Thursday, July 11, 2024

"Expert Predicts Sleeper Cell Nightmare"

According to global security expert, Ben Varlese, "At least 8 million illegal aliens from over 100 countries have crossed the southern (U.S.) border in the last three-and-a half years."

And guess what, gang--"Almost none have been properly vetted," Varlese added.

The problem? Many thousands are from:

  • Afghanistan
  • Venezuela
  • Syria
  • China
All "hostile or terror haven countries" and most "are military-age males."

Varlese, an expert in threat mitigation and anti-terrorism went on to disclose:
"Because there are tens of thousands of Chinese nationals, hundreds on the terror watch list, and millions of unvetted individuals scattered across the country, it is not a question of if something bad will happen, but when. The threat of sabotage--physical or digital--from Chinese interests is exponentially compounded because of the illegal immigration crisis."

Oh, and the plan to accept Palestinian "refugees" into the U.S.?

Varlese believes that's just asking for trouble:

"Similarly, individuals from Iran and Venezuela, as well as other bad actors connected to the Taliban, Al-Qaida, and Da'esh (Islamic State/ISIS) have infiltrated the U.S. and could cause no end of havoc domestically."

Varlese's expert opinion? It's only a matter of time before the U.S. is hit with another terror 'disaster'.

A wise man once said: "Your children, my grandchildren, will be hunting jihadists a hundred years from now unless we take down their ideology of global jihadism."-- Sebastian Gorka

"Live as people who are free, Not using your freedom as a cover up for evil, but living as servants of God" (1PETER 2:16).



  • WND: Sleeper cells are in almost every American city and urban area, according to Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa
  • Natural News: Report exposes FBI program to stage neo-Nazi rallies in U.S. to develop a database of real Nazis
  • Scripps News: World leaders questioning whether Biden fit to serve four more years




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