Tuesday, August 6, 2024

"What's More Prophetically Significant Than a Volatile Stock Market?"

A summer that seemed destined to be remembered for its endless dog days, seems to have lurched suddenly towards the eve of destruction. 

Glen Beck predicts "We're headed for a massive global collaspe," and cites China's hoarding of gold as proof.

"If only we knew what the rich people all seem to know, we could get ready," he laments.

According to CNN, "Fear has set in on Wall Street." Market volatility, and global recession may be in our future.

Meanwhile, Bank of America's top global strategist is warning investors to 'Sell the first rate-cut; stocks could be in for trouble as the economy heads toward a hard landing and the Fed gets set to slash rates.'

Yikes--sounds apocalyptic--but wait...there's more...

What these prognosticators failed to mention is actually much more prophetically significant than a tumbling stock market.

While the world waits to see how Iran will retalliate against Israel for taking out one of their top operatives, Russia has been busy too.

Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the United States that if Washington deployed missiles in Germany then Russia would station similar missiles in striking distance of the U.S.

Significant because the Bible predicts an alliance between Russia, Turkey and Iran will form in the last days. This alliance will result in an attack against Israel called the War of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38).

Keep in mind that until the 1990's, Russia and Iran had been fierce enemies for 2,500 years, and Bible scoffers used this prophecy to discredit Scripture insisting it could never happen. Today, Russia and Iran are in a tight military alliance.

Russia and Turkey haven't exactly been BFF's either over the years, and in 2015 tensions between the two nations soared when Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet and assassinated the Russian ambassador to Turkey. War between the two was narrowly averted.

But here we are in 2024 and just as the Bible predicted, Russia, Iran and Turkey are one big happy family with a common foe--Israel.

Fast forward to Russia threatening the U.S. 

What prophetic significance could that possibly have?

The U.S. is Israel's greatest ally and yet, according to the Bible,we are nowhere to be found when she is attacked by Iran,Turkey & Russia. Why?

A wise man once said: "I just can't believe that in the end when it really gets intense, as it is now, that it's Christians, it's people that actually believe the Bible that are the only ones with wisdom who understand what's really going on. They're not shocked at all and they're not panicked either. They get it."--Tucker Carlson
Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish" -- (ISAIAH 46:10)


  • U.S. News & World Report: U.S. officials say Iranian attack on Israel may be imminent
  • FOX NEWS: Biden heading to Situation Room ahead of Iran's anticipated arrack against Israel
  • Reuters: Iranian president calls for expanded ties with Russia

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