As if all the racial tensions and COVID scares weren't enough, a new report warns that China has high-tech weapons zeroed in on the U.S. power grid. That's right, people. China has used stolen U.S. technology to build a trio of weapons that could be used to throw America back into the dark ages. According to a summary of the report from the independent EMP Task Force on National Homeland Security:
"China now has a network of satellites, high-speed missiles and super-electromagnetic pulse weapons that could melt down the U.S. electric network, fry critical communications and stifle aircraft carrier groups."
In other words, China has an EMP with our name on it. And despite China's promises not to attack unless we attack first--has lied.
The EMP report, written by longtime expert and task force executive director Peter Pry, reveals new data that proves the communist nation is eager to attack The report, Pry explained, shows China's "military doctrine" including:
numerous examples of using EMP attacks to defeat the U.S.
a surprise "Pear Harbor" style attack
is replete with technical operational planning consistent with a nuclear first strike
The report found China's People's Liberation Army textbook already preaches the need for such warfare.
The good news? After years of warning former administrations against the possibility of EMP attack, President Trump and the Pentagon are finally taking the threat seriously. Trump has already issued an executive order: "Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulse."
William R. Graham, Chairman of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack, warns, "such an attack could turn the lights out for a year."Better pray it's not too late. A wise man once said: "Satan knows that prayer brings us victory and spells his defeat. He knows it's the deciding factor in our spiritual warfare. That's why he concentrates all his efforts against prayer. He'll do all he can to upset our prayer time, and keep us from praying." --Chuck Smith, pastor
"Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts. They have no fear of God to restrain them. In their blind conceit, they cannot see how wicked they really are. Everything they say is crooked and deceitful. They refuse to act wisely or do what is good. They lie awake at night, hatching sinful plots. They make no attempt to turn from evil" (PSALM 36:1-4).
Breitbart: North Korea Threatens 'Sensational Event' To End America; belligerent statement comes out of Moscow embassy
DNYUZ: China accused of targeting EU hospitals and healthcare institutions with cyber attacks during coronavirus crisis, claims European Commission President
The Jerusalem Post: Iran is the most dangerous country in the Middle East says IDF Chief Aviv Kochavi
"Are we living in the end times as many believe? How can we be sure? Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers believes 2 Timothy Chapter 3 offers a detailed and graphic view of society in the latter days. According to Stearman:
"Timothy warns us of those perilous times to come, using specific words in the Greek text that indicate a fierce and raging insanity. In fact, this key Greek word is used in only one other place in Scripture and it establishes the proper context for today's shocking events."
In Matthew 8:28 the same Greek word is used to describe two exceedingly fierce demon-possessed men.
Stearman's conclusion? Paul's words in the book of 2 Timothy predict a time in history (now?) when demonic spirits will greatly influence the behavior of the masses. "Reading [the book of] Timothy's words is like turning on the news and seeing them come to life," Stearman said.
"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God...2 TIMOTHY 3:1-4
In the last weeks riots have broken out, not just in the U.S., but in the United Kingdom. Germany, South Korea, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and elsewhere.
And now a new insanity has swept the U.S. with calls to defund the police or abolish them entirely as several city blocks in Seattle known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (aka CHAZ) has done. A self-declared country separate from the United States, CHAZ has banished the police force and abolished the rule of law.
In Jesus' Olivet Discourse, He prophesied that in the end time lawlessness will abound.
The Greek word translated "lawless" is anomia. The literal meaning? "Without law".
Because the time of Tribulation is still in the future, we can chalk up this current insanity to yet another birth pain which will (hopefully) die down. The "lawlessness" Jesus predicted will lead to an almost total societal turn toward evil and wickedness. Jesus said it will be "as the days of Noah were" (MATTHEW 24:37). Then "every intent of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil continually" (GENESIS 6:5).
So, are we there yet? Nope. But getting closer every day.
"Let no one deceive you in any way, for that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed..." (2 THESSALONIANS 2:3)
A wise woman once said: "2 Thessalonians occurs during the Tribulation from which the Church is absent. Yet what we have seen playing out on the streets of America in May and June is a dress rehearsal, though subdued compared to the lawlessness and turmoil in the Tribulation. It is still setting the stage. -- Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!!!☝ News:
Politico: Foreign adversaries are attempting to take advantage of U.S. unrest, national security adviser warns; mass protests, coronavirus surge, a distraction
EFF: 'Amazon Ring Must End Its Dangerous Partnership With Police' Demands Petition; doorbell cameras deemed racist
Daily Beast: America's social unrest about to get much worse, Congress fears
In a nation torn by divisions of every kind, racism has taken center stage in the wake of George Floyd's death. But in 2020, even insignificant differences in opinion are enough to rip us apart. Take the mask issue, for instance. "People resisting mandatory mask policies are, per usual, painted as unreasonable, headstrong, and backward--displaying ignorant, American bravado while rejecting science and good sense," writes Molly McCann, of The Federalist. Surprise, surprise--the nation is divided again, reports Marc Fisher of The Washington Post, "and in painfully familiar ways, by politics and by attitudes about government power and individual choice." "Kevin Krannawitter won't wear a mask because he just doesn't think it's necessary whatever the scientists say. Marilyn Singleton won't wear one either--and she's a physician--because she says it's un-American for the government to force people to cover their faces. You won't see Ricardo Thornton in a mask because it reminds him of a time when he wasn't free to make his own decisions about his life," Fisher explains. "Masks have become a major metaphor, not least for national and international confusion. For some, covering the face defines civic virtue; for others, it's a concession to government overreach, a denial of individuality," contends The Imaginative Conservative. Like pretty much everything else these days, this virus has become weaponized and the mask has become a symbol (to some) of which side you are on. No mask = a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal too thick-headed to understand the science and too selfish to care--a typical Trump supporter. Mask compliant = the exact opposite Does it matter that the "experts" (including Dr. Anthony Fauci himself in a "60 Minutes" interview in March) dismissed masks as essentially useless early on in this pandemic? Nope. What matters is the agenda. According to The Federalistmasks are only a small part of a much longer agenda. "Mandatory masks are a critical predicate conditioning us to accept abuses of our liberty. Mandatory masking provides the foundation on which governments continue to justify emergency measures and rule by executive fiat, and it creates a national mood of consent that America will accept indefinite government expansion because we face a new normal." But, it's just a mask, you say. True, but a cause of division because some believe it tells them all they need to know about the one wearing it or not wearing it. Masks have become an emotional issue, a symbol of all the mind-blowing life-altering global changes of the last three months. All pointing to the End Times scenario. A scenario, sad to say, that makes no mention of the United States of America. A wise woman once said: "We're not just end-time kooks wandering down Main Street warning about a zombie apocalypse. We're warning that the Bible predicted some things that would set the stage for the final moments of history as we know it...That final scene is imminent. Everything is falling into place. Don't delay putting your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life. You are not guaranteed a tomorrow to make that call." -- Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries
"If a Kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." (MARK 3:24-25)
The Washington Post: 9 Minneapolis City Council members announce plans to disband police department and are "taking intermediate steps toward ending" the force.
Breitbart: Over 300 NYPD officers injured in riots, 600 considering resigning; Meanwhile, Tom Arnold tweets: Time to get rifles to 'Go Nose To Nose with Trump's Gang of Misfit Tools', Rob Reiner agrees
The Blaze: Instagram censors FBI crime stats graph as "Hate Speech" because it doesn't support police as racists narrative
"Don't you understand what is going on right now?" asked former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino. In an interview with "Fox & Friends" on Monday, Bongino maintained the violence sweeping across the nation in response to the death of George Floyd is more than an expression of outrage against racism and injustice. "This is not about George Floyd anymore. Gosh, I wish it was. We had a sincere moment of national unity where everyone agreed, even our police officers, that this was abhorrent," Bongino said. "Who's talking about that now? Nobody. We're talking about an insurrection. This is not a joke, this has to stop now...they need to get a lid on this stat, or this is not gonna end well." Bongino believes the far-left group Antifa has infiltrated the protesters and we are seeing the beginnings of an insurrection. Bongino said he's been told "known Antifa leadership is there" organizing riots. "This is a sophisticated insurrection-type attack trying to take down the seat of our government," Bongino said. According to World Net Daily: "Over the weekend, more than 50 (upgraded to 60+) Secret Service agents were injured in protests just outside the White House. Many of the injuries were from rioters throwing bottles. But police also reported finding cars in the area planted with incendiary material." President Trump and his family were rushed into the bunker under the White House for protection. Bongino said Attorney General Bill Barr and the President "need to legally decapitate Antifa today. We need a high-profile, FBI arrest right now. We need full mobilization of our National Guards in every state. I don't care if you're in Wyoming or downtown Miami. We have to shut this down now...Antifa and these criminals have declared war on civility and the constitutional republic...this is not a protest anymore, it's an insurrection..." Meanwhile, Matthew 24 warns that as the day of Christ draws near, nation will rise against nation. The original Greek word translated "nation" is "ethnos", from which we get our word "ethnic." So is Jesus warning we will see ethnic group rise against ethnic group (as well as wars and insurrections) with greater frequency and intensity the closer we get to the 7 years of Tribulation? Looks like it. A wise man once said: "As Christians, the greatest weapon and the most powerful defense we have is prayer. Our country needs prayer in a critical way...Pray for peace." -- Franklin Graham
And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come ."(MATTHEW 24:10-14)