It doesn't' take a rocket scientist to recognize our world is in big trouble. Sometimes, the sheer magnitude of the trajectory we're on is overwhelming.
Why? Because it's becoming more and more clear to us that there will be no turning back. The world has fundamentally changed.
According to Got
"The Bible prophesies of many events that will occur in the end times. These events can be categorized as natural signs, spiritual signs, sociological signs, technological signs, and political signs. We can look to what the Bible says about these things, and if the signs are present in abundance, we can be certain that we are, in fact, living in the end times."
We interpret the Bible literally. We believe God's Word is divinely inspired and that every word of it is true. Therefore, we believe the Bible can be trusted to accurately foretell coming end-time events.
For instance, the Bible predicts the end times will be characterized by:
- Deception--when evil will be called good and good will be called evil. When truth will be hard to find and the masses will believe in lies. (see Isaiah 5:20; 2 Timothy 3:13).
- Lawlessness--when even the governing authorities refuse to obey the law. (Matthew 24:12; 1 John 2:18).
- Heresy--when people will stop believing in the God of the Bible and put their faith in the "doctrine of demons", reincarnation, and occultism. (1 Timothy 4:1-2; 2 Timothy 3:1-17).
- Natural disasters--when earthquakes, drought, wildfires, floods and even pandemics come like "birth pangs" upon the earth.
Other signs include increased hostility toward Israel, a world in turmoil (especially the Middle East), a worldwide leadership vacuum, increasing globalism and a move toward a cashless digital currency.
But the single most definitive sign proving that we are living in the end times is the restoration of Israel to her land in 1948 (Ez.37). Without that fulfilled prophecy, all the other signs are rendered meaningless.
Got contends that "these are just a few of the signs. There are many more. God gave us these prophecies because He doesn't want anyone to perish, and He always gives ample warning before pouring out His Wrath" (see 2 Peter 3:9).
So, are we living in the end times? Every warning sign is flashing "Yes". But these are all Tribulation signs. Before the Tribulation comes the rapture of the Church and there are no signs for that. When a nation pulls its ambassador out, it's a sign war is coming. When God pulls His ambassadors out (in the Rapture of the Church), it's a sign judgment is coming. You don't want to see that sign.
A wise man once said: "The good news is that it's not too late to choose eternal life." -- Got
"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's Wrath remains on them (JOHN 3:36).
- Newsweek: Israel "Ready To Attack Iran", warns Israeli Defense Minister to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear bomb
- World: Russia and China conduct joint wargames to "Bring Down American Arrogance"
- Yahoo!: China first nation to implement digital currency
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