Monday, March 30, 2020

"Is Coronavirus A Sign Of The End Times?"

"Jesus often described the End Times as being like 'birth pangs'", writes Dr. Roger Barrier in his article God and Coronavirus: Is It a Sign of the End Times?"

"Just as labor pains grow stronger and closer together, God will allow escalation in trials of all kinds to bring men to Christ. In fact, the purpose of the Tribulation itself is to bring pressure for men to surrender to Jesus and find salvation."

And while there have always been trials and tribulations, they did not represent 'birth pangs' until God brought the Jews back to the Promised Land in 1948, and the first (and last) generation of Jews were born in the miraculously resurrected Holy Land.

So to be clear, "Birth pangs, in terms of Bible prophecy, refers to certain convulsive geopolitical, geophysical, astrophysical and world-wide socio-economic events and issues scheduled to occur in the time leading up to Jesus Christ's Second Advent (second coming),' according to

Top 10 Signs or Birth Pangs:

  1. Israel-a nation born in one day-ISAIAH 66:6-9
  2. A global government/economic system beginning to form-UN, global trade agreements, etc. DANIEL 2,7,8,9,11; REVELATION 13,17,18
  3. Apostasy-people turning away from the true faith to embrace a false one-REVELATION 13; 2 THESSALONIANS 4
  4. Nations aligning for prophetic fulfillment-EZEKIEL 38-39
  5. End Time technology-DANIEL 12:4; REVELATION 13:16-17; 18
  6. False prophets, false teachers-MATTHEW 24:4-5; 2 TIMOTHY 4:3-4
  7. Global distress- natural disasters LUKE 21:25 
  8. Epidemics, earthquakes, famines-(MATTHEW 24; LUKE 21) 
  9. Violence upon the earth-(LUKE 17:26; GENESIS 6:11,13; MARK 13)
  10. Signs in sun, moon, stars-(LUKE 21; MATTHEW 24; MARK 13)
If you were to read all the prophetic Scriptures, as well as LUKE 21 (or MATTHEW 24 or MARK 13) you would see a progression of events--like birth pangs--that start slowly and grow stronger over an entire generation.

In MATTHEW 24, Jesus gives a series of signs to watch out for and then says,
"Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its buds become tender and its leaves begin to sprout, you know without being told that summer is near. Just so, when you see the events I've described beginning to happen, you can know His return is very near, right at the door. I assure you, this generation will not pass from the scene before all these things take place."
Which generation was Jesus referring to? The one that sees the signs beginning with the resurrection of the nation of Israel in 1948.

A wise man once said: "Scholars in Bible Prophecy believe that although the world isn't yet in that prophesied time or unprecedented horror, the stage is being set. The birth pangs are already felt. Christians are commanded by Jesus to watch for the birth pang-like developments." -- Rapture Ready
"What I say to one, I say to all: Watch." (MARK 13:37).


  • ABC News: National Guard transforms LA Convention Center into field hospital for coronavirus as CDC warns of 100,000-200,000 deaths
  • The Wall Street Journal: Americans hoarding cash at fastest pace since Y2K
  • CNBC: Fed warns job losses could hit 47M, unemployment at 32%

Monday, March 23, 2020

"Biophysicist Foresees Hope"

While the MSM is busy painting a picture of doom and gloom in regards to the coronavirus outbreak, Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist, foresees hope.

In January, Levitt began analyzing the number of Covid-19 cases around the globe and calculated that China would eventually reach a peak in the number of infections and then steadily decline. He was correct: China has gotten through the worst of its outbreak and is now on the road to recovery--long before experts had predicted.

Even now, "many epidemiologists are warning of months, or even years of massive social disruptions and millions of deaths," reports yahoo! News . "Levitt says the data simply don't support such a dire scenario--especially in areas where reasonable social distancing measures are in place."

Now Levitt believes the United States and the rest of the world can expect a similar outcome.

"What we need is to control the panic," he said. "In the grand scheme, we're going to be fine" as long as we don't become complacent.

"The social distancing mandates are critical. Particularly the ban on large gatherings--because the virus is so new that the population has no immunity to it and a vaccine is still many months away. This is not the time to go out drinking with your buddies."

Levitt went on to say, "While the Covid-19 fatality rate appears to be significantly higher than that of the flu, it is not the end of the world."

True. It's not the end of the world...but you can see it from here.

A wise man once said: "Ever wonder what the last days of this age will look like? Well...look we get closer to that time, we can see how those events are preparing to play out." -- 
Hal Lindsey, author
"So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up, for your salvation is near!" (LUKE 21:28)


  • CBS News: Florida spring-breakers test positive for coronavirus; at least 5 students infected
  • NBC News: Surgeon-General warns "this week it's going to get bad" as infection rate sky-rockets
  • ABC News: Pandemic is 'accelerating' WHO warns

Monday, March 16, 2020


"The coronavirus risks bringing out the worst in humanity," according to CNN, after reporting on a violent toilet paper incident.

In fact, tales of unruly and even brawling panic hoarders (or "zombie peasants" as ZeroHedge likes to call them) have both shocked and awed us, as middle and low-income people scramble after too few goods.

But according to Bloomberg, the rich are beginning to express their anxiety in an even more dangerous way--quietly removing their cash from the bank. If enough people do this, it won't end well.

From toilet paper frenzies to bank runs, the reason is the same: panic over a situation none of us can control.

Is it okay to be concerned? Yes. We should be very concerned and very careful to follow the advice of the experts. But panicked? No.

According to the 16th century theologian Martin Luther, during the bubonic plague:
"You ought to think this way, very well by God's decree, the enemy has sent us poison and deadly offal. Therefore, I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine, and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance infect and pollute others, and so cause their death as a result of my negligence. If God should wish to take me, He will surely find me and I have done what He has expected of me and so I am not responsible for either my own death or the death of others. If my neighbor needs me, however, I shall not avoid person or place, but will go freely."
Practical advice from a man of God. Let's follow it.

A wise man once said: "In the absence of a vaccine, social distancing is the best tool we have." -- Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Department of Public Health


Jesus said, "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me"  --   John 14:1.


  • CBS: 'Community Transmission' linked to 41 new coronavirus cases in LA county in the last 48 hours
  • The Washington Post: Trump says outbreak could last months and gatherings should be limited to only 10 people
  • CNBC: Dow dives 3,000 points in worst day since 1987.

Monday, March 9, 2020

"Nothing Spreads Like Fear : Asian Contagion"

Spring is in the air at last, and with it comes the end of the flu season. So does that spell the demise of COVID 19 (aka the coronavirus) too?

Dr. Gregory Grey, of Duke University's Global Health Institute Division of Infectious Diseases says it might.
"It is hard to know," Dr. Grey said. "Routinely seen coronaviruses often wane during summer months as buildings have more air circulation, people tend to congregate less, and people are more exposed to UV light which can kill viruses.
"However," Grey continued, "while the warmer months may lead to a 10-20% slowdown in transmission, it likely won't stop the spread completely.
"This  particular coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV2, is pretty infectious--meaning it has a high reproduction rate--and virtually 100% of people are susceptible," Grey said.
Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the CDC agrees.
"Other viral respiratory diseases are seasonal, including influenza and therefore in many viral respiratory diseases we do see a decrease in disease in spring and summer. And so we can certainly be optimistic that this disease will follow suit."
Meanwhile, it seems the MSM is doing everything in its power to paint a worse-case scenario and gin up fear for political reasons. It has been a roller-coaster ride on Wall Street for the last few weeks and if the media had its way, it would continue until after the election.

The result? The Asian Contagion has infected more than just the financial markets--it has weakened the entire global economy. And no, the media isn't responsible for all of it. The location of the epicenter played a major role.

According to economic researcher Chris Mortenson, "This is taking the world's most important manufacturing center, China, and shutting it all down at once. That's like throwing a car into reverse at 60 miles per hour on the highway. No one knows what to expect. Supply chain disruptions are going to be legendary," he said.

But doesn't the Bible predict there will be global epidemics in the last days? Luke 21:11 says it's one of the signs we're to watch for, so this could be characterized as one of the early "birth pains" Jesus warned about. But He also said, "Don't panic" in Luke 21:9.

So what do we do? Don't listen to the hype. Separate the facts from the hysteria. Keep calm, wash our hands, trust God and remember:

God the Father is still in control.

A wise man once said: "Once we have learned to put our trust in God, we will no longer be afraid of the things that come against us. We will be like the psalmist who said with confidence..."let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You"-(Psalm 5:11). -- Got
"There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and epidemics in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs in the heavens" - (Luke 21:11).
👉👉👉 HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!!!👆 👈👈👈


  • CNBC: It's a 'false hope' coronavirus will disappear in the summer like the flu, WHO says
  • CNN: New CDC guidance says people 60 and older should stay at home as much as possible due to coronavirus
  • CNBC: Dow dropped 2,046 on opening Monday triggering 'circuit breaker' to keep stocks from falling through the floor on virus fears


Monday, March 2, 2020

"Satan's Strategies"

"Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons. These teachers are hypocrites  and liars. They pretend to be religious but their consciences are dead" (1 Timothy 4:1-2).

Heeding teachings that come from demons is a serious matter because it involves a departure from the truth of Christ's Gospel.

According to Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship,
"We must be on our guard against Satan's clever counterfeits, because, as this passage in Timothy tells us, he will be at work in the last days (which we are in). In fact, we are warned that some in the church will fall prey to these aberrant ideas and teachings.
 Therefore, as you listen to various teachers and pastors today remember this:
  • Any so-called gospel that distorts the message of Jesus as found in the Bible by adding to it or taking away from it is not the Gospel.
  • Any so-called gospel that offers Christianity without Christ or the Cross, is not the Gospel.
  • Any so-called gospel that promises forgiveness without repentance, is not the Gospel.
  • Any so-called gospel that presents the hope of heaven without the reality of hell, is not the Gospel, but a "watered-down" version that will give you a false assurance.
Such teachings are extremely hazardous to your spiritual health. Stay away from them at all costs."
A wise man once said: "Satan knows how to manipulate us, and that is why the doctrines of demons are so effective. We must immerse ourselves in the truth of God's Word. When we know what God says on any given subject, then any deviation from that teaching will send up a red flag. When we are in tune with God's Word, aberrations from that keynote will ring hollow and off-key."-- Got
"By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures" (1 Corinthians 14:1-4).

  • NBC: FEMA prepping for possible emergency declaration in response to coronavirus
  • CNBC: Dow roars back from coronavirus sell-off with biggest gain since 2009; surges 5.1%
  • NK News: North Korea fires two "short-range ballistic missiles", South Korea says; test is first of its kind by the DPRK this year