Dr. Gregory Grey, of Duke University's Global Health Institute Division of Infectious Diseases says it might.
"It is hard to know," Dr. Grey said. "Routinely seen coronaviruses often wane during summer months as buildings have more air circulation, people tend to congregate less, and people are more exposed to UV light which can kill viruses.
"However," Grey continued, "while the warmer months may lead to a 10-20% slowdown in transmission, it likely won't stop the spread completely.
"This particular coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV2, is pretty infectious--meaning it has a high reproduction rate--and virtually 100% of people are susceptible," Grey said.Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the CDC agrees.
"Other viral respiratory diseases are seasonal, including influenza and therefore in many viral respiratory diseases we do see a decrease in disease in spring and summer. And so we can certainly be optimistic that this disease will follow suit."Meanwhile, it seems the MSM is doing everything in its power to paint a worse-case scenario and gin up fear for political reasons. It has been a roller-coaster ride on Wall Street for the last few weeks and if the media had its way, it would continue until after the election.
The result? The Asian Contagion has infected more than just the financial markets--it has weakened the entire global economy. And no, the media isn't responsible for all of it. The location of the epicenter played a major role.
According to economic researcher Chris Mortenson, "This is taking the world's most important manufacturing center, China, and shutting it all down at once. That's like throwing a car into reverse at 60 miles per hour on the highway. No one knows what to expect. Supply chain disruptions are going to be legendary," he said.
But doesn't the Bible predict there will be global epidemics in the last days? Luke 21:11 says it's one of the signs we're to watch for, so this could be characterized as one of the early "birth pains" Jesus warned about. But He also said, "Don't panic" in Luke 21:9.
So what do we do? Don't listen to the hype. Separate the facts from the hysteria. Keep calm, wash our hands, trust God and remember:
God the Father is still in control.
A wise man once said: "Once we have learned to put our trust in God, we will no longer be afraid of the things that come against us. We will be like the psalmist who said with confidence..."let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You"-(Psalm 5:11). -- Got Questions.org
"There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and epidemics in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs in the heavens" - (Luke 21:11).👉👉👉 HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!!!👆 👈👈👈
- CNBC: It's a 'false hope' coronavirus will disappear in the summer like the flu, WHO says
- CNN: New CDC guidance says people 60 and older should stay at home as much as possible due to coronavirus
- CNBC: Dow dropped 2,046 on opening Monday triggering 'circuit breaker' to keep stocks from falling through the floor on virus fears
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