Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hezbollah, Hamas & Israel: Is It Time To Fasten Your Seat Belt?

According to "Doomsday Doug", with all the news out of Israel, the hottest topic in eschatology today is just how close are we? 

While intriguing, speculation in regards to Christ's soon return for His Church is just that: speculation. Why? Because "no man knows the day or the hour" (Matthew 24:36).

Jesus could come for us at any moment and warned us to be ready. But let's face it, gang, we could also die at any moment. Jesus' advice is the same either way-- be ready to give an account of your life.

In his classic best seller, Erwin W. Lutzer cuts right to the chase and asks:

"Where will you minute after you die?"

Will you be delighted beyond your wildest dreams or forever separated from all that is good?

"Many people spend more time planning for a vacation than preparing for eternity," say Lutzer. "So while relatives and friends plan your funeral, you will be more alive than you have ever been."

The Big Question: Where, exactly will you be?

That, my friend, depends on choices you make now. There are only two alternatives. "Either way, your future will be irrevocably fixed and eternally unchangeable," Lutzer explains. "One minute after you die, you will either be elated or terrified--and it will be too late to re-route your travel plans."

Wow...with stakes that high you'd think God would have given us detailed instructions on how to choose correctly. You'd think He would have sent a few messengers to make sure we understood exactly what we need to do to ensure we don't miss the boat on this one.

The good news? He did. It's that Bible some of us "messengers" are constantly trying to shove down your throat because we care what happens to you. We want you to see the evidence for yourself. For instance, did you know that: 

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is woven with predictions? In fact, more that 1/4 of the Bible is prophecy. Most of them (roughly 80%) have already been fulfilled with 100 % accuracy.

These prophecies are very specific, provable events. And most of them revolve around--you guessed it--the nation of Israel. 

God chose prophecy as the vehicle to authenticate the Bible. How better to prove One's existence and power over world events than to tell history in advance? Fulfilled prophecy conveys the unique signature of God, and is a powerful proof to an unbelieving world.

So do you want to know where you will be one minute after you die? click here 

A wise man once said:
"We must accept God as He is revealed in the Bible, whether He suits our preferences or not." -- Erwin W. Lutzer, author of One Minute After You Die
"I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of His power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms" (EPHESIANS 1:19,20).
  • FNC: Trump at higher risk of assassination than other former presidents thanks to 'public enemy' rhetoric: expert
  • The Washington Post: Israeli attack on Hezbollah devices has U.S. scrambling to head off wider conflict 
  • DailyMail: Explosions that rocked Lebanon for SECOND day deserves "crushing response" vows Hezbollah leader 


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