"In 2022, deception ruled the day," Hal Lindsey said.
Lindsey contends trust in government, educational institutions, the news media, health officials and doctors has probably been damaged beyond repair.
And recent revelations regarding 87,000 armed IRS agents, possible CIA involvement in the JFK assassination and a partisan (not to mention 'weaponized') FBI didn't help.
The Bible warns the last days will be characterized by:
- deception
- lawlessness
- pandemics
- wars
- earthquakes/ natural dissasters
- famines
Sin will run rampant. Men's hearts will grow cold. And things that are good will be called evil while things that are evil will be called good.
Are we there yet?
Kirk Cameron (aka Mike Seaver of Growing Pains fame) authored a new Christian children's book, and was shocked to find that when he approached libraries about doing a storytime event for kids, they rejected his offer outright.
Why? The 55 libraries he contacted were too busy hosting Drag Queen Story Hours and didn't think Cameron's book, which teaches kids biblical wisdom, aligned with their "messaging."
On the other hand, Drag Queen Story Hours have been welcomed with open arms across the nation's library system and spread out into other venues where men dressed in garish women's clothes teach little kids how to 'twerk'.
The intention, according to the LGBTQ+ founders is the 'queering' of early childhood education. Or, in other words, removing a value system based on moral foundations and replacing it with a value system steeped in adult sexual mores and hedonism.
The ray of hope? Kirk Cameron managed to get the Indianapolis Public Library (which refused to host him) to rent him a meeting room (because, based on the First Amendment, they had to). Cameron's reading drew cheers, applause and the biggest crowd to the library in 137 years. Thousands showed up, so far above capacity that a spokesman for Cameron announced they planned to do multiple readings to accommodate the crowds. "There's a line out the library," he said, and one women observed, "only a tiny fraction of the people that showed up got to hear him."
Score one for the good guys and all the parents that turned out to push back against evil and support something good.
A wise man once said: "Christians can look forward to 2023 with renewed hope, but not because the world is getting better. It is not. More than ever before, it should be obvious that our hope is not in the mechanisms and programs of this world. It is in Christ alone." -- Hal Lindsey, author
"For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to right teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever they want to hear. They will reject the truth and follow strange myths" (2 TIMOTHY 4:3-4).
- MSM: New Madrid: Midwest prepares for catastrophic earthquake while Northern California continues to shake after powerful 6.4 and 5.4 quakes.
- The Christian Post: Florida investigating Christmas drag show accused of "exposing children to sexually explicit activity"; "Drag Queen Christmas" on national tour
- Associated Press: North Korea orders 'exponential' expansion of nuke arsenal
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