Financial analyst John Rubino believes the U.S. government is "running crisis-level deficits" and warns against being fooled into thinking the economy is improving.
According to Rubino,
"The official U.S. debt is $33.5 trillion. It's growing by $1.7 trillion a year and $1 trillion of that is interest...that means we are in a financial death spiral. The debt goes up, the interest on that debt goes up and that raises the debt even further, and you just spiral out of control. Then throw in this incredibly reckless military spending in the guise of foreign aid, and you get a society that has completely lost control."
Rubino warns we are in the "blow off" stage of a 70-year credit super-cycle that is sure to end "with a bang."
Financial writer, trader and analyst Rick Ackerman agrees. His prediction? A "deflationary end" to our debt-bloated financial system. In fact, Ackerman says things have gotten "far crazier" than he could have imagined, and he believes a lot of jobs will disappear.
"On the scale I believe it has to happen, it looks like a barter economy. We are talking about kind of a Stone Age...Imagine that kind of disposable cash taken out of the economy. It has more than a ripple effect. It has a tsunami effect. Everything downstream collapses too."
Unfortunately, that usually means deflation in things you own, but inflation in things you need.
And then we have Martin Armstrong, famous for his long term financial forecasts, seeing "chaos" on the horizon. Not just in the U.S., but globally, caused by the destabilization of conflict and war. He believes governments will be pushed to the limit and the spending will become "unsustainable."
In the U.S., "A debt default will tank the economy and make millions of Americans poor and broke overnight." And while Armstrong believes America will be the last to go down , eventually, he thinks, we will.
Bottom line? Trust God.
A wise man once said: "The next financial crisis will not be merely a bigger version of the 1998 and 2008 crises, it will be qualitatively different. It will encompass multiple asset classes on a global scale. It will exhibit inflation not seen since the 1970s, insolvency not seen since the 1930s, and exchange shutdowns not seen since 1914. State power will be summoned to contain the panic." -- Jim Rickards, Chief Global Strategist, Meraglim
"Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done" (PHILIPPIANS 4:6).
- Reuters: US consumer spending cools; labor market gradually slowing
- Moneywise: Almost one-third of Americans earning $150,000 living paycheck-to-paycheck
- Bloomberg: Biggest Cimate Talks Ever Confront Global Chaos and Record Heat