Sunday, December 26, 2021

"NASA To Prepare The World For Alien Contact"

NASA has hired a priest and twenty-three other religious experts to prepare the world for alien contact.


Don't be so surprised. For over 70 years now, the message from alleged extraterrestrial contactees has been the same:

Earth isn't alone in the universe.

And according to New Age pundits, Native American shamans and UFOlogists, there is a massive evacuation of our planet coming. 

That's right people, the aliens are coming for us-at least that's what they want us to believe.

 And get this--author Thelma Terrell (aka Tvella) claims to have compiled in her book,  Project World Evacuation, the channeled messages of an extraterrestrial named Ashtar. These so called 'messages' reveal a detailed extraterrestrial plan to evacuate millions of humans from planet Earth because they believe certain people are dangerous and pose an existential threat to everyone else.

And that ain't all, folks. Hundreds of alleged UFO contactees claim the same thing.

So why is NASA on a hiring spree now? Apparently, there's been a huge uptick in sightings & NASA thinks it's only a matter of time before there is open contact.

But we're not buying what they're selling. We believe the groundwork is being laid for the biggest deception ever orchestrated against mankind. 

This global evacuation plan isn't "alien" at all. It's a spiritual deception from the pit of hell, designed as a cover-story for a real event.

We believe it is clearly a counterfeit explanation for the Rapture of the Church.

In a remarkably clever plan, Satan has managed to convince millions of people, enamored with the paranormal and disdainful of the Christian worldview, that aliens from other planets are real and they want to protect us from ourselves by removing all the trouble makers.

Not true. There are no aliens, only spiritual forces and minions of evil. But if NASA thinks it's time to get their ducks in a row, maybe we should too.

A wise man once said: "There won't be time to get ready later, you have to get your spiritual house in order now. --Word of God Ministry

"The Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (LUKE 12:10).

"It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to life forever. And we who are living will also be transformed" (1 CORINTHIANS 15:52). 



  • StudyFinds: Astronomers spot up to 170 giant rogue planets
  • dpa international: Australia records new daily record infections during 2nd COVID Christmas; unvaxxed blamed
  • Reuters: One-in-10 Londoners infected with COVID; unvaxxed blamed

Sunday, December 19, 2021

"Elon Musk: 'Death is Critical to Human Progress'"

"Billionaire Tesla CEO Elon Musk believes death is critical to human progress," according to an interview with The Wall Street Journal.

That's right folks. Elon says, "Death is important because people rarely change their minds--they just die. If you live forever, we might become a very ossified (turned into bone, yikes!) society where new ideas cannot succeed." begs to differ.

"It is a mistake to view eternal life as simply an unending progression of years. A common New Testament word for "eternal" is aionios, which carries the idea of quality as well as quantity. In fact, eternal life is not really associated with "years" at all, as it is independent of time.

"For this reason, eternal life can be thought of as something Christians experience now. Believers don't have to "wait" for eternal life, because it's not something that starts when they die. Rather, eternal life begins the moment a person exercises faith in Christ."

Contrary to what Elon Musk may believe, the Book of Acts says, "all who were appointed to eternal life became believers" (ACTS 13:48) and genuine believers are all about change:
  • first, we change our minds about who Jesus is
  • second, we change the direction our lives are on and
  • third, we turn from our sin and follow Him.
But that's only the beginning. To really change, we must recognize that the Bible is a supernatural book with the ability to transform the lives of those who study it and put its teachings into practice. puts it this way: "The Bible is literally "God breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16). In other words, it is God's very word to us, totally reliable and without error. The Bible is unique among so-called "holy" books in that it does not merely give moral teaching and say, "Trust me." Rather, we have the ability to test it by checking the hundreds of detailed prophecies that it makes by checking the historical accounts it records, and checking the scientific facts it relates. Those who say the Bible has errors have their ears closed to the truth."

A wise man once said: "How can you know that you have eternal life? First of all, confess your sin before our Holy God. Then accept God's provision of a Savior on your behalf. "Every one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" (ROMANS 10:13). Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for your sins, and He rose again the third day. Believe this good news; trust the Lord Jesus as your Savior, and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). --
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (JOHN 1:1).

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (JOHN 1:14).



  • Business Insider: Elon Musk said Neuralink hopes to start implanting brain chips in humans in 2022.
  • Yahoo!Finance: Inflation near 40-year high
  • The Washington Free Beacon: China vows to open fire on U.S. troops that come to Taiwan aid




Monday, December 13, 2021

"Did the UN Model Freaky New Statue After Revelation Beast?"

What has a body like a leopard, feet like a bear, a mouth like a lion and wings like a dragon?

Every student of Bible prophecy in the world would say it sounds like something out of the book of  Revelation or even the beast of Daniel 7.

And while the freaky new statue installed right outside UN Headquarters in New York City is supposedly a "fusion of jaguar and eagle..." the resemblance is uncanny.

And get this--the demonic looking statue is called "The Guardian of International Peace and Security." Again, students of Bible prophecy will immediately jump to 1st Thessalonians 5:3 where the phrase "peace and security" comes in conjunction with sudden destruction.

Another coincidence? Maybe, but as Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse notes:

"Later on in Revelation , we learn that this "beast" that the Apostle John was shown represents the Antichrist which will rule the entire world during the days of the Great Tribulation."

Seriously, we can't make this stuff up.

"For when they say, "Peace and security" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief...Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation" (1 THESSALONIANS 5:3-8).

A wise man once said: "If this statue was actually purposely modeled after the "beast" in Revelation, could it be possible the United Nations has just put out a huge "Welcome" mat for the Antichrist?" -- Michael Snyder



  • Daily Mail: World's very first Omicron death reported in UK
  • AP: Thousands without heat, water, electricity after tornadoes kill dozens in Kentucky; 75% of town gone
  • Business Insider: Dozens of federal lawmakers and at least 182 top staffers have violated a conflict of interest law while 75 held stocks in Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, or Pfizer

Sunday, December 5, 2021

"2022: Will It Be Better?"

Anyone remember the optimism we all felt right about this time last year? 2020 was almost over (hurray!) and couldn't be any worse, right?

Let's just say none of us is as naïve, as unsuspecting as we were back then. None of us is looking at 2022 the way we once looked at 2021.

So what do we do? Recognize that we're in it for the long haul.

"Throughout the New Testament, the Christian life is compared to a race," says Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship.

"With that in mind, we need to realize that it is not a short sprint, but a long-distance run."

Throughout all the twists and turns, ups and downs, good times and bad, Laurie contends the answer is the same: "A successful runner must keep his eyes on the prize."

In other words, remember what the race is all about.

"We must bear in mind," says Laurie, "for Whom and to Whom we are running: Jesus Christ. In essence, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus."

Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch Christian who survived the horror of Hitler's concentration camps during World War II, often said, "Look within and be depressed. Look without and be distressed. Look at Jesus and be at rest."

"God will see us through to the end," says Laurie. "He has given us His word."

"And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again"-- (PHILIPPIANS 1:6).

"And now, dear children, continue in Him, so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming"--(JOHN 2:28).  

 A wise man once said: "It's good to remind ourselves of God's faithfulness and the hope we have in Him...The same God who has been faithful in the past will continue His love for us in the future." -- James Banks, Christian writer



  • The Washington Post: 'Flashmob' robberies roiling U.S. retailers, traumatizing workers; "smash-and-grabs" feature dozens of people swarming stores, breaking windows armed with crowbars, guns, knives and pepper spray.
  • Washington Examiner: U.S. Intel warns Russia planning massive offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops.
  • ZeroHedge: World Health Organization: No "Evidence" Booster Jab Offers Greater Protection To The Healthy

Sunday, November 28, 2021

"Happiness Homework: How To Re-Wire Your Brain"

While the world is busy panicking over the new variant, Omicron, keep calm and remember the formula for better physical health is simple:

Eat, exercise and sleep in the proper amounts equals better health. Simple? Yes. Easy? Noooooo... Especially during the holidays.

But did you know the same can be said for better mental health? Gratitude, positivity and thankfulness makes for a happier 'brain'.

Researchers from Indiana University published a study involving 43 subjects suffering from anxiety and/or depression. Half were assigned a simple gratitude exercise which required them to write letters expressing gratitude. The other half received "therapy as usual" but did not write gratitude letters.

Three months later all 43 underwent brain scans in which the area associated with gratitude and happiness was more active in those who wrote the letters.

What if an attitude of gratitude doesn't come naturally?

According to Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage "The same brain plasticity that allows you to master simple skills or sports, also allows you to train yourself to be more positive."

Achor contends that while we may think success will bring us happiness, the lab-validated truth is that happiness brings us more success. And who doesn't want that?

According to Got

"Feeling and expressing appreciation is good for us. Like any wise father, God wants us to learn to be thankful for all the gifts He has given us (James 1:17). It is in our best interest to be reminded that everything we have is a gift from Him. Without gratefulness, we become arrogant and self-centered. We begin to believe that we have achieved everything on our own. Thankfulness keeps our hearts in right relationship to the Giver of all good gifts."

November is a good time to do a little Happiness Homework and re-wire our brains to see things more positively. How about we update "You are what you eat" to "You are what you think"?

A wise man once said: "Human beings are prone to covetousness. We tend to focus on what we don't have. By giving thanks continually we are reminded of how much we do have. When we focus on blessings rather than wants, we are happier. When we start thanking God for the things we usually take for granted, our perspective changes. We realize that we could not even exist without the merciful blessings of God." -- Got

"In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"    --  (1st CORINTHIANS 5:18).



  • CBS Boston: Key to Longevity: "Have something to look forward to."
  • SF: Study finds: Quality of Friendships Not Quantity Improves Well-being
  • AP: World on high alert over Omicron variant; race to tweak vax as nations impose new controls
  • Sunday, November 21, 2021

    "Edible Vaccines: Is Bill Gates Into Pharming Now?"

    For those of you who are vaccine-hesitant because you're afraid of needles--problem solved.

    Ever hear of the mRNA-in-lettuce initiative?

    Sounds like a joke, but will probably be on your plate in just a couple of years as researchers are even now tossing around the idea of a vaccine salad.

    That's right gang. Researchers are experimenting with the idea of inserting mRNA vaccines into lettuce and spinach. Yum.

    The National Science Foundation has forked over $500,000 in grant money to UC-San Diego and Carnegie Mellon University to get the research on the table.

    According to Juan Giraldo, Associate Professor of Botany and Plant Sciences:

    "Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person. We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their gardens."

    And that ain't all folks.

    Take a wild guess at who owns the most farmland (or should we say pharmland?) in the United States--none other than the irrepressible Mr. Vaccine himself--Bill Gates!

    Coincidence? Who knows, but having a vaccine shoved down our throats is more than a little unappetizing.

    A wise man once said: "We should all be very concerned about this news. Whoever controls the food, controls the world."--Jeff Thompson, NOQ Report

    "I am warning you ahead of time, dear friends, so that you can watch out and not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people. I don't want you to lose your own secure footing. But grow in the special favor and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2ND PETER 3:17).

    👉👉👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!" ☝


    • Associated Press: Rage across Europe as COVID rules trigger riots; Dutch police open fire on rioters while thousands revolt in Italy, Croatia, Switzerland, Australia; Austria and Germany begin locking down the unvaccinated
    • USA Watchdog: Bill Gates warns of smallpox epidemic
    • WND: 30,000 COVID vaccine deaths recorded by official Europe database, tops the 18,000 on CDC's site for vaccine fatalities in United States



    Sunday, November 14, 2021

    "Operation: Depopulation"

     Earth is in the midst of a 'climate emergency' and according to The Oxford University Press on behalf of The American Institute of Biological Sciences:

    "Scientists have a moral obligation to clearly warn humanity of any catastrophic threat and to 'tell it like it is.'"
    And back in 2019, they did.

    In a study published in the journal BioScience, the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), urged depopulation.

    You read that right, gang--they want to get rid of us.

    Why? Because for the last 40 years (when "global cooling" failed to materialize), they've been predicting global warming would eventually become a major (and we mean major with a capital M) threat. And while their goal was to get ahead of the problem before it was too thing led to another and they got sidetracked.

    According to Bloomberg:
    "Now four decades later, a larger group of scientists is sounding another , much more urgent alarm. More than 11,000 experts from around the world are calling for a critical addition to the main strategy of dumping fossil fuels for renewable energy: there needs to be far fewer humans on the planet."
    Yes indeedy people, some of us have got to go.

    The population "must be stabilized--and, ideally, gradually reduced--within a framework that ensures social integrity," the report states.

    (Hmmm--what's that suppose to mean?)

    "The problem is enormous," says Bloomberg, "yet the signatories still manage to strike an upbeat tone."

    And why shouldn't they be upbeat? Odds are they won't be among those eliminated.

    InfoWars put it this way,
    "In frighteningly Orwellian doublespeak, the IPCC concludes policies to reduce the population will actually 'act to sustain life' on Earth."
    Yeah--but who's life?

    A wise man once said: "God's ways lead to life and blessings, but many people would rather die than follow Him. They view God's ways as restrictive. Oppressive. Antiquated. Harmful. In reality, God's ways lead to human thriving. To liberty. To freedom. To fullness. As Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life, and have it abundantly" (JOHN 10:10). -- Michael Brown, Christian Post
    "They were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill its population with the sword, famine, and disease..." (REVELATION 6:18).
    👉👉👉 "HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!" ☝

    • Air Force Time: Oklahoma National Guard goes rogue; rejects vaccine mandate
    • Reuters: Austria orders non-vaccinated people into lockdown, "we must raise the vaccination rate," chancellor said.
    • SF Study: Holiday hell: 3 in 5 Americans banning unvaccinated relatives from family gatherings

    Sunday, November 7, 2021

    "Biden's Unlawful Overreach"

    What do Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, South Dakota, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, and Florida all have in common?

    Each state has announced they would take legal action against the White House over its "unconstitutional" employer vaccine mandate.

    Last Thursday, OSHA released details of the plan which requires employers with 100 or more employees to put vaccine requirements in place by January 4 for all staff, or face fines of up to $13,600 per violation.

    And that ain't all folks.

    OSHA has also indicated the vax mandate may be "expanded" to include small businesses, too.

    According to Florida Governor Ron De Santis:

    "We started with 15 days to slow the spread and now it's get jabbed or lose your job. We're supposed to be a government of laws..."

    Governor De Santis has a point. We're supposed to be a government of laws, but we have a president who proudly admits he is breaking the law.

    Anyone remember when the CDC extended the eviction moratorium? Joe Biden said he knew it was illegal, but he didn't care.

    And how about the millions of illegal immigrants flooding into the country? Do you think old Joe cares about that?

    So we have De Santis and at least 14 other states suing the president because Biden knows this vaccine mandate is in violation of the Constitution and simply doesn't care.

    When Jesus was asked by His disciples what would be the signs of His coming and the end of the age, He said (among other things), that "lawlessness will abound."

    For some reason, it never occurred to us that the POTUS would be among the worst offenders.

    A wise woman once said: "Biden is trying to see how much he can get away with, and he deserves a sharp and immediate rebuke. Pandemic or not, the separation of powers still applies, and no president should be able to defy this constitutional principle in a blatant manner without facing serious consequences for doing so."     -- Kaylee McGhee White, Washington Examiner

    "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold" (MATTHEW 24:12).

    "Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and every expression of evil, and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save your souls" (JAMES 1:21).

    "But I have this against you: You have abandoned your first love" (REVELATION 2:4).

    👉👉👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!" ☝


    • Associated Press: Vaccine refusals in intelligence agencies raise concerns for national security; as many as 40% are unvaccinated & may be let go
    • Fox News Channel: San Francisco announces controversial vaccine mandate for kids 5-11 
    • ABC News: Appeals court temporarily blocks Biden's workplace vaccine mandate; Louisiana AG: "stops Biden's unlawful overreach"





    Sunday, October 31, 2021

    "Bill Gates and The Mark of the Beast?"

    It's official. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) admits there is something fishy about Bill Gates--at least in the minds of 63% of Americans.

    In a document titled, "ID2020, Bill Gates and the Mark of the Beast: How COVID-19 Catalyses Existing Online Conspiracy Movements", the WHO acknowledges what many people are thinking...'Bill Gates is up to no good.'

    According to the document (or should we say 'mock-u-ment'?):

    "Against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has become the subject of a diverse and rapidly expanding universe of conspiracy theories. As an example, a recent poll found 44% of Republicans and 19% of Democrats in the U.S. now believe that Gates is linked to a plot to use vaccinations as a pretext to implant microchips into people. And it's not just America. Thirteen percent of Australians believe that Bill Gates played a role in the creation and spread of the coronavirus, and among young Australians it's 20%. Protests around the world, from Germany to Melbourne have included anti-Gates chants and slogans."

    In a recent report in THE GRAYZONE, "How digital passports pave the way for unprecedented surveillance capitalism," authors Jeremy Loffredo and Max Blumenthal detail a spate of deaths in rural India which came as a direct result of a program involving Bill Gates.

    It all began in 2017 when 1.3 billion Indians were pushed to enroll in a biometric digital ID system called Aadhaar in order to access public services.

    According to the report:

    "With over one billion Indians in its database,  Aadhaar is the largest biometric digital ID program ever constructed. Besides serving as a portal to government services, it tracks users' movements between cities, their employment status, and purchasing records. It is a de facto social credit system that serves as the key entry point for accessing services in India."

    Bill Gates is determined to bring the "Aadhaar approach" to every person on the planet through the implementation of immunity passports and digital ID wallets, all rolled into one big fat vaccination (along with "updates" in the form of booster shots). 

    So do we think that the current vaccine is the Mark of the Beast? No we do not. After all, you cannot have a Mark of  the Beast until there is a Beast.  But we do believe that the infrastructure or conditioning for a future "beast" system is being laid.

    As the military surveillance and NATO contractor Thales recently put it, vaccine passports "are a precursor to digital ID wallets."

    Conspiracy theories not withstanding:

    Injectable digital ID wallets may be a precursor to something Bill Gates never dreamed of.

    A wise man once said: "With no COVID Pass, my wife and I are banished from society. We have no income. Banned from most shopping. Can barely exist." -- Gluboco Lietuva, a self-described "Lithuanian father" who has refused vaccination

    "...and he provides that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark... (REVELATION 13:7).

    "See, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to repay all according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (REVELATION 22:12-13).

    👉👉👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!" ☝


    • ABC News: FDA panel greenlights vaccines for kids, paving the way for authorization
    • AP: Enforcement of indoor vaccine mandates proves uneven in U.S.; Proof of vaccination is required in several American cities for any and all indoor venues while some cities lag behind
    • CNBC: Business groups ask White House to delay Biden COVID vaccine mandate until after the holidays; "mandates could exacerbate shortages and supply chain problems"


    Monday, October 25, 2021

    "Prophecy Unfolding?"

    While the Biden administration has spent the last 10 months:

    • destroying America's energy independence
    • opening our borders
    • stranding Americans in Afghanistan
    • collapsing our supply chain
    • classifying parents as 'domestic terrorists'
    • removing our medical freedom (which has decimated our workforce, economy, military...)
    China has tested two hypersonic orbital nukes capable of breaching our missile defenses.

    According to the Daily Mail, "Observers believe the 'weapon' is an updated version of a Soviet concept called a 'Fractional Orbital Bombardment System' or FOBS. It is designed to evade powerful U.S. radar systems and anti-missile defenses designed to shoot down traditional ICBMs by flying in low-Earth orbit, making it harder to spot, track and destroy.

    "China appears to have updated the concept by fitting the nuclear warhead on to a 'hypersonic glide vehicle', which is designed to travel faster and maneuver easier--making it even harder to stop."

    China, the U.S., and Russia are engaged in a global arms race, and until now, stunned analysts believed China was far behind. But this latest move, which is taking place against a backdrop of mounting tensions, has analysts worried. And rightly so because even Moscow has one that can be fitted to its latest Satan 2  ICBM, while the U.S. is working on one that can be launched from a B-52 bomber -- though two recent tests have failed.

    Many (though not all) students of Bible prophecy consider Revelation 16:12-16 to possibly refer to China in the endtimes.

    This passage predicts a massive, climactic conflict known as the Battle of Armageddon which involves "the kings of the East" marching through a dried-up Euphrates River to invade the Near East and Israel. The Chinese army, or maybe a Chinese-led coalition, will take advantage of the removal of a natural barrier (the Euphrates) and sweep westward to meet up with the forces of the Antichrist at the end of the 7-Year Tribulation.

    Of course it is impossible to know for sure if the 'kings from the East' will include China, but with its dramatic rise in military strength in recent years, it seems likely.

    So we've got China on the rise and the Euphrates River so dried up by drought that aid groups fear a humanitarian disaster.

    But where does the USA fit in? Apparently, no where.

    Osama bin Laden hit the nail on the head when he said, "America is a great power possessed of tremendous military might and a wide-ranging economy, but all this is built on an unstable foundation which can be targeted. If America is hit in one of these weak spots, it will stumble, wither away and relinquish world leadership.

    A wise man once said: "At its very core, what the Biden administration fails to understand is that there is a harsh reality out there, that there is good and evil." -- Mike Pompeo, former U.S. Secretary of State

    "The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East" (REVELATION 16:12).

    "This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave Him concerning the events that will happen soon" (REVELATION 1:1).

    👉👉👉'HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!" ☝


    • The Siasat Daily: River Euphrates in Syria drying up; local populace affected; pumps for drinking water diminished or stopped working
    • ABC News: Regular gas hits $7.59 in remote Central Coast community of Gorda, California. Premium gas is $8.50 per gallon.
    • Gateway Pundit: 750 GE employees walked off the job last week over vax mandate; GE plants all over the nation plan to join them



    Monday, October 18, 2021

    "Is The Global Financial System About To Melt Down?"

    "If the tragic day ever comes when America's global leadership is but a distant memory it will not be because of a nuclear strike, a searing pandemic, or even a crippling cyberattack," predicts Lawrence Kadish, of Gladstone Institute.

    No siree, ladies and gentlemen. "It will be from a self-inflicted mortal wound called 'the deficit'."

    The deficit, according to Kadish, is:

    "Far more destructive than most Americans could ever imagine. The nation's multi-trillion dollar deficit now being advocated by progressive socialists in Congress--would place our future on a collision course with catastrophic bankruptcy

    "Such an event would destroy the very foundation of our financial system, the savings of every hard-working middle class family and our country's very ability to defend democracy."

    And that ain't all folks. Kadish goes on to suggest that some in Congress are seeking to achieve that very thing!

    Financial writer, Bill Holter agrees. 

    "You have a broke U.S. Treasury talking about spending another $5 trillion. Really? Where is the $5 trillion going to come from? Oh, we'll just print it.

    "There is inflation everywhere throughout the entire world," says Holter. "In fact, 35% of all dollars outstanding today have been created in the last 12 months."

    Inflation has been set on fire, exacerbated by a collapsing supply chain, labor shortages, and ridiculous mandates (designed?) to make matters worse.

    Holter believes the global financial system is in the process of imploding right now. "Compared to two years ago, this is night and day. We are on the doorstep of total tyranny," and he expects anarchy to follow.

    Holter paints a rather grim picture, but then, so does the Bible. Scripture warns that in the end times a new financial system will arise out of the ashes of the old one.

    Could this be the beginning of the end for the old system?

    A wise man once said: "It's imploding now. When will it fully go down? It could be a few days, a few weeks or maybe a few months, but the system is coming down now." -- Bill Holter

    "It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name" (REVELATION 13:16-17)

    👉👉👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!" ☝


    • CNBC: "Inflation is going to get out of control," says former Obama adviser; inflation now at 30 year high
    • Yahoo!Finance: Vaccine mandates are  the new market wild card; requirement disproportionately impacts workers of color.
    • CBS: Truck driver shortage adding to supply chain dilemma as businesses raise prices and consumers pay more and wait longer; meanwhile, Dartmouth College Prof warns U.S. is already in recession







    Monday, October 11, 2021

    "Is The World Suffering From Mass Psychosis?"

    Is there really a global network of insiders that is determined to wield power over all of mankind?

    Most definitely, but that "network" of insiders are spiritual entities bent on destroying the work of Christ. "This is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world (1 JOHN 4:3).

    The antichrist spirit sows seeds of deception, lawlessness and destruction and is even now on the move globally. Just as John the Baptist was sent as the forerunner for Christ, the antichrist spirit is preparing the way for the Antichrist.

    And while the world may not recognize the spiritual dimension of what has been transpiring globally over the last several years, the discerning Christian will.

    For instance, natural medicine guru, Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of Take Control of Your Health, is very aware something is up. His analysis?

    Mass psychosis.

    Dr. Mercola defines mass psychosis as an "epidemic of madness that occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.

    Mercola cites the witch hunts during the 16th and 17th centuries as a classic example of mass psychosis along with the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century.

    "When a society descends into madness, the results are always devastating. Individuals who make up the affected society become morally and spiritually inferior, unreasonable, irresponsible, emotional, erratic, and unreliable. Worst of all, a psychotic mob will engage in atrocities that any solitary individual within the group would normally never consider."

    Mercola goes on to explain the psychogenic steps that lead a society into madness which include:

    • fear
    • confusion
    • panic that leads to "menticide"
    "Menticide" is a term that means "killing of the mind." According to Mercola,
    "It's a way of controlling the masses by systematically killing the human spirit and free thought. It's a system through which the ruling elite imprints their own delusional worldview onto society. A society is primed for menticide by the intentional sowing of fear and social isolation."

    We believe Dr. Mercola is correct when he says the "ruling elite" are controlling the masses.

    But who is controlling the ruling elite?

    "And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world" (1 JOHN 4:3).

    A wise man once said: "The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them." --Gustave La Bon, psychologist

    video: YouTube: "Mass Psychosis"

    "Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (JOHN 14:6).

    👉👉👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!" ☝


    • AXIOS: Chaos at SouthWest Airlines as pilots fight vaxx order with mass 'sick out'; thousands of flights cancelled
    • Daily Mail: Walmart, Costco limit toilet paper sales to ward off panic buying during supply chain disruptions
    • AP: Alaska still being struck by aftershocks of the 8.2 magnitude quake in July; the two largest aftershocks were 6.9 magnitude


    Monday, October 4, 2021

    "Supply Chain Collapse?"

    Global supply chains are beginning to break down and may actually collapse as soon as this Christmas.

    On Wednesday, in an open letter to heads of state attending the United Nations General Assembly, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and other transport groups sounded an alarming warning:

    The entire global transport system is on the verge of collapse.

    That's right, people--container ship crews, truck drivers and airline workers have endured quarantines, travel restrictions, and complex COVID-19 requirements that have kept them jumping through hoops since the beginning of the pandemic.

    But now the situation has reached critical mass and may be at the breaking point.

    "Global supply chains are beginning to buckle as two years worth of strain on transport workers take their toll," the groups wrote.

    The letter, signed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Road Transport Union (IRU), the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), as well as the Shippers (ICS), represent 65 million transport workers globally.

    "All transport sectors are also seeing a shortage of workers, and expect more to leave as a result of the poor treatment millions have faced during the pandemic, putting the supply chain under greater threat." 

    So what does that mean for us? Nothing good. Should the supply chain actually collapse, economists fear it could trigger a global economic crisis as well. At the very least, it means higher prices and shortages of food, fuel, medicine, consumer goods (and anything else you can think of) just in time for Christmas.

    Our advice? Buy what you need now, and hope it doesn't happen later.

    A wise man once said: "With all that's going on these days, it's easy to get distracted. But as the world grows ever darker, it's more important than ever to keep our focus on spreading the Gospel." --Amir Tsarfati, founder of Behold Israel

    "Jesus said, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in Me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again. They are given eternal life for believing in Me, and will never perish.'" (JOHN 11: 25-26)

    👉👉👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!" ☝


    • CBS Los Angeles: Backlog of Cargo Ships At Port of L.A. Reaches Boiling Point; 500,000 containers sit offshore
    • Fox News Channel: Costco chartering its own container ships amid global supply chain issues
    • The Guardian: 'A Perfect Storm': Supply chain crisis could blow world economy off course


    Monday, September 27, 2021

    "America: More Secular, Less Free"

    "Freedom is central to the Bible. This is especially apparent in America, which until now has linked its unparalleled commitment to freedom to God and the Bible," said Dennis Prager, founder of Prager University.

    His opinion? "As America has become more secular, it has become less free."

    Prager contends it is 'indisputable' that the two are correlated:

    "To deny this, one would have to argue that it is merely coincidental that free speech, the greatest of all freedoms, is more seriously threatened than at any time in American history while a smaller-than-ever percentage of Americans believe in God or regularly attend church."

    According to Prager, "the United States became the freest country in the world" because "this freedom was rooted in the deeply religious nature of its founding ideals."

    The bottom line? "America was founded by God-centered individuals to be a God-centered country."

    Some, of course, would deny that, but only those who either don't know history or want to erase it. Our capital, Washington D.C. is chock full of biblical references, as are our founding documents and our money.

    In fact, "The founders linked freedom inextricably to God," Prager said. and while "the founders knew their Bible," the "present adult generation of Americans is more ignorant of the Bible than any in American history. And most young people know even less."

    He says this to warn us, because as Joni Mitchell said, "You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone."

    A wise man once said: "For the founders, the most obvious reason freedom was dependent on faith in God was that only if God is regarded as the source of freedom could men not rightfully take it away. If men are the source of the freedom, men can rightfully retract it. This is precisely what is happening today. Freedom is being destroyed primarily by those who scorn the idea that freedom comes from God." -- Dennis Prager

    "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (JOHN 8:36).

    👉👉👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN"☝ 


    • Real Clear Politics: Democrat Tulsi Gabbard: The Deep State, Elite & Media Destroy Outsiders, Anyone Deemed A Threat To Their Power; "They will do all they can to silence us."
    • Fox News Channel: University students sign petition to abolish Constitution without realizing petition bogus
    • Washington Examiner: IRS required to track all bank transactions over $600 under Biden plan; businesses revolt

    Monday, September 20, 2021

    "Are We Getting Close?"

    Back in 1993, author Dave Hunt challenged readers to evaluate their lives in light of Christ's promise: "I will come again." Hunt wrote an excellent book titled, "How Close Are We? Compelling Evidence for the Soon Return of Christ."

    The evidence was compelling back in '93...but Jesus didn't return. Here we are almost thirty years later and yes, the evidence is infinitely more compelling. But as the years pile up, many of us have lost that urgent sense of expectation. The early church eagerly hoped Jesus would come at any moment. Do we?

    Before answering that question, let's take a moment to consider 'How close are we?' Not to Jesus' return, but to Jesus. Deuteronomy 16:5 says: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength."


    Imagine demanding that kind of commitment from someone...unless of course, we planned to spend the rest of our lives with them. Under those circumstances, we'd feel we had a right to expect genuine devotion. Few of us would be content with a half-hearted, lukewarm commitment. It would be demeaning, insulting even. But isn't that what so many of us offer to God?

    The Bible calls Jesus 'the Bridegroom' (John 3:29) and the Church 'the Bride'. It says He has chosen us to spend eternity with Him. In John 14:23, Jesus said: "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words."

    Is loving God a feeling? It can be, but the word translated as 'love' in Deuteronomy means "to make one's choice in." God commanded His people to choose Him with all their being, and in the process, to deny  themselves (Matthew 16:24). Oh. So that means loving God isn't all warm fuzzies. It costs something.

    Yep. And God will hold us accountable for how we live this life (1 Corinthians 3:14-15). After all, He left us detailed instructions in the Bible and commanded us to follow them. If we choose not to, we probably haven't chosen Him with all our being.

    Someday Jesus will return for His Bride. How close are we? In terms of world conditions, we are undeniably very, very close. In terms of the heart? You be the judge.

    "Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me that Day, and not to me only, but to all who have loved His appearing" (2 TIMOTHY 4:8)

    "There is no judgment awaiting those who trust Him. But those who do not trust Him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of God. Their judgment is based on this fact: The light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light..." (JOHN 3:18)

    "...there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. Their future is eternal destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and all they think about is this life here on earth. But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for Him to return as our Savior. He will take these weak mortal bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like His own, using the same mighty power that He will use to conquer everything, everywhere." (PHILIPPIANS 3:18-21)

    "For in just a little while, the Coming One will come and not delay." (HEBREWS 10:37)

    "Let us be glad and rejoice and honor Him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and His Bride has prepared herself...these are true words that come from God." (REVELATION 19: 7-8)

    A wise man once said: "The key to being able to participate in the wedding banquet is faithfulness to God."--Earl D. Radmacher, ThD.


    • Nancy Pelosi will make House vote on radical abortion bill to eliminate every pro-life law nationwide; bill deceptively named 'Women's Health Protection Act'
    • ZeroHedge: 26 Governors Seek Meeting With Biden Over Border Surge; 8 months of unenforced border creates national security crisis.
    • Involcan: Canary Islands Hit By Volcanic Eruption; thousands evacuated, 100's of buildings destroyed

    Monday, September 13, 2021

    "Should 'Prepping' Go Mainstream?"

    'Prepping', once the purview of doomsday cults, has gone mainstream ever since the Corona virus reared it's ugly head. ( Funny how acres of empty store shelves where toilet paper once lived leaves a lasting impression).

    "When some people think of prepping, it conjures images of strange people wearing tinfoil hats huddled in a shelter while they wait for the mothership to return," says the website.  

    So what's the real nature of preppers?

    According to David Z. Morris of CNNMoney, "Many preppers are average consumers reacting to concrete worries, and their way of thinking is spreading, fueling an emerging lifestyle trend."

    "More and more Americans are spending money to get ready for an uncertain future," Morris said.

    Today's prepper, far from being a wild-eyed fanatic, sees prepping as an insurance plan. According to PreppingToSurvive they:

    • buy extra food when it's on sale
    • store extra water
    • buy supplies in bulk and store some of it
    • grow their own garden
    • keep extra cash on hand
    • get out of debt
    • payoff their mortgage, if possible
    • learn emergency first aid
    • get to know their neighbors
    • get to know their Bibles
    • pray
    In other words, today's prepper is: 
    "A prudent person (who) foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions" (PROVERBS 23:3 and 27:12. It's there twice to make sure we get it!).

    It doesn't have to be the end of the world. We are only one super-sized disaster away from the end of our world. (think supply chain disruptions, wildfires,  earthquakes, a job loss, an illness or even a return to panic TP hoarding). Let's not be part of the crowd waiting around for somebody else to come to our rescue.

    A prudent person takes precautions.

    To see why you should prepare, click here

    A wise women  once said: 
    "Private opinion creates public opinion. Public opinion overflows eventually into national behavior and national behavior, as things are arranged at present, can make or mar the world. That is why private opinion, and private behavior, and private conversation are so terrifyingly important." -- Jan Struther, author

    👉👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!"👈☝

    • The Hill: North Korea test-fires new long-range cruise missiles over the weekend; cause for 'serious concern' warns U.N.
    • FNC: Booster shots unnecessary says FDA; two senior officials step down over disagreement with White House
    • ZeroHedge: The Market is worrying about potential October crash; resurgent COVID, supply chain cited