Thursday, December 28, 2023

2024: What Does The Future Hold?

Predicting the future is both tricky and dumb, and yet, people go on doing it. Why? Because people love it. They eat it up. They're even willing to pay for it.

And so, of course, people continue to make predictions.

Too bad no one seems to notice (or remember) how few of them come to pass. Google '2024 predictions' and we predict you'll get a ridiculous mix of astrology, I Ching, Nostradamus, and a wide variety of psychic prognosticators. Oh, and just enough Bible prophecy to discredit it along with all the others. That's right. Mix it all together--and voila--Nostradamus, remote viewers (RV), and the Bible are all equal.

Wait a minute-not so fast. Our purpose here is to raise a word of caution regarding non-biblical attempts to predict the future... because let's face it gang, we are continually shocked to discover how many people believe there is no significant difference!

So let's move full steam ahead: We are living in the most incredible times the world has ever known, and it is becoming clear even to the dimmest among us that something unusual is happening. Everything from political crises to international conflicts bombard us daily. Every new turn of events reminds us that the 'tipping point' could be just around the corner. And it could be. But one of the dangers of such expectations is the wild speculations that are sure to follow.

Instead of wildly speculating, why not use the signs of the times as a motivation to seriously study what the Bible has to say about our future?

As the late prophecy teacher Dr. Ed Hindson put it: 
"Along the highway, signs are used to identify locations, provide information, and give warnings. The same is true of prophetic signs. They stand out on the biblical horizon to get our attention. They give a glimpse of things to come--but only a glimpse. Signs are not intended to give all the details of future events, yet they do play a prominent role in biblical prophecy."
So what about 2024? Uncertainty and questions abound: Who'll be our next president? Will Trump be forced out of running or worse, be thrown into prison? Will the Gaza war escalate and ignite the whole region or peter out eventually? What if Putin makes a run on Poland? What will happen with Russia & Ukraine, China & Taiwan? Why is Japan so worried about North Korea? What about our own border crisis? Will the explosion of unvetted migration bring an Oct.7th-like attack on America as the FBI warns? What will happen with the U.S. dollar? Will there be a stock market rally or will the economy crash as some analysts predict? 

Want the truth? While there's no shortage of pronosticators hocking their wares, what it all boils down to is this: Your guess is as good as theirs.

Speculating about the future beyond what the Bible actually predicts is a dangerous game we don't want to play. Look no further than the last few years.

A wise man once said: "For the believer, these days do not rattle us because Jesus said there would be days like this...Now is the time to share your faith with others who have no hope or are fearful of the things coming upon the earth."--Jack Hibbs, Senior Pastor, CCCH
"You have more than enough advisers, astrologers and stargazers. Let them stand up and save you from what the future holds. But they are as useless as dried grass burning in a fire. They cannot even save themselves" (ISAIAH 47: 13,14).
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