While most of the world is riveted on the Russia/Ukraine conflict, American citizens have something a lot closer to home to worry about: Cyberattacks.
That's right gang-hackers. More specifically, Russian hackers.
Russia is the most likely suspect behind a destructive "Trojan Horse" malware program discovered in critical U.S. infrastructure.
Since 2011, this bug has been ready to pounce whenever the opportunity presents itself.
This malware means the Russians have power to bring down our:
- electrical power grid
- nuclear power plants
- water distribution/filtration systems
- oil/gas pipelines
Bring down any one of these and the U.S. is in a heap of trouble.
National Security sources told ABC News, "there is evidence that malware was inserted by hackers believed to be sponsored by the Russian government, and is a very serious threat."
(Ya think?)
DHS sources told ABC News, "...the Russians have torn a page from the old Cold War playbook and have placed the malware in key U.S. systems as a threat and/or as a deterrent to a U.S. cyberattack on Russian systems-mutually assured destruction."
Meanwhile, Fox News Channel is advising viewers to stock up on food, water, cash and to fill their gas tanks just-in-case.
The problem? This Cold War strategy of "mutually assured destruction" only works if it's mutual.
Better start praying we've got a "Trojan Horse" of our own in this race. If we don't, the only "assured destruction" will be our own.
A wise man once said: "Rumors of war are flying with a fury out of Ukraine and Russia. Massive numbers of troops are on the move. Almost unfathomable levels of fire power are being mobilized. Jesus warned that the last days would be characterized by rumors of war. The rumor of war in Ukraine is superpowered by Russia's repeated threat of using nuclear weapons. But Ukraine and several other former Soviet-bloc nations fit Bible prophecy in another powerful way...Chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel give the details.
Whatever Putin's motivations, (and there are many), one really important fact stands out. His actions fit Bible prophecy to a tee. At some point in the future, Ukraine will come under Russian control. And it may only be a matter of days." - Hal Lindsey, author
"Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass..." (EZEKIEL 46:10).
- Defense One: US Companies Warned To Prepare For Russian Cyberattacks
- AP: White House Accuses Russia Of Cyberattacks Targeting Ukraine's Defense Ministry & Major Banks
- FP: Russia Planning Post-Invasion Arrest & Assassination Campaign In Ukraine, U.S. officials say
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