New cases of COVID isn't the only thing spiking these days. "Across the globe, COVID-19 is fueling the rise of the cashless economy as employees and consumers alike worry that the direct handling of paper currency could spread the coronavirus," reports Bloomberg News. Despite the fact that medical and public health experts say there is little data to support this concern, (as long as we wash our hands), many stores will no longer accept cash, especially in Europe. For instance, in the U.K., the consumer watchdog group "Which?" reported that 1-in-10 people were refused service at shops trying to pay with physical money during the lockdown. In the U.S., Lululemon & Nordstrom will go completely cash-free when they reopen, while Starbucks plans to "shift toward a more cashless experience," according to their CEO. Even U.S. casinos are leaning toward digital payment options, along with Pizza Hut, Whole Foods, Living Spaces and scores of other brand-name stores. "And while not all small and midsize businesses have gone cash-free," according to Bloomberg News, "many are pushing card and contactless payments." Though we're not expecting the world to go cashless overnight, it does appear the pandemic has given this move a giant leap forward. Why should we care? Because the Bible has predicted we'll go cashless in the End Times. "The fact that the words of Revelation 13 were penned in the age of wood, stones, and swords, makes this prophecy one of the powerful proofs of the inspired nature and reliability of Gods' Word," declares Dr. Mark Hitchcock, prophecy expert. "Who could have predicted the technology described in the Bible 2,000 years ago, except God?" And who could have guessed at the beginning of 2020 how rapidly our world would change, except, you guessed it--God. A wise man once said: "The Bible says there are things that we should look for that signal the last days and one of them is the scattering and regathering of the nation of Israel, which we know happened in 1948 when Israel was declared a nation. But the Bible also tells us, for instance, that there is going to be a cashless society. The Bible tells us that there is going to be global instability and excessive violence in the End Times. As we look around right now at the way the world is changing...I think maybe we are in the last hours..." -- Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship
"You also must be ready all the time. For the Son of Man will come when least expected" (MATTHEW 24:44).
"And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and the life is in His Son. So whoever has God's Son has life; whoever does not have His Son does not have life" (1 JOHN: 5:11-12).
FNC: Antifa targeting specific businesses; militias form as U.S. cities brace for more violence; "These tyrannical, left-wing anarchists hate free speech," say HSS Deputy.
The Daily Caller: Portland sees over 60 days of violent protests, rioting, burning and destruction
Breitbart: BLM Protesters Loot, Set Fires in Democrat-Run Cities Across the United States
Helmut Norpoth is at it again. You remember him--the political science professor at Stony Brook University that has accurately predicted the winner of the last five presidential elections dating back to 1996. Though a majority of polls begged to differ in the last presidential election, Norpoth--alone in his prediction--insisted Trump would win. And against all odds (and every poll) Trump won. So here we go again. Mediate.comis reporting that despite recent polls that identify Joe Biden as the heavy favorite in 2020, Professor Norpoth is doubling down on his Trump win prediction. The political science professor believes his prediction, based on his "Primary Model", (which has been correct in every single election but two in the past 108 years) will again prove accurate. "The Primary Model gives Trump a 91% chance of winning in November," Norpoth said. "This model gets it right for 25 of the 27 elections since 1912, when primaries were first introduced." Norpoth's model examines presidential primary results as the strongest indicator, not the polls, and that puts Biden in a much weaker position than Trump according to this model. "The terrain of presidential contests is littered with nominees who saw a poll lead in the spring turn to dust in the fall," Norpoth said. Of course, as even Norpoth admits, Trump's primaries were held long before the devastation of the last few months. Bottom line? The outcome of this election all depends on whether or not God is done with Donald Trump. Romans 13:1 says, "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." A wise man once said: "There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, 'Mine!'"-- Abraham Kuyper, Dutch theologian
"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. As you make your requests, plead for God's mercy upon them, and give thanks. Pray this way for kings and all others who are in authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, for He wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth" -- 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-4.
Everyone wants to be happy--but according to a recent study--almost no one is. Americans are more unhappy today than they've been in almost 50 years. This survey, funded by the National Science Foundation, and conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago, found that only 14% of American adults identify as being very happy. That's an all-time low in a study that's been collecting data on American attitudes and behaviors since 1972. And get this--most of the survey's interviews were completed last month before any of the following had even happened:
the murder of George Floyd that touched off nationwide rage
the riots/looting and anarchy that followed
the demands to defund or even abolish the police
the full economic impact of 44 million job losses
the bankrupting of millions of small/medium -sized businesses
That's right people, this survey was completed back in the day when our biggest problem was dodging the virus and even then we saw a massive surge in suicide, alcohol and drug abuse. If we've learned anything from the past few weeks and months it is this--happiness is fragile. And while none of us knows how long this current crisis will last, we do know that today, more than any other time in the history of man, events are occurring that foreshadow things to come exactly as predicted in the Bible. The alignment of nations; the collapse of law and order; the lies and deceptions and the weakening influence of our leaders to control the masses, are just a few of the indicators of the era directly preceding the return of Christ. So what are we trying to say? Being unhappy is the least of our problems. God is sending a wake-up call that even the dimmest among us can't possibly miss. According to Got the message God is sending is this:
"Repent and turn your life around. Make a conscious decision to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (MATTHEW 6:33). The meaning of this verse is as direct as it sounds. We are to seek the things of God as a priority over the things of the world...believers who have learned to truly put God first may then rest in the promise...and all these things (like love, joy, peace) will be given to you as well, then, whether Jesus comes for you at the Rapture or at your death, you will be ready for an eternity of pure joy."
"...what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin, whose lives are lived in complete honesty" (PSALM 32:2).
A wise man once said: "According to the Bible, if you know God and discover His plan for your life, you will find the happiness you're searching for. It doesn't come from seeking to be happy in and of itself. It comes from knowing and seeking the God who created you and discovering His plan and purpose for your life." -- Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship
"See, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to repay all according to their deeds" (REVELATION 22:12).