What ball, you ask? Israel, of course. And though Russia will play a major role in Bible prophecy (as you will soon see), Israel is the apple of God's eye. They are God's chosen people and when it comes to future events, Israel is the epicenter of world history.
Scripture tells the Jewish nation's history in advance and since its predicted rebirth in 1948, they've been on a collision course with Russia (though neither nation realizes it).
For instance, Ezekiel 38-39 details a future invasion of Israel by a Russian leader (aka Gog of the land of Magog), Iran and a coalition of Islamic nations which ends in utter disaster for Russia and company. This prophecy takes place "in the latter years" or the time of the end (Ezekiel 38:8) after Israel is re-gathered into a nation again which was fulfilled in (you guessed it!) 1948.
So how do current events move the ball in the direction of the Endgame as predicted throughout Scripture?
- The rapid decline in U.S./Israel relations since Biden took office. The Bible predicts no one will stand with Israel when she is attacked-not even her biggest ally-the U.S.A. God Himself will defend her.
- The U.S.'s perceived weakness has embolden Russia to become more aggressive. Among other things, Russia's been forming a military alliance with Iran and will eventually stage a surprise attack on Israel.
- Meanwhile, the rest of the world, including Europe, is left leaderless while governments trample freedoms and seize power through mandated vaccine passports, censorship and fear.
In short, current events and the global leadership vacuum are converging to set the stage and the infrastructure necessary for the Antichrist to accomplish what Scripture says he will do.
The bottom line? Recognize that the "ball" ( Israel) is positioned exactly where you'd expect it to be (and so are global conditions) if Bible prophecy is true. And while no man knows the day or the hour, it's getting harder and harder to mistake the season.
A wise man once said: "Ezekiel's prophecy is an example of God's planning, precision, and sovereignty. He maintains control of the events of history. When events seem chaotic, God reminds us to rest in His ability to bring order...God will create beauty out of ashes for all those who put their trust in Him." --Barry J. Beitzel, PhD.
"The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light" (ROMANS 13:12).
- BBC News: Putin puts Russian nuclear forces on 'special alert'
- Business Insider: The EU, in watershed moment, announces it will send weapons to Ukraine, while also shutting down airspace to Russian planes
- The Jerusalem Post: Now Russia sets its sights on Israel: they will no longer recognize Jewish sovereignty over the Golan Heights in Northern Syria.