Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Trump vs. Biden: Who Wins?"

Statistician, polling and data whisperer, Nate Silver, has released his first presidential election forecast and he's not happy with the results.

"The candidate who I honest-to-God think has a better chance isn't the candidate I'd rather have win," Silver said.

Based on 40,000 simulations, Silver's forecast model predicts...drumroll please...Trump is favored to win the Electoral College by 65.7% compared to Biden's 33.7%. And while Biden has a slight advantage when it comes to the popular vote, an Electoral College win takes the prize.

Of course, there's still time for Biden to turn things around because " he's really not that far behind," claims Silver.

Love Trump or hate him, for the Christian our choice is clear:

It's the Platform Stupid.

Only the Republican platform:

  • defends a child's right to life
  • will choose constitutional Supreme Court justices
  • uphold the 2nd Amendment
  • defend Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East
Recognize if Trump loses, the Republican platform loses with him.

God told Israel:
"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will  forgive their sin and heal their land" (2 CHRONICLES 7:14).

We believe He would do the same for us.

A wise man once said: "It is time to make a decision about America's future. My hope is that we will contritely and humbly turn from our wicked ways and put our hope in God alone. There is no other remedy." --  Franklin Graham



  • FNC: GenZ voters refuse to vote for Biden
  • DailyMail: Biden considers deploying U.S. military contractors to Ukraine; huge shift in policy
  • CBS: One-third of youngest voters say they don't plan to vote in 2024 election


Thursday, June 13, 2024

"Global Trends: 2040?"

"In December 2024, the U.S. President-elect will receive Global Trends 2040, the seventh edition in the National Intelligence Council (NIC) series aimed at providing a framework for thinking about the future," says the NIC.

Good to know someone is planning ahead--but how can they "look" two decades into the future?

"We identify global drivers and estimate their impact," says the NIC. They use worldwide meetings with a range of experts who put their heads together and gaze into the future based on present trends and what they see as possible "global trajectories".

Trends examined include:
  • economics
  • security
  • geopolitics (among many others)
The experts from scores of countries and a variety of fields then put on their thinking caps and try to produce a comprehensive picture of the world in 2040 (with many "updates", of course).

Seem ambitious?

Not when compared to Bible prophecy.

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is woven with  predictions. In fact, more than 1/4 of the Bible is prophecy. Most of them (roughly 80%) have already been fulfilled with 100% accuracy. (Remember, God uses prophecy to authenticate the Bible. If the prophetic scriptures prove true, and history tells us they do, then we can also trust what the Bible teaches about Jesus & the only way of salvation.)

The remaining 20% of unfulfilled prophecy will probably be fulfilled in our lifetime as every major player and global trend continues to fall into place--exactly as the Bible predicts. For instance:

Who could have guessed two thousand years ago that the tiny nation of Israel (which no longer existed) would be regathered and reborn (fulfilled in 1948) only to be attacked again & again (with the battle of Gog and Magog described in Ez. 38 &39 still pending)?

And who would ever guess that the victim of these attacks would be the target of so much hatred merely for trying to defend itself?

And finally, no one but God has predicted that little Israel (the subject of hundreds of fulfilled & very detailed prophecies) will be ground zero when it comes to the 'true' war to end all wars--Armageddon--but it will.

So, if you want to know what the future really holds, study the Bible. 

The NIC could save a lot of time and effort by simply handing the U.S. policymakers a copy of the Bible. At least they'd be sure of its accuracy.

A wise man once said: "When the number of factors coming into play in a phenomenological complex is too large, scientific method in most cases fails. One need only think of the weather, in which case the prediction even a few days ahead is impossible." --Albert Einstein
"However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries..." (DANIEL 2:28)
"I am God, and there is no one else like Me. Only I can tell you what is going to happen even before it happens." (ISAIAH 46:9-10).


  • CNN: Israeli hostage faced 'punishments' during eight months in Hamas captivity, family says. 'A lot of abuse, almost every day'
  • World News: Russian warships & nuclear submarines arrive in Cuba as Cold War allies strengthen ties
  • FNC:Italy hosts G-7 leaders amid ongoing global crises