Monday, January 27, 2020

"Health Experts Issue Ominous Warning"

Chinese authorities are scrambling to contain a deadly new virus, even as a report published Friday warned that 350,000 people could be infected by the end of the month.

The Chinese city of Wuhan, at the center of the country's coronavirus crisis, has been quarantined and put on government lock down. At least 13 other cities, home to 56 million, may take similar measures.

Officials in China have closed schools, theaters and major attractions, as well as transportation links from Wuhan and other affected cities. Public transportation, major roads and airports have been closed in a desperate attempt to stop the virus' spread.

Unfortunately, it appears the lock down didn't happen quickly enough, as the virus has been reported in at least a dozen other countries, including the United States.

According to Yahoo!news:
"Health experts issued an ominous warning about a coronavirus pandemic 3 months ago. Their simulation showed it could kill 65 million people."
Eric Toner, a scientist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, staged the simulation, dubbed Event 201, in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to illustrate areas where public/private cooperation will be necessary during a severe pandemic.

"I have thought for a long time that the most likely virus that might cause a new pandemic would be a coronavirus," Toner said.

"The outbreak in Wuhan isn't considered a pandemic," writes Emily Wang, of the Associated Press. "But the virus has been reported in Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore, France, Mexico, Nepal, Malaysia and the United States."

"We don't know how contagious it is," Toner said. "We know that it is being spread person-to-person, but we don't know to what extent."

Meanwhile, "disturbing new video shows dead bodies piling up in the hallways of a hospital in Wuhan, reports The New York Post. And The New York Times says, "It's unclear whether Chinese officials have been fully transparent about the number of infected or dead."

But keep in mind that while "health officials around the world are alarmed, it is hard to accurately assess the lethality of a new virus. On Thursday the World Health Organization declined to declare the outbreak a global health emergency," said The New York Times. "Though those experts were split on whether or not they should have."

A wise man once said: "God warned His people of the consequences of disobedience, including plague (Leviticus 26:25,26). It's sometimes hard to imagine our loving and merciful God displaying such wrath and anger. But God always has the goal of repentance and restoration."-- Got
"When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among My people, if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.


  • Bloomberg: The Worst Drought in 40 Years Has Turned Bangkok Tap Water Salty; lack of water imperils farm sector
  • Daily Star: Nurse at corpse-strewn hospital says quarantine failing; medic in Wuhan claims number of infected close to 100,000
  • The Sun: Swarms of locusts 37 miles long and 25 miles wide seeps through east Africa causing devastation

Monday, January 20, 2020

"Navy: 'Top Secret Video Is Real'"

The U.S. Navy admitted last week that it's in possession of top secret UFO footage and has held classified briefings on the subject.

The problem? It can't be released without causing "grave damage to national security," reports Fox News.

You remember the infamous "Tic Tac" UFO incident of 2004, where a Navy Commander spotted what looked like "a 40-foot Tic Tac" and managed to get it on video? The incident unfolded during carrier exercises in the Pacific, off the coast of Mexico, after two weeks of unusual sightings and was seen by six pilots total.

One baffled pilot, unnerved by the UFO sighting declared, "There was no method of propulsion that was keeping it airborne; no wings, no heat, keeping it airborne or aloft."

Video of the 2004 encounter was leaked to the public in 2017 and the Navy finally admitted the videos were authentic last November.

In response to a Freedom of Information request from Vice, an online magazine, the Navy acknowledged that the USS Nimitz had an encounter with strange, unknown aerial objects in 2004 and two others in 2015.

And they have it all on video!

Unfortunately, Vice reports that a Pentagon spokesperson said though the Navy has the video of the mysterious incident in its possession, they have no plans to release it.

If you believe the Pentagon, we've got a better chance of Bigfoot cooking us all breakfast in the forest that we do of ever seeing that video. Or...maybe they're just waiting for the right time to release it.

The Bible warns that there is a cosmic deception being orchestrated and you are one of its targets. Orchestrated not by men, but by spiritual powers.

For example, how will the disappearance of say, 250 to 500 million people be explained? The "Tic Tac" video footage and others like it just might come in handy someday.

A wise man once said: "The narrative of extraterrestrial life/aliens/UFOs has been carefully constructed since the late 1940s." (The end-time countdown began in 1948 with the rebirth of Israel). "It has been built, layer upon layer. When this narrative began, only 2% of Americans believed in aliens/ETs. Currently, that number is somewhere between 75-80% of Americans."  End Times Prophecy Report
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:12).


  • AP: Theories persist about mystery drones seen in rural Colorado; heat-detecting plane used in investigation, with sightings that stretched into Nebraska and Wyoming.
  • One America News Network: Iran Says It Will Quit Global Nuclear Treaty If Case Goes To U.N.
  • MSN News: 3 rockets hit near U.S. embassy in Baghdad 

Monday, January 13, 2020

"Generation M And Their 'New' Spirituality"

 At least a dozen new books came out recently with one thing in common: they were all about witches. There were so many that Publishers Weekly declared it to be "the season of the witch."

The New York Times published a recent article titled "When Did Everybody Become A Witch? that claimed, "Real witches are roaming among us, and they're seemingly everywhere!"

According to Pew Research Center, 60% of Americans believe in one or more of the following:

  • psychics
  • astrology
  • reincarnation
  • spiritual energy in inanimate objects
As witchcraft spikes in America, Dr. Michael Brown, author of Jezebel's War With America, warns Christians should take it seriously. "The rapid rise of witchcraft is very real and frightening," he said in an interview on CBN

While researching his book, Brown was shocked to discover that the U.S. witch population has seen an astronomical rise in recent years and that the fastest growing religion in the U.S. is witchcraft. Why? Because as millennials reject Christianity, they are turning to witchcraft, Wicca and paganism. "There are now more practicing witches in the U.S. than ever before," Brown said.

His book focuses on what he calls the Jezebel spirit that he believes is at work today through the fascination with witchcraft and other spiritual forces to destroy America.

According to Brown, "There is Jezebel the woman (known for her sorceries and witchcraft in 2 Kings); and there is Jezebel the spirit, meaning the demonic power that acted through her."

Brown believes the spirit of Jezebel is thriving in America and cites the following examples:
  • millennials turning away from God in droves and toward spiritualism
  • the massive spike in pornography and immorality
  • the militant, child-killing spirit and radical feminism
  • the aggressive LGBT movement and gender dysphoria
"The rise of witchcraft in America has Jezebel's name written all over it," Brown said. "And yes, some of it may be just talk," he admitted. "But you are talking about people gathering together, appealing to other spiritual powers and they are militantly against the Bible. They are militantly against Christian values. This is something that is really happening. So the window is wide open for deception to come flooding in.  The spiritual warfare is real We need to be equipped. We need to take on the spirit of Jezebel. It's a real thing."

So what do we do?

"First, let's get educated," Brown suggests. "Let's understand. And let's realize we have greater spiritual weapons. Let's clean house in our own lives. Have we opened the door in our own lives to the seduction of Jezebel and these alternative spiritual truths and deceptions? And then we give ourselves to prayer. it is the ultimate spiritual weapon."

A wise man once said: "We must go to God to turn the heart of the nation. Politics is important, but the only solution for the nation is found in repentance and the Cross. Living this out we can take Jezebel down." -- Dr. Michael Brown -- author
"Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons."   (1Timothy 4:1).


  • Reuter's: Thousands evacuated as seismologists warn hazardous eruption could happen any moment in Philippians; meanwhile unusual volcanic/seismic activity seen throughout Pacific Rim 
  • WSJ: For Generation X, midlife crisis comprised of: yoga, meditation, keto diet
  • Israel Hayom: Report: Israeli intel 'instrumental' in U.S. hit on Iran's Soleimani

Monday, January 6, 2020

"High Alert"

The problems facing the globe right now are legion, but early Friday morning Iraqi time, everything ratcheted up. The air strike that put an end to Major-General Qassim Suleimani, also put an end to complacency (at least for now). The world may have been surprised, but the student of Bible prophecy was not. Why? Because almost every prophecy in the Bible (and there are hundreds of them, with 80% already fulfilled with 100% accuracy) point to trouble (with a capital 'T') in the Middle East. Will the current flare-up with Iran lead to the attack against Israel predicted in Ezekiel 38? We don't know--but for the very first time in history, every major player mentioned in the prophecy is in place on the Israeli border with Syria. In fact, every world power mentioned in Ezekiel 38 is in the exact geopolitical position the prophecy predicts they will be in right now.

Does that mean EZ.38 is going to be fulfilled tomorrow? It's possible, but probably not. Remember, the Bible says these things will happen like birth pains--start slow and get faster and stronger as the time grows near. Everything could settle down again or maybe they won't. This prophecy is very detailed. The odds of it all being a coincidence is nonexistent. It will happen eventually, and when it does, time will be very short. If you're a skeptic, take a close look at it.

The reason God filled the Scriptures with provable, fulfilled predictions was to lend this library of books (the Bible) credibility. The concept of a book directly inspired by God had to be backed up with evidence--otherwise who'd believe it?

The Scriptures have been scrutinized by scholars, ripped to shreds by skeptics, and studied by scientists for 2000 years. No one can dismiss it. Archaeological research offers proof that the Bible can be trusted in geographical and historical matters. Manuscript evidence exceeds those of any other ancient document and the Dead Sea scrolls prove that modern Bibles are identical to ancient copies. With this in mind, it is vital to understand how central this book is to our quality of life both here on earth and in the world to come.

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ prove beyond any doubt that He is who He claimed to be: the only begotten Son of God. If this is true, then everything else the Bible says is also true. This should give us unimaginable hope!

This past Christmas season was a particularly tragic one. Sin is rampant everywhere and the love of many is growing cold (Matt. 24:12). But if the prophecies are true, and we know they are--there is great joy ahead.

"Because of God's tender mercy, the light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace" (Luke 1:78,79). That prophecy was given at Christ's First Coming and will continue to be fulfilled until His Kingdom comes.

Homework: Recognize the treasure we have in God's Word to us. Understand that it is a living, supernatural two-edged sword. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." In other words, Jesus is the Word made flesh. The Bible is God in print. It has the answers to all of the big questions. Why do so many neglect it? It's a two-edged sword, a reflection of where we stand before God. For some, a terrifying prospect. But the answer isn't to run from Him--we need to run to Him. Jesus is our only hope. Without Jesus, the Word, we perish.  That is what Christ-mas is all about: the Word becoming flesh to dwell among men so that we might trust in Him and be saved.

"Jesus said, 'I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God...For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. There is no judgment awaiting those who trust Him. But those who do not trust Him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of God...they loved the darkness more than the light, for their deeds were evil.'"

A wise man once said: "Life on this planet is not some aimless meandering through time without purpose or direction. Our lives are journeys with a destination and that destination is eternal in nature. Everyone--whether they believe it or not--will spend eternity somewhere. Let's spend it in Heaven. The choice is ours." --Bill Crowder of RBC Ministries

👉👉👉👉👉  👆 HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN ğŸ‘†  👈👈👈👈

  • The New York Times: Iranian fighters chant "Revenge is coming" in streets of Iran
  • METRO: Social media turns WWIII into top trending term world wide after U.S. air strike
  • CBS: Fear of war mounts as Iran and U.S. trade escalating threats