"I Am Jesus Christ" is a realistic simulator game inspired by the New Testament and scenes from the Bible, developed by SimulaM.
According to the game's distributor Steam, the player can become Jesus Christ and perform all the famous miracles from the Bible just like Jesus did. Including:
- walking on water
- healing the sick
- exorcising demons and fighting Satan
- getting crucified
- and resurrecting
The trailer for "I Am Jesus Christ" was released on December 6 to mixed reactions and "plenty of buzz on social media," said Fox News.
"I'm not sure how to feel about this," wrote one reviewer.
Others were definitely critical.
"Too far, Playway. Thumbs down," said one.
"Seems Blasphemous," said another.
"Not psyched about the gamification of my faith," complained yet another.
And then there were the usual mockers with vile comments we won't quote for obvious reasons.
According to Fox, no details of the game's release date have been posted, although the description of Steam says that it is "coming soon".
Sound familiar?
Jesus Himself said He is "coming soon", but is He?
Got Questions.org put it this way:
"The Greek word tachu, which is translated "soon" or "quickly", means "without unnecessary delay." It does not mean "immediately". The meaning seems to be that events have been set in motion that will usher in His arrival without any unnecessary delay. Everything is moving along according to God's timetable."Peter reassures us that God is not dragging His feet concerning prophetic events. God's timing is perfect:
"The Lord isn't really being slow about His promise to return, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so He is giving more time for everyone to repent. But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief" (2 Peter 3:9-10).The Bible teaches that Jesus' return for His church is imminent, which means the Rapture could happen at any moment.
To answer the question,"Is Jesus coming soon?" we say, "Yes. He will come without unnecessary delay" Our advice? Choose Jesus before 'GAME OVER'
A wise man once said: "God makes it clear that He desires to see more people come into a relationship with Him. For that reason, you should take advantage of every opportunity you have to pray for or witness to someone who needs Christ." -- Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship
"Look, I am coming soon!" (Revelation 22:7).👉👉👉HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN👆 👈👈👈
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