And though many are still hoping that the world will go back to the good old days prior to 2020, Ritter believes Scripture says otherwise.
According to Ritter:
"We have only to consider the history of Israel to see the truth. In all of human history, no nation that had been completely destroyed and its people scattered has ever come back into existence. Yet, Israel did. In fact, the re-establishment of her as a nation was an absolute miracle of God. He foretold it and He brought that prophecy to fulfillment."
The prophecy, found in Isaiah 66:6-9, is amazing in its accuracy, but the last two lines may have special significance for our day.
"... Before the birth pains even begin, Jerusalem gives birth to a son. Who has even seen or heard of anything as strange as this? Has a nation ever been born in a single day? Has a country ever come forth in a mere moment? But by the time Jerusalem's birth pains begin, the baby will be born; the nation will come forth. Would I ever bring this nation to the point of birth and then not deliver it? asks the LORD. No! I would never keep this nation from being born, says your God..."
While this passage prophesied about the rebirth of Israel (fulfilled miraculously on May 14, 1948), Jesus also used the birth pain analogy in describing what would happen at the time of His return. Ritter believes the last two lines hold a clue for us today.
"All that happens in the run-up to Jesus reappearing and inserting Himself again into human history, He likens to the the birth process," says Ritter.
"This is a critical point in understanding Bible prophecy," Ritter declared. "In fact, it is vital for us to realize that when God begins the birth process, He will bring it to completion.
"What is the nature of that process? For a woman, when birth pains begin, they signal the impending event of delivery. The contractions grow closer together and increase in intensity. Eventually, the pain is overwhelming and birth quickly happens. Once labor begins, it doesn't stop. A woman doesn't go into labor and then go out of it. It's a forward moving process that must be completed."
In other words, if the last days birth pains have begun, we're on a trajectory of no return.
Jesus explained the various signs that will take place prior to His coming (global deception, lawlessness, pandemics, natural disasters, wars and rumors of war, famines, etc.) and then said "All these are the beginning of the birth pains".
Our advice? Believe Him.
A wise man once said: "When the process begins, there is no stopping it. Times will grow worse, the world will become darker. All necessary circumstances contributing to Jesus' return will intensify and grow closer together, and they will not relent...nothing will halt the inevitable march towards God's judgment upon this world, i.e. the culmination of birth pains and the delivery of God's wrath.
Before that happens, the Lord has promised to remove His true church, the Bride of Christ, from this hour of trial that is coming. (Revelation 3:10).
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in Me...When everything is ready, I will come and get you so that you will always be with Me where I am" (JOHN 14: 1,3).
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