Monday, November 9, 2020

"Sharpiegate: Accident or Deliberate Fraud?"

So far, no "official" sources have called the election, even though every mainstream media outlet has jumped the gun and declared Joe Biden the winner.

The Truth? Only state officials, the Electoral College, and Congress can officially tell us who our next president is.

Meanwhile, lawsuits have been filed by the Trump campaign amid reports of voter fraud. In fact, some analysts have suggested that the fraud is so brazen--that the Democrats did not even care if it was known.

For instance, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), a non-profit organization that ensures election integrity, has announced that they will be representing an unknown number of voters in Arizona. The plaintiffs, whose ballots were rejected after they were instructed to fill them out with Sharpies by poll-workers, are calling the scandal "Sharpiegate". Upwards of 80% of ballots at some locations were affected.

PILF President and General Counsel J.Christian Adams, an expert on vote-integrity, emphasized the seriousness of the issue, but can they prove it was intentional?

While Sharpiegate may not seem that nefarious, much more sophisticated methods are also alleged. Former intelligence and military official Lieutenant General Tom McInerney believes a computer program known as "Scorecard" may have been used.

"Scorecard steals the elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points," he explained. Which allows vote-fraud perpetrators to rig the vote in an imperceptible way.

In the run-up to the election, Biden bragged about having the largest "voter fraud organization" in history. "We're in a situation where we have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics," he said.

Of course, the fact-checkers cry 'false' and everybody else dismissed it as just another Biden gaffe. But we say: Watch it for yourself. 

A wise man once said: "It's not over. We need to continue to pray for the outcome of this election. So much hangs in the balance for our nation. My prayer is that we will have four more years of leadership that defends religious freedom, supports law and order, and is the most pro-life administration ever. This is not the time to give up or stop asking for God's help and mercy on this country." -- Franklin Graham

"The LORD shatters the plans of nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the LORD's plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken" (PSALM 33:10-11).



  • Daily Caller: Fox News Refuses to Show 'Explosive' Charges Against Democrats
  • Zerohedge: Ohio AG asks Supreme Court to overturn PA ballot ruling; Meanwhile, Georgia GOP call on Secretary of State to resign over 'dishonest election'
  • Epoch Times: GSA Tells Biden Campaign: No transfer of power until a 'Clear, Constitution Winner' is decided

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