Every major player mentioned in end time Bible prophecy got a message last week:
President Joe Biden is not capable of effectively leading the United States.
The entire world believes we've been defeated by the Taliban, without the courage or moral conviction necessary to accomplish a successful exit strategy.
China said out loud what the whole world is thinking: "America is a paper tiger."
The Bible predicts a coalition of nations will attack Israel in the last days. Known as the War of Gog and Magog (see Ezekiel 38&39), most scholars believe the timing for this war is around the same time as the Rapture of the church. The nations involved?
- Afghanistan-(now armed to the teeth thanks to the good old USA)
- Russia
- Iran
- Turkey
- Ethiopia
"Israel is in real trouble right now. Washington, our greatest ally, is weak. The new Israeli 'government of change' is pitifully weak. Russia doesn't respect us. Iran is tweeting out threats. Israel is in a precarious position today. We are isolated, and the enemy is at our gates."
Amir went on to say,
"I have said many times that I am not a prophet. I can only look at Scripture and look at the world around me and see how the two fit together. I am also not a sensationalist, nor a date setter. When it comes to biblical interpretation as it relates to geopolitical events, I will always err on the side of caution. That being said, I must tell you that with the era coming to an end of America standing as the world's greatest superpower, one of the last major hurdles leading up to the Rapture of the church has been overcome."
"So when all these thing begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!" (LUKE 21:28)
A wise man once said: "If you are a Christian, be about your Father's business. My dear brothers and sisters, by all appearances, the time is short. Let us not rest. Let us not be distracted. Let us be about the Great Commission, sharing the truth of Jesus Christ and making disciples. Thus, if the Lord does continue to tarry, His kingdom will continue to expand. But if He should return soon to take us to be with Him, that friend or relative or co-worker whom the Holy Spirit has placed on your heart just might be joining you to meet the Lord in the air." -- Amir Tsarfati
- Yahoo! News: GOP Rep. McCaul says 6 planes with Americans onboard are stuck in Afghanistan airport in 'hostage situation' with Taliban
- Fox News Channel: State Dept. blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: "Blood is on their hands."
- Daily Mail: Israel plans fourth COVID shot as country battles soaring infections despite 85% vaccination rate
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