Thursday, January 23, 2025

"Trump: A Young Man Trapped In An Old Man's Body?"

Now that Donald Trump is the all-time oldest man ever sworn in as President, he's giving the rest of us whiplash trying to keep up with him. The truth is, he's accomplished more in a few days than some politicians did in their entire careers.

At 78 Trump's energy level is noteworthy only because it's so rare. Most of us slow down as we age--and some of us (without mentioning any names) slow way, way down.

And while it's easy to judge the elderly, it may not be so easy to walk a mile in their shoes.

Imagine, if you will, being able to know first hand what it feels like to be 20, 30 or even 40 years older than you are right now. Well, thanks to new technology--you can.

Genworth Financial, Inc. has developed an "age suit" that simulates old age.

The Genworth R70i Aging Experience uses state-of-the-art technology that allows people to experience the physical effects of aging, such as:
  • vision and hearing impairments
  • muscle loss
  • mobility limitations
  • speech and mental confusion
Talk about walking a mile in some one's shoes! Donning the R70i Age Suit = instant empathy.

Geoffrey Fowler of The Wall Street Journal wore the suit and said, "The unforgettable, and at times distressing experience shed light not just on aging, but also on how virtual reality equipment can teach empathy and shape our perceptions of the world around us.

Amazing, isn't it?

But even more amazing is the fact that 2,000 years ago, God put on a "man suit".

"Jesus, who is wholly God, also became wholly human," says Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship.

"It is extremely important to note that Jesus did not cease to be God when He came to earth," says Laurie. "He simply laid aside His divine privileges and walked the earth as a man.

"In doing so, He was personally able to experience the gamut of human emotions, ranging from happiness to deep sorrow. He felt what it was like to be tired, cold, and hungry.

"Moreover, He came to this earth with a clear objective in mind: to bridge the gap between a holy, perfect God, and unholy, imperfect man.

"The truth is, we all suffer from a terminal condition called sin, or falling short of God's perfection. Sin is not just an act but the actual nature of our being. In other words," contends Laurie, "we are not sinners because we sin. Rather, we sin because we are sinners!

"When the Israelites of the Old Testament sinned, they would have the high priest go into the Temple and offer an animal sacrifice to God to atone for their sins. In a symbolic sense, this was a way of putting one's sins on the animal, which stood in the place of the guilty person. The Bible teaches without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22).

"These sacrificial rituals were only a foreshadow, or symbol of what Jesus would do when He came to this earth. He took the sin of the world upon Himself, once and for all time when He suffered and died on the cross."

In other words, God put on our sin-defiled "man suit", walked a mile in our shoes, and died in our place. 

A wise man once said: "To have your sins forgiven, you must admit you are a sinner, turn from your sins, believe that Jesus Christ died in your place and rose again from the dead" --Greg Laurie, pastor.
"The free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" (ROMANS 6:23).
👉👉👉Find out "How To Go Heaven" ☝

  • WorldHealth: 1 in 10 people worldwide are 65 or older; by 2050 1 in 6 will be 65 or older
  • WebMD: By age 75, most will have lost between 1 to 3 inches in height 
  • HelpGuide:  Staying active, adapting to change, key to healthy aging 

Friday, January 10, 2025

"Drone Swarm Technology: aka 'Biblical Locusts'?"

While much of the world anticipates what changes a second Trump term will bring, the U.S. military has been experimenting with new strategies that will drastically advance the way wars are fought.

One of the most promising? Drone "swarm" technology, recently tested by the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

The new tool, dubbed LOCUST by the U.S. Navy, allows multiple drones to coordinate and swarm the enemy autonomously, and is designed to protect naval vessels against enemy attacks.

LOCUST--or Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarming Technology-is a program that marks a new era in autonomous warfare.

Imagine the tactical advantage of using a system that can launch swarming UAVs to overwhelm the enemy without any risk to the sailors or marines operating them.

"This level of autonomous swarming flight has never been done before," said Lee Mastroianni, program manager.

"UAVs that are expendable and reconfigurable will free manned aircraft and traditional weapons systems to do more, and essentially multiply combat power at decreased risk to the war fighter," he added.

Apparently, there's no down-side to the LOCUST and for an extra added attraction-
they may even be mentioned in the Bible.

Revelation 9: 3-11 describes a strange locust swarm that has "breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle..." Coincidence?

Maybe--or maybe 2,000 years ago the Apostle John, who was told simply to write down what he saw, couldn't quite figure out what he was seeing.

The LOCUST drones, with their swarm technology, look eerily insect-like. Isn't it possible John didn't have the vocabulary to describe 21st-century technology?

A wise man once said: "John had to describe in terms of his 1st-century knowledge what he saw. The prophecies can be understood only when we prayerfully seek to decipher what in today's vast arsenal of technical marvels fits best John's 1st-century description of them."  Hal Lindsey, Apocalypse Code
"This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave Him concerning the events that will happen soon...John faithfully reported the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ--everything he saw" (REVELATION 1:1-2).


  • Reuters: Meta secretly used pirated books to train Ai, according to newly unredacted court papers.
  • Tech Trends: Machine Learning (ML), refers to Ai technologies that enable machines to learn from data and make decisions autonmously
  • Accenture: Leaders must prepare for a world where Ai is everywhere and acting autonomously; the only limit is trust.