Monday, December 7, 2020

"Is The Republic Hanging By A Thread?"

According to Larry Klayman, a former Justice Department prosecutor and founder of Judicial Watch, "the republic is hanging by a thread."

Klayman's bleak assessment?

"Even hard-hitting court cases are not enough to arrest the now cancerous stage-4 corruption that has all but destroyed our body politic and the nation, as we continue our nosedive into extinction.

"Despite widespread election fraud, as I have predicted from the get-go, the compromised and corrupted federal judiciary, including those at the Supreme Court, are unlikely to step in and prevent the crowning of Biden and Harris. Most of them are establishment hacks, owing their jobs to the same establishment that Trump has steadfastly opposed."

Klayman contends the Attorney General, Bill Barr, along with his Justice Department and its FBI have "taken a dive" with regard to properly investigating and then indicting criminals such as:

  • James Comey
  • Andrew McCabe
  • Bruce Ohr
  • lovebirds Peter Strzok & Lisa Page
  • James Clapper
  • John Brennan
Oh, and let's not forget those Bill Barr has declared "off limits", namely, the Obamas, Clintons, and now the Bidens.


Klayman believes we can only come to one conclusion: "It is likely that some, if not all of these criminals, have dirt on Barr and have made it clear they will use it to destroy him if he pushes hard and actually enforces the rule of law. The same was true with regard to his hapless predecessor, Jeff Sessions."

Klayman's remedy may seem drastic to some (especially Trump), but here it is:
"The bottom line, fellow patriots and true Americans is that because time is short before November's Presidential election is truly lost for good, the President must put his fears aside, fire Blowhard Bill (Barr), appoint a non-swamp-infested interim AG, and clean out the rats' nest."

Klayman goes on to suggest that once Trump has an AG and Justice Department he can trust, they should lay the groundwork to declare martial law and hold a new election, minus mail-in ballots and crooked computer systems.

Short of that, Klayman fears "violent revolution"  may be on the horizon... 

A wise man once said: "What has held Trump back? Perhaps the Deep State, embedded in the Justice Department and FBI, as well as the rogue intelligence agencies, have signaled that they will take the president and his family down if he assumes control." -- Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch

"The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light" (ROMANS 13:12).



  • The Epoch Times: Director of National Intelligence: Election "Issues" Need To Be Resolved Before Winner Declared

  • The Hill: Fauci: Christmas could be worse than Thanksgiving for COVID-19 spread

  • Reuters: Giuliani hospitalized with COVID-19

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