Thursday, May 23, 2024

"WHO Demands Global Compliance: Goodbye Sovereignty!"

While the masses seem to be sleepwalking, huge decisions are being made that will permanently affect all of our lives.

On Monday, May 27- June 1, the 77th World Health Assembly will meet in Geneva, Switzerland to finalize an agreement that will dictate how the United States and the world will respond to any future health threats.

According to Fox News:

"World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has called on countries (all countries, as in 'the entire world') to sign onto the health organization's pandemic treaty so the world can prepare for the next big health crisis."

For instance, 'Disease X'.

Ghebreyesus called it our "common enemy", but scientists call it a "hypothetical placeholder virus" that doesn't exist yet, but if it did, it could be "20 times deadlier than COVID-19."

And though only hypothetical, Disease X has already been added to the WHO's short list of pathogens that could cause a "serious international epidemic."

According to Ghebreyesus:

"There are things that are unknown that may happen, and anything happening is a matter of 'when, not if,' so we need to have a placeholder for that, for the diseases we don't know about yet. " 

Meanwhile, world leaders will meet next week and whatever they decide, we must obey.

The end result?

A treaty that many experts contend will prove disasterous to national as well as personal sovereignty.

Dr. Meryl Nass, an expert on vaccines, is one of them.

"This treaty gives the Director-General of the WHO enormous power to dictate healthcare to everyone around the world. They want the ability to mandate vaccines on you in the future for pandemics that they declare at will with no standards for what that entails. They want the right to withhold drugs and to shut your doctor up. So, WHO Director-General Tedros (Ghebreyesus), who does not have a medical degree, would become the world's doctor."

Dr. Nass goes on to warn that if the WHO gets this power, it can force you to take a vaccine that has been sped through the development process (normally 10 years) in only 4 months. And they will be completely absolved from all liability.

So, why is the world going along with all this? Apparently we've bought into the myth that it's dangerous to wake a sleepwalker.

A wise man once said: "It's a treaty to end your sovereignty and medical autonomy. It's a mechanism to take control of your medical decision-making against your will. And a means to end your freedom by declaring a worldwide pandemic or medical emergency. It's a United Nations back door takeover of America." -- James Newman, political commentator

"A prudent person foresees danger coming and prepares for it. But the senseless rush blindly forward and suffer the consequences" (PROVERBS 23:3).



  • Zerohedge: FDA's New Rule Allows For Medical Research Without Informed Consent; cannot pose more that "minimal risk" to patient'
  • PAHO: Global Health authorities, the supreme decision-making body of WHO, convene to deliberate on pandemic preparedness, climate change & other priority health topics
  • Natural News: WHO: 'We need global compliance to prepare for future pandemics.'



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