Roughly a decade ago, Mosab Hassan Yousef wrote the book on what it's like to grow up in Gaza...and we mean that literally.
Yousef, a Hamas-raised Christian convert, now living in the United States, authored the book Son of Hamas that is dedicated to revealing the truth behind Hamas and the Palestinian militants that comprise much of the population of Gaza. And it's not pretty.
"Hamas is not seeking coexistence and compromise. Hamas is seeking conquest and taking over," he explains.
"And by the way, the destruction of the State of Israel is not Hamas' final destination. Hamas' final destination is building the Islamic caliphate, which means an Islamic state under (sic) the rubble of every other civilization." He also said it doesn't matter to them how many Palestinians die to accomplish that goal.Yousef is the son of a Hamas founding member and was raised in the organization, but after reading the Bible, he rejects everything Hamas stands for.
Groomed for Hamas leadership, he wants the world to recognize:
- how Hamas indoctrinates the Palestinian people to hate Jews from childhood
- why there can never be peace between Israel and Hamas
- how Hamas tortures its own people
- why Hamas desires so many Palestinian casualties in the current conflict with Israel
"Hamas," he says, "doesn't care about the lives of Palestinians; does not care about the lives of Israelis or Americans. They don't care about their own lives. They consider dying for the sake of their ideology a way of worship."
Meanwhile, anti-Semitic attacks are skyrocketing amid the growing outrage of the international community over what some see as the indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian civilians.
Anti-Israel protest are springing up all over the world, despite the fact that Israel takes great pains to avoid civilian casualties:
- raining down leaflets from airplanes over Gaza warning people to evacuate the areas to be bombed
- calling ahead on telephones for the same purpose
- dropping unloaded missiles as a warning to clear the area ahead of a 'real' bombing.
Israel has done everything possible to avoid civilian deaths, but the world doesn't seem to notice. Hamas hides its missiles among its population and encourages them to stay put and become martyrs. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu says it best:
"Here's the difference between us. We're using missile defense to protect our civilians, and they're using their civilians to protect their missiles.Israel can't win. Even if they achieve their objective: to destroy terror tunnels under Gaza & wipe out Hamas, they will never win in the court of public opinion.
The Bible clearly predicts that the nations of the world will turn against Israel in the last days, just as they turn against God. Why? Because the world hates what God loves and God loves His Chosen people the Jews.
Christian, stand with Israel, pray for the Palestinian people and understand the times we are living in.
A wise man once said: "If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel."-- Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister
Christian, stand with Israel, pray for the Palestinian people and understand the times we are living in.
"I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah...And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it..." (ZECHARIAH 12: 2,3)
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you prosper." (PSALM 122:6)
"For the days will come upon you (Israel), when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side." (LUKE 19:43)
A wise man once said: "If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel."-- Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister
- The Washington Post: Israeli airstrike in Damascus kills senior Iranian commander
- The New York Times: Damascus target was the headquarters of the Revolutionry Guards and not a diplomatic building according to Israeli officials
- Iran: "Israeli embassies around the world will now be targeted."
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