The nation of Israel is ground zero when it comes to biblical prophecy. They are the target of hundreds of predictions both past and future. It is impossible to over-emphasize their importance, as all of scripture revolves around Israel. In fact, all the world's population is divided into only two categories: One is either a Jew, or a Gentile.
The descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have phenomenal (read miraculous) staying power. What other nationality has been destroyed as a nation (not once but twice!) and survived to re-establish themselves? Not one, not ever. The Jews spent a total of 2600 years scattered throughout the world and yet they retained their national identity. The history of the Jewish people is a fascinating study--not because their survival is amazing, though it is--but because every detail of it was prophesied beforehand. We believe this to be one of the greatest proofs of God's existence.Let's start with the call of Abraham and Sarah. God promised they would become the parents of a new people (the Jews) and that He'd give them a new land (Israel) and through their descendant (Jesus), all of the families of the earth would be blessed. (Genesis 12). There was only one problem--Sarah was barren. Of course that little detail only made things more interesting. Though it took a while, God fulfilled this promise when Sarah conceived a child at 90 years old and Abraham was as good as dead, at 100.
Why would God wait so long? To test their faith and to make sure everyone understood this was a bonafide miracle.
Then there was Moses. He had the job of leading the Hebrew people into the Promised Land (Israel). Promised by God to His chosen people forever.
This gives you an idea of how detailed and on-target these prophecies were. Can there be any doubt prophecies concerning the future will be just as accurate?
Meanwhile, God warned the Israelites repeatedly of the consequences of disobedience: the end times will be brutal for them. Antisemitism will rear its ugly head among a God-hating world. The Jews will be attacked on all sides and the nations of the earth will eventually come against them in the final battle of the Tribulation known as Armeggeddon.
"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened" (MATTHEW 24:21-22).
A wise man once said: "If any other country received a massive, unprovoked rocket (and terror) attack aimed at its civilian population, the world would be outraged. Leaders would be stepping all over one another in their rush to condemn such barbarity. But in this case, the world mostly condemns Israel...for defending itself!" -- Hal Lindsey, author
- FDD: Iranian-backed proxies, Hezbollah escalates attacks toward a regional war with increasing threats to Israel and the United States
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