Monday, October 21, 2019

"Snopes: Who's Fact-Checking The Fact-Checkers?"

By definition, fact-checkers should stick with the facts. Neutral, unbiased, neither left nor right,  facts.

Unfortunately, they do not.

The latest example? Snopes.

Recently, a high-ranking Ugandan government official announced his support for implementing the death penalty for homosexuality (and though Uganda later walked this back, you can imagine the international outrage--and rightly so).

So who gets smeared over this?

Uganda? Nope. Chick-fil-a.

Chick-fil-a is the Christian company liberal trolls love to hate and one of them lost no time tweeting the following falsehood:
"Today Uganda announced a bill to legalize murdering gay people. National Christian Organization paid a preacher to go to Uganda and help their lawmakers with the bill. Chick-fil-a funds National Christian Org. If you eat at Chick-fil-a, this is what your money goes to."
You know that old saying that a lie goes half way around the world before the truth even gets its shoes on? That's what happened here. This tweet went absolutely viral, dragging Chick-fil-a's reputation through the mud along with it.

Thousands of people believed this hoax because our old pal Snopes got the facts wrong.

According to the Daily Caller News Foundation:
"In ensuing tweets, the Twitter user posted links to two outdated articles, neither of which proved the tweet's claims."
The Daily Caller concluded after thoroughly reviewing tax returns that "there is no indication that Chick-fil-a is currently funding the National Christian Foundation (NCF), much less bankrolling changes in Ugandan legislation through the NCF.

And even Snopes conceded that there's no evidence that "NCF-funded groups are involved in any potential renewed efforts" to pass a death penalty for homosexuality in Ugandan.

And yet, Snopes rated the false tweet a "mixture of truth and fact" in its fact-check because of a simple mix up (on Snopes part) of who donated to who.

Meanwhile, the damage is done, and the moral of the story remains the same: Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

A wise man once said: "Snopes has got to do better. It's just not fair to let a company like Chick-fil-a be smeared by fake internet rumors, even if you disagree with their Christian stances and values. If our "fact-checkers" can't even acknowledge that, they're good for absolutely nothing at all." -- Brad Polumbo, Washington Examiner
"Lying lips are detestable to the LORD, but those who deal faithfully are His delight" (Proverbs 12:22).


  • Christian News Network: Chinese Authorities Demolish Mega Church, Detain Pastors; Destruction took place during worship service
  • BBC: Chick-fil-a's First UK Location To Close After Opposition From Homosexual Groups Results In Lease Not Being Extended
  • Life Site News: Father Trying To Stop 7-Year Old Son From Being Transitioned Into A Girl; Mother fights to keep him away

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