Friday, September 6, 2024

"Run Up To Armageddon"

On the morning of October 7th, while Hamas terrorists were perpetrating a massacre along Israel's Gaza border, the world experienced a paradigm shift without even knowing it.

While the geopolitical dynamics don't appear to be fundamentally altered, a growing multitude of individuals around the globe have hardened into a Jew-hating mob.

Blatant antisemitism is now acceptable on college campuses. Calls for the death of Jews and the destruction of Israel is given a platform across America and around the world. Demonstrators, chanting their support for terrorist organizations, burning American flags and pleading for Hamas to attack again, is tolerated and even encouraged by some.

Our point? It's time to get serious.

The Bible predicts Israel will suffer global isolation and rabid antisemitism during the run up to Armageddon, when all the armies of the world come against her. And while we know from Scripture this is still at least 7 years away, our redemption is not. 

Once one realizes that all of God's promises are interwoven with the nation of Israel, the puzzle pieces of Bible prophecy begin to fit together.

For instance:  The current, global antisemitism.

Hitler wasn't the only one driven by a passionate desire to rid the world of Jews. There have been an amazing number of crazed lunatics throughout history all with one rabid intention: Destroy the Jew. Why? It's completely irrational...unless one considers the spiritual dimension: Destroy Israel and you destroy God's credibility. 

Bible prophecy is a two-edged sword. On the plus side, God reveals His plan in advance, giving us reliable proof of His existence and authenticating the Bible as the infallible word of God. On the downside, the adversary, Satan, is also privy to the plan.

This creates a dilemma that God solves by using a bit of obscurity. While He can't be so veiled that we don't get the message, it prevents Him from giving us all the detail we might want. Ever wonder why God doesn't just spell it all out for us? He's got good reason; there's a certain demonic element intent on sabotaging God's plan.

From the time of Moses to the time of Christ, Satan tried over and over again to kill all male Hebrew children. Why? Because he knew the Messiah would be a Jew. If he could get rid of the Hebrew babies, the Messiah would never be born. When that failed, he thought he'd nailed it (no pun intended) at the cross. But no, foiled again! The crucified Savior was resurrected. Satan had played right into God's hand--not realizing that the only begotten Son had to die--it was God's plan all along: The Savior would die so we could live.

Even now, the Devil and his minions are working overtime to crush the Jew. Is it a coincidence that Israel is surrounded by enemies?

The Bible predicts the Messiah will return to Jerusalem when the Jews are back in their homeland and besieged on every side. If there are no Jews, there is no Messiah. If there is no Israel, then Satan wins and there is no God. That's how interwoven the nation of Israel is with God's promises.

So how do we know this current bout of antisemitism will end in Armegeddon? Because May14,1948, when Israel was born again, marked the beginning of the last generation, the Fig Tree generation. 

Time is running out.

A wise man once said: "Jewish survival is a phenomena. Jewish history, with all of its tragedies and triumphs, has been accurately foretold; it's future has also been foretold--we're living it now. To come against Israel, is to come against God." -- Hal Lindsey, author
"It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem" --Zechariah 12:9.


  •  Israel Radar: Pentagon says threat of Iranian attack on Israel persists; U.S. forces on alert in Middle East.
  • NBC: Meta ruling to allow antisemitic phrase "from the river to the sea" on its platform ignites firestorm; slogan created with explicit goal of destruction for Jews.
  • The Jerusalem Post: Tucker Carlson blasted for hosting 'historian' promoting Nazi falsehoods about the Holocaust; claims Nazis were simply "in over their heads"


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