Famed constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz isn't backing down even though he caught major blow-back for opening his rather sizable pie hole. In an interview last Sunday, Dershowitz said that the government has a constitutional right to forcibly vaccinate people. "Let me put it very clearly," he said. "You have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business. "And," he continued, "if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm." The Harvard Law School emeritus was referring to the state police power doctrine derived in part from the 10th Amendment, where the Supreme Court has recognized each state's "police power". This gives the state authority to enact health laws, including vaccination and quarantine, to protect public health against a contagious disease. Meanwhile, the new federal plan to produce a coronavirus vaccine, dubbed "Operation Warp Speed" by President Trump (because it "means big and it means fast") is chugging full steam ahead. The goal? To accelerate the development of a proven COVID-19 vaccine, then manufacture and distribute it throughout America ASAP. "Hopefully by the end of the year," said Trump. Oh, and guess who's going to be distributing the vaccine--the military. So what's the Problem? In a Yahoo! News / You Gov poll this month, nearly 1 in 5 Americans said they would not take a coronavirus vaccine. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, fears it's the name of the initiative--Operation Warp Speed--that is scaring people off. "They think, oh my God, they're jumping over all these steps and they're going to put us at risk," Fauci said. We think he nailed it. Rushing to complete a process in a matter of months that typically takes years seems reckless to us, and we are not by any means anti-vaxxers. A wise woman once said: "Although I have been vaccinated myself and vaccinated my kids for the typical childhood diseases and have no issue with that, the thought of a vaccine being rushed through trial and forced on us makes me very nervous." -- a newly skeptical woman
"The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence." (PROVERBS 14:16)
So is all the hoopla in regards to H.R. 6666 warranted? What's that, you ask? H.R.6666-COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act. A bill submitted (but not yet passed) in Congress on May 1st by U.S. House Rep. Bobby Rush (D). H.R. 6666 (aka The TRACE Act) in a nutshell: Authorizes $100,000,000,000.00 (100 billion) per year as needed in grant money to be distributed where needed to "test for COVID-19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of contacts through mobile health units; and as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes." A great way to stop or at least slow down the spread of coronavirus, wouldn't you say? Perhaps. Except this is already being done by the CDC. H.R.6666 increases the scope, depth, and intrusiveness of these investigations by one huge and massive leap. Not to mention $100 billion is a staggering amount for what they claim they want to accomplish. As you might imagine, the conspiracy theorists are having a field day with this bill. (H.R. 6666-seriously? But before jumping to conclusions, each bill is assigned a number in the order in which they are introduced. So '6666' was just the next in the sequence, the luck (or the lack) of the draw. And while some of the interpretations of this bill are bordering on hysterical, the truth is, H.R. 6666 is extremely poorly defined. For instance, it places no real constraints on exactly how intrusive these tracers are allowed to get. This bill has no limits or accountability built into it. Nor does it necessarily end with the virus. H.R. 6666 has no end date. Could it be used to hunt down and forcibly remove people from their homes as some have speculated? The bill doesn't explicitly prohibit this. Would those who test positive be denied access, entry or forced into lock down even though they are asymptomatic? And what exactly does "and for other purposes" mean? H.R. 6666 doesn't say. It doesn't say asymptomatic people will be forced into lock down, but it doesn't say they won't either, and that is the problem with H.R. 6666. It's a virtual blank check in the hands of government investigators in regards to civil liberties. Without reasonable constraints written into the bill--there are noconstraints. Now that's disturbing. A wise man once said: "So much money directed at such a vague objective without proper direction and oversight is just begging for trouble." -- George Miller, Citizens Journal
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness..." (ISAIAH 5:20)
Just when we thought it might be safe to go back outside, fears of infection-spikes in countries that have loosened up on lock downs have begun to materialize. According to ABC News; "The original epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, Wuhan, China, has now recorded the first new cluster of local cases since its strict lock down was lifted in early April. The outbreak in Wuhan is one of two worrying clusters in China, with the other popping up hundreds of miles away in the northeastern city of Shulan, which was ordered back into lock down." And now we can add Germany and South Korea to the list of countries experiencing virus flare-ups. "The World Health Organization's emergencies chief, Dr. Michael Ryan, said that robust contact tracing measures adopted by Germany and South Korea provide hope that those countries can detect and stop virus clusters before they get out of control," reports the Associated Press. So what exactly is contact tracing? "Contact tracing involves interviewing patients to collect information on all the people they have had sustained contact with and all the places they have been. It is laborious and error-prone because it is dependent on memory, interviews, and detective work," says Aaron Mauro, Assistant Professor of Digital Media, Brock University. It also requires an army of detectives, is enormously expensive, and is too slow to be effective. But there's an app for that and the benefits of app-based contact tracing are clear--your phone is keeping track of you and everyone around you. So what's the problem? The American people aren't willing to accept the loss of privacy--yet. "We are all wondering how COVID-19 will end. We will not likely return to normal without a broadly distributed vaccine, which is a bracing proposition. It is also becoming increasingly clear that we will have to find a way to trace transmission and maybe even enforce individual quarantines in the interim," Mauro said. The Big Question? Which will die out first--the coronavirus or our American way of life? A wise man once said: "The bottom line of all this is that due to COVID-19, the end-time convergence of signs and conditions has been shifted into overdrive. The birth pains described by Jesus in Matthew 24 are increasing with frequency and intensity--globally--right before our eyes. We have yet to see the full effects of the virus upon the world's health, wealth, freedoms, and fall out." -- Todd Hampson, Prophecy News Watch
"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm." (EPHESIANS 6:11-13)
The coronavirus pandemic could continue into 2022 and won't even be under control anytime soon, according to a report released by a team of experts. Recommendation? "Prepare for a worst-case scenario that includes a second big wave of infections in the fall and winter. "Government officials should stop telling people the pandemic could be ending and instead prepare citizens for a long haul," they said. Surprised by the decisions many states are making to lift restrictions, Mike Osterholm, team member and Director of the Center For Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota, told CNN, "The idea that this is going to be done soon defies microbiology. For instance, pandemic infections don't tend to die down in the summer like seasonal flu does," he said. Well, there's no arguing with the experts--unless, of course, you're an expert that believes the exact opposite, in which case you can and will be censored. For instance, reports out of Italy say their number of virus dead were artificially inflated by 88%! (Good luck finding the official report now). In April, the CDC stated that COVID can be a valid diagnosis of death even if the person was never tested. If the doctor suspects COVID may have played a role, that's a good enough reason to list it on the death certificate as the cause of death. That's a recipe for inflated numbers. For that reason, some believe the experts will get their "second big wave of infections in the fall and winter", regardless of what really happens. Meanwhile, Bill Gates predicts the world will never go back to pre-pandemic normal until "almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus." And his foundation, along with an "amazing alliance", are just the ones to make that happen. That would be fine and dandy if he didn't also plan on making us get the vaccine and carry a vaccine certificate to prove it. A wise man once said: "In all of history, only at the end of World War II did the world order change shape as rapidly as it is changing right now. And those changes were set up by a global war. Today's changes have come, seemingly, out of the blue. Yet, every day the world looks more like the one described in the Bible as existing during the time of tribulation. For decades, I have been teaching that these changes would come. But even for me, the pace and scope of change over the last few weeks has been stunning." -- Hal Lindsey, author
"The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light." (ROMANS 13:12)