Thursday, August 22, 2024

"The Book Of Revelation: High Tech Magic?"

Need a little breather from politics? Consider this: While most of civilization was advancing one small step at a time, the Book of Revelation took a giant leap into the future.

Any sufficiently-advanced technology can seem indistinguishable from magic, especially waaaaay back in, say, A.D. 95 when the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation.

Remember, John was instructed to write down the things "that he saw" (Rev. 1:2) and most of what he saw was nearly 2000 years in the future.

Talk about mind-blowing future-shock! How would a 1st-century prophet describe things like:
  • advanced attack helicopters
  • armored vehicles
  • biological and chemical weapons
  • fighter jets
  • nuclear warfare?
Imagine the difficulty a primitive, non-technical man from the 1st century would have trying to make sense of modern advances and warfare--never mind trying to put it all into writing.

We take today's technological advances for granted, but back in John's day they must have seemed like witchcraft.

In Revelation 13, John describes a statue that comes to life and is able to speak. And while some believe John is using symbolic language, we believe he's probably describing a technology. For instance, wouldn't holography fit the description?

And check this out..."Holoportation" is a new type of 3-D capture technology that allows high-quality 3-D models of people to be reconstructed, compressed and transmitted anywhere in the world in real time. When combined with mixed reality, they are actually present in the same physical space. Communicating and interacting with remote users becomes as natural as face-to-face communication. 

Still feels a little like mind-blowing future-shock even to us.

A wise man once said: "John was catapulted by God from one time period to another so that his extensive "visions" would have the authority of an eyewitness. The prophet then unknowingly encoded a warning for the generation in which these things would happen with conviction, accuracy and authority." -- Hal Lindsey, author
"He was permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die" -- REVELATION 13:15.
"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near" -- REVELATION 1:3. 


  • The Independent: Elon Musk plans to implant millions with Neuralink brain chip in coming years
  • BRG: Scientists able to translate thoughts into speech; tech expected to revolutionize speech therapy
  • Bloomberg: Hamburg Germany launching mobility service with self-driving vans; plans 80% autonomous vehicles by 2030

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