Monday, February 14, 2022

"Antichrist Technology Is Being Implemented Right Now"

"Today, we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale," claims Israeli intellectual Yuval Noah Harari.

A professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Harari believes the era of "free will" is over. "Everything is being digitalized and monitored," he said.

Harari goes on to explain:

"Humans are now hackable animals. The idea that humans have this soul or spirit, they have free will and nobody knows what's happening inside me-so whatever I choose whether in the election or in the supermarket, that's my free will? That's over."

According to Harari, "Biological knowledge multiplied by computing power, multiplied by data equals the ability to hack humans."

In other words, he says, 

"If you know enough biology and you have enough computing power and data-you can hack my body, my brain and my life. You can understand me better than I understand myself. You can know my personality type, my political views and my deepest fears and hopes. and you can do that not just to me, but to everyone."

Harari also pointed out that the coronavirus pandemic is the perfect opportunity to bring hackable humans closer to reality. "Never allow a good crisis to go to waste," he said. Why? "Because in normal times, people will never agree to it," he said.

"The vaccine will help us, of course, Harari declares. " It will make things manageable. The current COVID-19 vaccines serve as tools to usher in a new era of surveillance under the skin."

Harari concludes that "this ability to hack human beings, to go under the skin, collect biometric data, analyze it and understand people better than they understand the most important event of the 21st century."

Chilling? Yes. The end of free will? Not so much. This current vaccine may indeed be a "tool to usher in a new era" but we are not there yet. The Bible predicts that during the 7 years of Tribulation, people will be forced to choose between taking what Scripture calls the mark of the beast ( in order to be able to participate in normal economic activities, which also requires allegiance to the beast) or suffer the consequences. No one will take this mark by accident-it will be a choice. Until that time, our free will remains intact. The fact that Harari, a secular Jew, describes the exact technology the Antichrist will eventually use is a sign of just how close we are.

A wise man once said: "The technology the Antichrist will use to rule the world economy has been invented and is being implemented right now. An atmosphere of desperation has made the world ripe for the Antichrist's plucking. The signs go on and on. The accuracy of Bible prophets in talking about our time is nothing less than miraculous. If you've never trusted Jesus as your Savior, don't waste time. Do it now." -- Hal Lindsey, author

"But you believers, (all you who believe in Christ as Savior and acknowledge Him as God's Son) are not in spiritual darkness (nor held by its power), that the day (of judgment) would overtake you (by surprise) like a thief." (1THESSALONIANS 5:4, Amplified Bible)



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