Monday, January 13, 2020

"Generation M And Their 'New' Spirituality"

 At least a dozen new books came out recently with one thing in common: they were all about witches. There were so many that Publishers Weekly declared it to be "the season of the witch."

The New York Times published a recent article titled "When Did Everybody Become A Witch? that claimed, "Real witches are roaming among us, and they're seemingly everywhere!"

According to Pew Research Center, 60% of Americans believe in one or more of the following:

  • psychics
  • astrology
  • reincarnation
  • spiritual energy in inanimate objects
As witchcraft spikes in America, Dr. Michael Brown, author of Jezebel's War With America, warns Christians should take it seriously. "The rapid rise of witchcraft is very real and frightening," he said in an interview on CBN

While researching his book, Brown was shocked to discover that the U.S. witch population has seen an astronomical rise in recent years and that the fastest growing religion in the U.S. is witchcraft. Why? Because as millennials reject Christianity, they are turning to witchcraft, Wicca and paganism. "There are now more practicing witches in the U.S. than ever before," Brown said.

His book focuses on what he calls the Jezebel spirit that he believes is at work today through the fascination with witchcraft and other spiritual forces to destroy America.

According to Brown, "There is Jezebel the woman (known for her sorceries and witchcraft in 2 Kings); and there is Jezebel the spirit, meaning the demonic power that acted through her."

Brown believes the spirit of Jezebel is thriving in America and cites the following examples:
  • millennials turning away from God in droves and toward spiritualism
  • the massive spike in pornography and immorality
  • the militant, child-killing spirit and radical feminism
  • the aggressive LGBT movement and gender dysphoria
"The rise of witchcraft in America has Jezebel's name written all over it," Brown said. "And yes, some of it may be just talk," he admitted. "But you are talking about people gathering together, appealing to other spiritual powers and they are militantly against the Bible. They are militantly against Christian values. This is something that is really happening. So the window is wide open for deception to come flooding in.  The spiritual warfare is real We need to be equipped. We need to take on the spirit of Jezebel. It's a real thing."

So what do we do?

"First, let's get educated," Brown suggests. "Let's understand. And let's realize we have greater spiritual weapons. Let's clean house in our own lives. Have we opened the door in our own lives to the seduction of Jezebel and these alternative spiritual truths and deceptions? And then we give ourselves to prayer. it is the ultimate spiritual weapon."

A wise man once said: "We must go to God to turn the heart of the nation. Politics is important, but the only solution for the nation is found in repentance and the Cross. Living this out we can take Jezebel down." -- Dr. Michael Brown -- author
"Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons."   (1Timothy 4:1).


  • Reuter's: Thousands evacuated as seismologists warn hazardous eruption could happen any moment in Philippians; meanwhile unusual volcanic/seismic activity seen throughout Pacific Rim 
  • WSJ: For Generation X, midlife crisis comprised of: yoga, meditation, keto diet
  • Israel Hayom: Report: Israeli intel 'instrumental' in U.S. hit on Iran's Soleimani

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