Imagine if you will, waking up one day to discover about 10% of the world's population is missing. If that should happen to you, we have only one word for you: Repent.
Your eternal destiny depends on it.
And if anyone tries to tell you the missing were snatched away by a UFO, don't believe it. Aliens =Either Fallen angels or Demonic entities.
The terms fallen angels and demons are often used interchangeably, but there's a big difference
Angels were created by God with spiritual bodies that look similar to ours, but are probably more akin to Jesus’ resurrected body.
Way back, long before God created mankind, there was a rebellion in heaven headed by the Archangel Lucifer. A third of the angels chose to follow him rather than God, so God threw the lot of them out of heaven.
Okay—so what exactly are demons? Did God create them, too? A careful study of Genesis says no. For instance, Genesis 6 :
“…And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose” (GENESIS 6:1-2).
The word daughters clearly means female children of human parents. The daughters of men were simply women, in other words.
The sons of God refer to an entirely different group from either the men or the daughters of men. The term sons of God occurs elsewhere in the Bible and clearly means angels (see Job 1:6).
The term sons of God in Hebrew is B’nai Ha Elohim—Sons of Elohim, a term consistently meaning angels throughout the Old Testament. Ancient rabbinical texts and early New Testament translators agreed the term refers to angels. Up until the fifth century A.D., there was no question that the text meant: Fallen angels procreating with human women.
Why the controversy? Angels + women = hybrids, a thoroughly perverted, depraved, and shameful situation. For this reason Augustine embraced an interpretation that Genesis 6 simply meant: Believers marrying unbelievers producing ungodly children. Short and sweet, but wrong and misleading.
This interpretation, though widely accepted, does nothing to explain what follows in Genesis 6:4:
“There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them.”
Believers marrying unbelievers may produce a mixed-up kid, but certainly not a giant!
Back in Noah’s day, the human race was corrupted by fallen angels. They co-habitated with humans and created one heck of a gene-pool problem. This was such a monumental breach of God’s order that it provoked a divine judgment.
The entire world was destroyed with the Flood. Everyone, every man, woman,
and child on the face of the earth was wiped out. Except Noah and his family.
Extreme? Not when you understand the fact that only Noah and his family were still fully human. All the others, known as the Nephilim, had tainted genes. They were corrupted, in other words. God had no choice but to start over, using Noah and his family to re-populate the earth.
Unfortunately, though the Nephilim were destroyed in the Flood, their spirits remained. Mankind would now have to contend with something new: Demonic entities.
Why didn't God destroy their spirits? Nobody knows...except...
We do know this: The human spirit is eternal. It cannot be destroyed and will
spend eternity in either heaven or hell. Those who choose to repent of their sin
and be redeemed by the death of Christ will spend eternity in heaven. But those who choose to ignore God’s offer of salvation will spend eternity in hell.
The Nephilim were conceived in direct opposition to God and were neither human nor angel. They cannot be redeemed. When a Nephilim dies, its spirit cannot enter heaven, it is left homeless, looking for a host body, hence the biblical references to demonic possession (Luke 4:33, 11:19; Acts 16:16).
Fallen angels and demons are not the same (for more proof, study 2 Peter 2:4;
and Jude 5-11). And while you're at it, ask yourself: How will they explain away the Rapture of the Church, when it's projected roughly 10% of the world's population will be taken? For new UFO whistleblower report, click here: "We Are Not Alone"
A wise man once said: “One of the primary purposes for the alleged alien abductions seems to be the production of hybrid (half-alien, half-human) offspring. Though the current evidence for this breeding program is anecdotal at best."--John Mack,M.D., Harvard University
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (EPHESIANS 6:12-13).
- ZeroHedge: Former intelligence official turned whistleblower: U.S. Has Retrieved Craft Of 'Non-Human Origin', 'We Are Not Alone'; corroborating intel provided independently by other intelligence officials
- Reuters: Biden to host thousands at White House Pride Party
- AP: U.S. applications for jobless benefits highest since October 2021; may indicate increase in layoffs
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