Monday, March 30, 2020

"Is Coronavirus A Sign Of The End Times?"

"Jesus often described the End Times as being like 'birth pangs'", writes Dr. Roger Barrier in his article God and Coronavirus: Is It a Sign of the End Times?"

"Just as labor pains grow stronger and closer together, God will allow escalation in trials of all kinds to bring men to Christ. In fact, the purpose of the Tribulation itself is to bring pressure for men to surrender to Jesus and find salvation."

And while there have always been trials and tribulations, they did not represent 'birth pangs' until God brought the Jews back to the Promised Land in 1948, and the first (and last) generation of Jews were born in the miraculously resurrected Holy Land.

So to be clear, "Birth pangs, in terms of Bible prophecy, refers to certain convulsive geopolitical, geophysical, astrophysical and world-wide socio-economic events and issues scheduled to occur in the time leading up to Jesus Christ's Second Advent (second coming),' according to

Top 10 Signs or Birth Pangs:

  1. Israel-a nation born in one day-ISAIAH 66:6-9
  2. A global government/economic system beginning to form-UN, global trade agreements, etc. DANIEL 2,7,8,9,11; REVELATION 13,17,18
  3. Apostasy-people turning away from the true faith to embrace a false one-REVELATION 13; 2 THESSALONIANS 4
  4. Nations aligning for prophetic fulfillment-EZEKIEL 38-39
  5. End Time technology-DANIEL 12:4; REVELATION 13:16-17; 18
  6. False prophets, false teachers-MATTHEW 24:4-5; 2 TIMOTHY 4:3-4
  7. Global distress- natural disasters LUKE 21:25 
  8. Epidemics, earthquakes, famines-(MATTHEW 24; LUKE 21) 
  9. Violence upon the earth-(LUKE 17:26; GENESIS 6:11,13; MARK 13)
  10. Signs in sun, moon, stars-(LUKE 21; MATTHEW 24; MARK 13)
If you were to read all the prophetic Scriptures, as well as LUKE 21 (or MATTHEW 24 or MARK 13) you would see a progression of events--like birth pangs--that start slowly and grow stronger over an entire generation.

In MATTHEW 24, Jesus gives a series of signs to watch out for and then says,
"Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its buds become tender and its leaves begin to sprout, you know without being told that summer is near. Just so, when you see the events I've described beginning to happen, you can know His return is very near, right at the door. I assure you, this generation will not pass from the scene before all these things take place."
Which generation was Jesus referring to? The one that sees the signs beginning with the resurrection of the nation of Israel in 1948.

A wise man once said: "Scholars in Bible Prophecy believe that although the world isn't yet in that prophesied time or unprecedented horror, the stage is being set. The birth pangs are already felt. Christians are commanded by Jesus to watch for the birth pang-like developments." -- Rapture Ready
"What I say to one, I say to all: Watch." (MARK 13:37).


  • ABC News: National Guard transforms LA Convention Center into field hospital for coronavirus as CDC warns of 100,000-200,000 deaths
  • The Wall Street Journal: Americans hoarding cash at fastest pace since Y2K
  • CNBC: Fed warns job losses could hit 47M, unemployment at 32%

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