the day they were first recorded." - Life, Hope & Truth Ministries 

"Happy are they who are without sin in their ways, walking in the law of the Lord. Happy are they who keep His unchanging word, searching after Him with all their heart" (PSALM 119:1-2).

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  • Study finds: Praying regularly & strong belief in God improves well-being for seniors
  • Health & Medical news: Spirituality linked to 'healthier life, greater longevity'
  • Religion, Society & Cultural news: 'Digital church sparks spiritual revolution' among millennials; online sermons, chat groups with pastors, and religious content on social media attracting millennials participation



Wednesday, September 6, 2023

"Rosh Hashanah & The Rapture of the Church"


Rosh Hashanah falls on September 16-17 this year and prophecy buffs all over the planet are watching and waiting.

Why? Because of the seven holidays that make up the ancient festival cycle of Israel, four have already come to pass and been fulfilled. The next one--Rosh Hashanah (aka The Feast of Trumpets)--is expected to be fulfilled in the Rapture of the Church.

Like an outline of history, each feast day is a pattern that shadows a major prophetic event.

The first four, (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and Pentacost), were fulfilled when Jesus came the first time. The next three will be fulfilled during the last seven years of history.

These appointed times (literally 'dress rehearsals') provide a panarama of God's prophetic plan. They are an overview of history that has profound implications for every one of us!


  • On Passover, Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb of God that takes away the sin of all those who believe and come under His blood for salvation.
  • During the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the sinless Christ died to give us the "Bread of Life" eternally, as a gift to all who believe.
  • On the Feast of First Fruits, Jesus arose from the dead and 50 days later on Pentacost He sent His Spirit as a seal or guarantee of our salvation.
Interestingly, the Greek word for 'guarantee' can also mean 'engagement ring'. So the Church became betrothed to Christ when the Holy Spirit came on Pentacost.

Next up? Rosh Hashanah, known as the Wedding of Messiah. This feast is a picture of a Jewish wedding when the groom surprises his bride and comes for her "like a thief in the night".

Because Rosh Hashanah is the only feast that occurs on the New Moon following exactly 29.5 days after the last one, it means it could come either 29 or 30 days later. So when Jesus said, "No man knows the day or hour of His return", it could have been a reference to the Feast of Rosh Hashanah.

Will it be this year? We don't know, but if it is, the world will go from normal to experiencing the wrath of God in a split second. You don't want to be here for that. If you are not taken up in the Rapture, there is only one reason: you are not saved. You are headed for an eternity separated from all that is good.

The good news? You can still change your trajectory if you are willing. 
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If nothing happens on Rosh Hashanah (this year), it's because God is being patient, not wanting anyone to perish, so He's giving more time for people to repent (2 Peter 3:9).

But that day will come (eventually) as unexpectedly as a thief. And with the world circling the drain as it is right now, all of us should be watching and waiting. And let's not forget, He may just come on a random day and surprise us all.

A wise man once said: "God's Word tells us that there will be one generation of believers who will never know death. These believers will be removed from the earth before the Great Tribulation...that's the 'blessed hope' for true believers."  -- Hal Lindsey, author
"But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then, the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and everything in them will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be exposed to judgment" (2 PETER 3:10).


  • Bloomberg: Russia warns of 'Escalation' if U.S. stations nuclear bombs in UK
  • Reuters: U.S. says North Korea will 'pay a price' for any weapons supplied to Russia
  • ZeroHedge: Russia, China & North Korea To Launch Trilateral War Games

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"Are We At War With Deep State Globalists?"

Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and publisher of The Solari Report, believes we are at war with the Deep State globalists that want nothing short of total control over all mankind.

We believe she may be right. But who's controlling the Deep State globalists?

The Bible says, "...our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (EPHESIANS 6:11-12).

According to conservative political site,  Thuletide:

"Globalism is a deeply spiritual project. People often claim that the globalist project is motivated by purely material goals-the expansion of wealth, territory, property, and so on. While these motivations certainly play their part, the elites behind the globalist project are not one-dimensional, money-hungry materialists. Many of their schemes operate at a massive financial loss and are unpopular with the vast majority of the world's population."

Why would they be willing to do this?

"Because they are implementing an overarching plan that fundamentally transcends the profit motive. They have a well-established, spiritual vision of where they aim to take humanity and how they plan to transform the entire planet."

According to Thuletide, the plan has 3 basic objectives:

  1. Transforming most of humanity into a subservient, feeble race, incapable of overthrowing the elite.
  2. Micromanaging every aspect of our lives.
  3. Establishing a global government, religion and currency.

How will the Deep State globalists be able to accomplish all that?

Through fear, propaganda and censorship, the destruction of the family, the indoctrination and confusion of the children in regards to gender/sex/race, open borders, and the destruction of private property, farms, personal wealth, health and faith (among many other things).

For more information, turn to your Bible. God knew Satan's plans long before Satan did.

A wise man once said: "How they plan to finalize this New World Order and tie everything together is anyone's guess. It may be a slow incrementalist trudge or an explosive crescendo, with massive war, famine, genocide, and disease. It may involve the crowning of some sort of "world prophet" or a messiah figure, who will "save" humanity by bringing "peace on earth." Either way, religion will likely play a central role." -- Thuletide

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil" (EPHESIANS 6:11).

click here 👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!"☝ 


  • SF Research: Study finds: United States 'experiencing a crisis of early death' among working-age adults
  • Washington Examiner: Nationwide epidemic of retail 'smash-and-grab' theft led by Mexican cartels, according to Feds
  • The Messenger News: Oct. 4th nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System planned


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

"The Beginning of Sorrows: Universal Deception"

Geoffrey Grider, of Now The End Begins, may have hit the nail on the head when he wrote:

"Remember that Jesus warns us that the very first sign of the beginning of sorrows, a time that has its doctrinal fulfillment after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, is universal deception.

"Universal deception is where we find ourselves right now, living in a world where everything the politicians in any country say is a lie, with the global media printing and broadcasting disinformation and misinformation 24 hours per day."

Grider believes that the world entered into the time period known as "the beginning of sorrows" back in 2020, when the entire planet was suddenly plunged into confusion and deception. This, he says, could signal that the end of the Church Age is rapidly approaching.

"The world continues its accelerated journey into darkness and spiritual blindness with the unsaved not even aware they are preparing themselves to receive, not Jesus Christ, but the satanic imitation of Antichrist."

Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries agrees, but adds:

"Evil, my friends, is not winning. The story of the Bible is that there is hope in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

"God promises to rescue His Church...some reading this will never die. Instead, they will be air-lifted out of this broken world by the Bridegroom, who will rescue His Bride. And what lies ahead for His Church is glorious beyond words. What lies ahead for the wicked (or unforgiven) is unthinkable."

Bottom line? Time is short. Seriously examine yourself to make sure you're in the faith.

A wise woman once said: "For some reason, God has allowed YOU to understand the grand plan outlined in the Bible. Better days are ahead. Actually, glorious days are ahead." - Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries

"When you see the events I've described beginning to happen, you can know His return is very near, right at the door" (MATTHEW 24:33).



  • The Telegraph: UK population collapse 'good for the planet' as number of newborns hits 20-year low according to dempgraphics expert
  • Yahoo!Finance: California gas prices creep back up to $5.26 per gallon; national average $3.87
  • The Washington Post: 5 tropical systems line up as Atlantic hurricane season springs to life






Wednesday, August 16, 2023

"Does Knowing The Future Make You Uncomfortable?"

Can anyone doubt Bible prophecy plays a leading role in the New Testament? For instance: "Out of the 216 chapters in the New Testament, there are 318 references to the Second Coming of Christ," according to prophecy teacher Dr. David Jeremiah of Turning Point Ministries.

"If we were to omit all the prophetic passages, we would have to remove one out of every thirty verses in the New Testament," he said.

And that's not all. Dr. Jeremiah points out we would also have to skip 23 of the 27 New Testament books that mention prophecy. In fact, for every prediction about the birth of Christ, there are eight about His Second Coming.

And yet, many churches still neglect to teach on the subject. Why?

Dr. Jeremiah believes some avoid prophecy because it seems difficult to understand. Others feel too overwhelmed by the present to think about the future. And some (believe it or not) don't see its relevance.

"Jesus often spoke about the future and rebuked people who didn't recognize the significance of the events around them," contends Jeremiah and goes on to insist, "Jesus expects us to investigate what the Bible says about the future and seek His guidance as we attempt to understand the day and hour in which we live."

Given prophecy's prominence in Scripture, there can be little doubt Dr. David Jeremiah is absolutely right.

A wise man once said: "While many Christians are content to leave prophecy's pages shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding, it is the only reliable information about our tomorrows. God knows the end from the beginning and foretells the future with absolute accuracy. The Book of Revelation, along with other end-time prophecies, gives us a snapshot of the events that will precede the end of the world as we know it. The very word revelation means 'the unfolding of that which was previously hidden or unknown.'" -- Dr. David Jeremiah

"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient time, what is still to come. I say "My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please"" (ISAIAH 46:10).



  • SLAYNEWS: Nobel Prize-winning Scientist Signs Declaration: 'There Is No Climate Emergency'; hundreds of leading experts also signed
  • Gateway Pundit: Museum in Minneapolis holds 'family friendly' event to summon a demon; The Walker Art Center held a pagan ritual and declared 'Demons have a bad reputation', presumably because we don't know them well enough
  • Fox News: Harvard physicist says humanity will view alien intelligence like 'God'


Thursday, August 10, 2023

"Israeli Airstrikes Target Damascus: What's The Prophetic Significance?"

There are two kinds of Bible prophecy: fulfilled prophecy and prophecy awaiting fulfillment. What God has decreeded will surely come about. Every prophetic utterance that has not yet taken place will, in God's time, be fulfilled to the letter (see 2 Peter 3:9).

Damascus, with its population of 2 million, is the capital of Syria and ranks among the oldest cities in the world. The history of Dasmascus is one of upheaval, bloodshed, invading armies, destruction, rebuilding, and more destruction.

It's true Dasmascus has been conquered, knocked down, and counted out many times, but it has never stayed down. Like the mytholgical Phoenix, Damascus has always managed to rise again from the ashes.

Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah propheised of the final destruction of Damascus: "Behold, Dasmascus shall cease to be a city, and shall become a ruined heap" (ISAIAH 17:1).

Most scholars place this final destruction just prior to the 7 years of tribulation.

Why? Because Ezekiel predicts a last days surprise attack against Israel (Ezekiel 38) that involves a Russian-led alliance of nations including Iran, but excluding Syria.

In fact, Syria isn't numbered among any of the various protagonists prophesied to participate in the conflicts of the last days.

This week, Israel carried out airstrikes in Syria, specifically targeting the capital of Damascus.

Though Israel's MO is to keep their mouths shut, reports say there is a Syrian military complex developing WMDs along with chemical and biological weapons for use in a future confrontation with Israel.

And while Damascus is still one of the world's oldest inhabited cities going back thousands of years, Isaiah says that may be about to change.

A wise man once said: "Damascus is an ancient city, but in all of its lifespan it has never been wiped out. Are we seeing--in our day--the stage being set for Damascus to be obliterated like the Bible says--where no human will be able to live there again? Something's gonna happen in Damascus." --Jack Hibbs, senior pastor CCCH

"Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the Kingdom of God is near. Truly, I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away untill all these things have happened, Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away" (LUKE 21:31,32).



  • Israel National News: Islamic Jihad hints: Next attack may come from Lebanon
  • The Jerusalem Post: Palestinians kept in dark about potential Israeli-Saudi normalization
  • Reuters: Russia Condemns Western Nations For Pressuring Iran Over Nuclear Program Amid Deepening Ties With Iran

Thursday, August 3, 2023

"Why Is Trust In MSM At An All-time Low?"

Now that COVID is but a distant memory (we hope!), what are most of us avoiding like the plague these days?

If you guessed the news (mainstream or otherwise), you would be correct.

According to Reuters Institude For The Study Of Journalism, an Oxford-based think tank that surveys people around the globe regarding their news-consumption habits, interest in news is at an all-time low.

Surprised? Neither were we.

Researchers contend "news avoidance" is a response to information overload, where news--the good, the bad, and the ugly--is constantly bombarding us from every direction, day and night, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

We have to admit, they have a point.

As Paul Farhi, from the Washington Post says,

"Digital media has made news ubiquitous and instantly available from thousands of sources representing every ideology, geography and language.

"And much of it, people say, drives feelings of depression, anger, anxiety or helplessness."

This may also hold a grain of truth.

But we believe the main reason for news avoidance is because we don't believe a word they say.

That's right, gang. The news business has no credibility--as in Zero--and they don't even bother to feign objectivity anymore.

The mainstream media have completely betrayed the trust of the American people, and according to the Reuters Institute survey, few in the rest of the world believe them either. 

A wise man once said: "Trust is hard won, and easily lost. Trust is won through diligence and integrity. It is won when a person or an institution consistently tells the truth. But the glue of trust weakens with every lie. A bit of it dies with every dishonest deed." -- Hal Lindsey, author

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"(JOHN 8:32).

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me'" (JOHN 14:6). 



  • Washington AP: Trump faces 561 years in prison; Sheriff: "We'll have a mugshot"
  • Yahoo!Finance: U.S. credit downgraded by rating agency Fitch, citing fiscal and political instability
  • WND: Trump judge a left-wing activist, gave serious campaign donations to Obama; harsh punishment to Jan 6 prisoners



Thursday, July 27, 2023

"UFO Whistleblower: Feds Are Hiding 'Non-Human' Bodies & Craft"

Rumors are not the only things flying over Washington D.C. these days. According to ex-U.S. Intelligence Officer, David Grusch, UAPs (also known as 'UFOs') are too.

Testifying under oath before a House Oversight Committee, Grusch, who served with the now defunct Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), insisted our government is involved with a massive cover-up.

That's right, people, David Grusch, once decorated and highly respected, has turned UFO whistleblower against the United States government.

On Wednesday, Grusch provided the most detailed public testimony ever given to Congress about 'non-human intelligence' visiting planet Earth.

And that ain't all folks. According to Grusch's testimony (under oath, mind you) our government has in their possession:

  • non-human alien bodies
  • non-human alien craft
  • and a (non-human?) plan to silence any and all whistleblowers...
...including former Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves and former Navy Commander David Fravor who also testified at the hearing.

According to Newsweek:
"Investigations into the Pentagon's knowledge of UAP has become a bipartisan effort in Congress, with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle calling on the U.S. government to provide more transparency about the topic. All three witnesses said Wednesday that unexplainable aircraft pose a potential national security threat, and Graves emphasized the need for safer channels for witnesses in both the public and private sectors to report UAP encounters."

Sounds all fine and dandy, doesn't it?

Except when you realize Grusch is alleging that there has been a decades long cover up and disinformation campaign orchestrated by the Pentagon and the U.S. government.

Let's face it, gang, the words 'government' and 'transparency' are diametrically opposed.

Click here to see excerpt of UFO Congressional Hearing--YouTube 

A wise man once said: "The last days of planet Earth will be characterized by supernatural signs and wonders performed by Satan and his minions. In fact, most of the miracles performed by God will be counterfeited by Satan and the forces of darkness. The healing and resurrection of the "Antichrist" are but a few of the miracles Satan will perform...When the Church is raptured the Antichrist will most likely explain it away as an alien evacuation. To those left behind this explanation will seem very plausible.

"The bottom line is that the sudden apostasy of millions of believers, a strong desire for unified global leadership, and "men's hearts failing them from fear" (LUKE 21) could all be "accomplished" by the occurrence of open ET contact before the Church is taken out." --Mark Eastman, author

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (EPHESIANS 6:12).



  • The Hill: People murdered to 'Protect' UFO secret program, whistleblower suspects
  • News Nation: Aviation community taking UFO hearing 'seriously'; with both military and commercial pilots claiming they've seen UFOs
  • 7 News Australia: The world watches as U.S. Congress looks into UFO/UAP phenomenon

Thursday, July 20, 2023

"Anarchy Rising: When Lawlessness Reigns"

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR), former Assistant Treasury Secretary, warns freedom and liberty are close to dying in America.

"The United States is the Constitution. If the Constitution is destroyed, the United States is destroyed. So, if they destroy it, they have destroyed us."

PCR contends it shouldn't matter on what side of the political aisle you land, every American should be terrified by what is happening to the former President.

Love Trump or hate him, PCR insists that what is happening to him is destroying the Constitution.

"What they do makes it clear they have no claim that they are representatives of justice holding lawbreakers responsible. They are the lawbreakers--they themselves."

PCR believes what is being done is a lesson being taught to all future political candidates: Follow our Leftist Ideology or we are going to destroy you--period.

"So, if they succeed in destroying Trump, and if the people permit that...then what you have from now on in the United States is tyranny."

The Bible predicts the end times will be characterized by lawlessness.

According to Tom Hobson, writer for Patheos:

"Lawlessness in not where people commit crimes, but when law itself is dismantled by those in power. Congress, or a lower court, issues an order to a government leader, and the answer they get is, 'You can't make me! If Congress won't authorize the money, spend it anyway. Who's going to stop us? You don't like our immigration laws? Throw the floodgates open--who's going to stop a mob of ten million? And if you try to arrest an immigrant criminal in our city, we'll throw you in jail.'"

The biblical term translated "lawlessness" can mean hostility to religion, shocking immorality, or intentional rejection of moral restraint of any kind, a bold defiance of all moral authority.

Hobson goes on to say,

"Jesus' prediction that lawlessness would increase exponentially is coming true while we watch. It's not murder, or drugs, or our sexual free-for-all, or the plunder of property. It's the dismantling of law itself. And it is not just here, it is everywhere."

A wise man once said: "If you have no rule of law, you have the rule of who ever is in power...this is extremely serious. This is an all-out assault. The elite are attempting to completely destroy any accountability that would ever get in the way of their agendas." -- Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration

"And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold" (MATTHEW 24:12).

"Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first (that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith), and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction (the Antichrist, the one destined to be destroyed) (2THESSALONIANS 2:3-4, Amplified Bible)



  • Yahoo!News: Justice Department prepares to indict former President Trump with inciting an insurrection, defrauding the nation and obstructing Congress
  • Bloomberg: China Poses 'Alarming' Threat To U.S. Power Grid, lawmakers told; 'Capable' of disrupting critical infrastructure
  • ZeroHedge: San Francisco Walgreens forced to chain up and padlock freezers and leave shelves empty due to constant shoplifting; employees not allowed to intervene







Thursday, July 13, 2023

"China: The End-Times Kings of the East?"

The Bible predicts a massive, climatic conflict known as the Battle of Armageddon at the end of the tribulation.


"At that time, the Euphrates River will be dried up (Revelation 16:12), allowing the 'Kings of the East' to invade Israel. It is the 'Kings of the East' identification that many associate with China. The Chinese army, or a Chinese-led coalition, will take advantage of the removal of a natural barrier and sweep westward to meet up with the forces of the Antichrist''.

While it's impossible to know for sure if the Eastern confederacy of the end times will include China, it seems likely, given its dramatic rise in recent years of power, influence and enormous military strength.

Four montha ago, China announced a $230 billion increase in military spending and this week launched a full-scale mock attack on Taiwan, including swarms of fighter jets, bombers, and warships. 

Meanwhile, several years ago, The Washington Times ran an alarming story that got very little press coverage in the U.S.

The title? "Inside China: Nuclear Submarines Capable of Widespread Attack on U.S."

Apparently, it was being splashed all over China that "Bejiing's nuclear submarines can attack American cities." The Chinese report graphically detailed:
  • target cities
  • damage projections
  • anticipated radiation spread
The report went on to say:
"Because the Midwest states of the U.S. are sparsely populated, in order to increase the lethality, (our) nuclear attacks should mainly target the key cities on the West Coast of the United States, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego."
Projected casualties? 5-12 million Americans.

Of courst most believe it's just propaganda. But what if it's not?

The People's Republic of China has 2.25 million active duty troops (India is next largest with1.4 million, & the U.S. is third with 1.39 million). Though the Bible never mentions China by name, Revelation 9:16 says an army of two hundred million will kill one-third of all humankind in the last days.

If China, with its population of over 1.3 billion, (and tens of millions of young males with no hope of marriage due to past Chinese one-child mandate resulting in the aborting of females), joins forces with Islamic nations and Russia...200 million may not seem so ridiculous.

China is an emerging economic superpower expected to eventually overtake the U.S. They also own roughly 11.9% of our debt.

Common wisdom says China wants the U.S. to prosper so that they can prosper along with us.

Chinese media says something else. Apparently, so does the Bible.

A wise man once said: "We are concerned that aggression from the People's Republic of China could spark a third world war." -- Joseph Wu, Taiwan Foreign Minister
"And they assembled the kings in the place that in Hebrew is called 'Armageddon'" (REVELATION 16:16).


  • The People's Voice: WEF says CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) chip must be "implanted under your skin" if you want to participate in society
  • LifeSite: Canadian Health Agency includes pro-euthanasia slideshow in pension packages to seniors.
  • WIN (World Israel News): Israeli Ministers to Biden: "The land of Israel is ours, two state solution is suicide"