Tuesday, December 31, 2019

"What Does The Bible Say About 2020?"

Predicting the future is both tricky and dumb, and yet, people go on doing it. Why? Because people love it. They eat it up. They're even willing to pay for it. And so, of course, people continue to make predictions. Too bad no one seems to notice (or remember) how few of them come to pass. Google '2020 predictions' and we predict you'll get a ridiculous mix of astrology, I Ching, Nostradamus, and a wide variety of psychic prognosticators. Oh, and just enough Bible prophecy to discredit it along with all the others. That's right. Mix it all together--and voila--the Mayans, the Hopis, and the Bible are all equal.

Wait a minute. The purpose of this blog is to examine biblical prophecy and to raise a word of caution regarding non-biblical attempts to predict the future. We are continually shocked to discover how many people believe there is no significant difference!

Because we are living in the most incredible times the world has ever known, it is becoming clear even to the dimmest among us that something unusual is happening. Everything from political crises to international conflicts bombard us daily. Every new turn of events reminds us that the 'tipping point' could be just around the corner. And it could be. But one of the dangers of such expectations is the wild speculations that are sure to follow.

Instead of wildly speculating, why not use the signs of the times as a motivation to seriously study what the Bible has to say about our future?

As prophecy teacher Dr. Ed Hindson put it: "Along the highway, signs are used to identify locations, provide information, and give warnings. The same is true of prophetic signs. They stand out on the biblical horizon to get our attention. They give a glimpse of things to come--but only a glimpse. Signs are not intended to give all the details of future events, yet they do play a prominent role in biblical prophecy."

Much is being said about 2020 (to put it mildly). Will Trump be forced out of office? Who'll be our next president? Will the economy keep booming? Or will it suddenly go bust? Your guess is as good as ours.

Speculating about the future beyond what the Bible actually predicts is a dangerous game we don't want to play. Look no further than the last election.

A wise man once said: "The errors of faith are better than the best thoughts of unbelief." -- Thomas Russell
"You have more than enough advisers, astrologers and stargazers. Let them stand up and save you from what the future holds. But they are as useless as dried grass burning in a fire. They cannot even save themselves" Isaiah 47: 13,14.
👉👉👉👉👉👆HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN ğŸ‘†ğŸ‘ˆğŸ‘ˆğŸ‘ˆğŸ‘ˆğŸ‘ˆ

  • WUWT: Deep solar minimum on verge of historic milestone; deepest since 1913
  • The Jerusalem Post: Netanyahu: The International Criminal Court makes Jewish rights to biblical Israel a war crime while ignoring human rights abuses of Mideast countries
  • Breaking Israel News: Bernie Sanders calls Netanyahu a racist; claims U.S. must be Pro-Palestinian

Monday, December 16, 2019

"Jesus Isn't Playing Games"

The Bible predicts that in the Last Days people will consider nothing sacred. A new video game seems to prove that point.

"I Am Jesus Christ" is a realistic simulator game inspired by the New Testament and scenes from the Bible, developed by SimulaM.

According to the game's distributor Steam, the player can become Jesus Christ and perform all the famous miracles from the Bible just like Jesus did. Including:

  • walking on water
  • healing the sick
  • exorcising demons and fighting Satan
  • getting crucified
  • and resurrecting
The trailer for "I Am Jesus Christ" was released on December 6 to mixed reactions and "plenty of buzz on social media," said Fox News.

"I'm not sure how to feel about this," wrote one reviewer.
Others were definitely critical. 

"Too far, Playway. Thumbs down," said one. 

"Seems Blasphemous," said another. 

"Not psyched about the gamification of my faith," complained yet another.

And then there were the usual mockers with vile comments we won't quote for obvious reasons.

According to Fox, no details of the game's release date have been posted, although the description of Steam says that it is "coming soon".

Sound familiar?

Jesus Himself said He is "coming soon", but is He?

Got Questions.org put it this way:
"The Greek word tachu, which is translated "soon" or "quickly", means "without unnecessary delay." It does not mean "immediately". The meaning seems to be that events have been set in motion that will usher in His arrival without any unnecessary delay. Everything is moving along according to God's timetable."
Peter reassures us that God is not dragging His feet concerning prophetic events. God's timing is perfect:
"The Lord isn't really being slow about His promise to return, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so He is giving more time for everyone to repent. But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief" (2 Peter 3:9-10).
The Bible teaches that Jesus' return for His church is imminent, which means the Rapture could happen at any moment.

To answer the question,"Is Jesus coming soon?" we say, "Yes. He will come without unnecessary delay" Our advice? Choose Jesus before 'GAME OVER' 

A wise man once said: "God makes it clear that He desires to see more people come into a relationship with Him. For that reason, you should take advantage of every opportunity you have to pray for or witness to someone who needs Christ." -- Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship
"Look, I am coming soon!" (Revelation 22:7).
👉👉👉HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN👆 ğŸ‘ˆğŸ‘ˆğŸ‘ˆ


  • LIFESITE: Netflix streams blasphemous 'Christmas' video depicting gay Jesus, adulterous Virgin Mary prompting more than one million to petition its removal.
  • CBN: Parents outraged as middle school student questioned on graphic sex acts without parental consent
  • CNBC: Stocks rise on China trade deal and strong economic data; 4th straight day of record high stock gains

Monday, December 9, 2019

"What Your Actions Say About You"

God came to earth with a very specific purpose. According to Pastor Ron Johnson of Community Bible Church, God's purpose can be easily lost in the Christmas "mythology, fables, and traditions."

"Tradition tells us that it was a silent night when all was calm and quiet."

"Not true," says Johnson. "This night God launched a full-scale attack on sin and Satan, and Satan launched a full-scale attack on Jesus and His followers. Hardly a silent night."

The big question? Whose side are we on? God's or Satan's?

"Whose side you are on is determined by your reactions to Jesus and what He came to do," says Pastor Johnson. "Every person choosing to walk in sin is choosing to side with Satan."

In other words: It doesn't matter what we say we believe, our actions tell our true beliefs.
  • Do we lie?
  • View pornography?
  • Get drunk?
  • Do our actions support Satan?
The Bible says, "You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?" (Matthew 7:16).

Jesus knows our choice by the way we live our lives. Everything we do (in public or in private) indicates our choice.

Jesus said, "Anyone who isn't with Me opposes Me, and anyone who isn't working with Me is actually working against Me." (Matthew 12:30).

So, do our actions match our true beliefs? The Bible says they do.

"I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me." (Proverbs 8:17)

A wise man once said: "It's human nature to take the things Jesus died for and to make it seem like it's not that big of a deal. That's what we do when we make light of sin. What does it say about us if we proclaim Christ but side with Satan? Hypocrite." --Pastor Ron Johnson, Community Bible Church
"But if you refuse to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve." (Joshua 24:15)

  • DEBKAfile: Israel launches "systematic" air strikes to dismantle Iranian aggression
  • The Jerusalem Post: Iranian and Russian media report that Russian jets were scrambled in Syria to intercept Israeli attack
  • Breaking Israel News: Russia, UN, Syria rebuild pagan temple of Baal in Palmyra in partnership with the State Hermitage Museum

Monday, December 2, 2019

"Are GMO Crops Really Something To Fear?"

There's a food fight going on regarding the pros and cons of eating GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

What's that, you ask?

Scientists add genes to corn, soy beans and other crops to protect the plant from insects (among other things) and claim the practice is perfectly safe.

In fact, without it, our food supply would be unstable and much more expensive, say the proponents.

But the contrarians are worried sick that GMOs pose a threat to our health, and claim a link to depression, allergies, infertility, and even the big C--cancer

No way, say the pros. GMOs have been in our food supply for 20 years now and no such link exists. And besides, farmers have been altering crops for centuries.

So, who's right? With 75% of consumers concerned about the safety of GMOs, and 91% preferring to avoid GMOs if given the choice (according to Dr. Oz), let's see if we can boil down the facts.

Food for thought:

  • The cons cite a report that appeared a while back in Food and Chemical Toxicology that rats developed tumors after eating GMOs for 2 years
  • The pros immediately jumped on the study as 'slanted' and scientists agreed. The report was later retracted as untrue by the journal.
  • Food science professor, Ruth MacDonald cites hundred of other studies that have found GMOs as safe as non-GMOs.
  • State Senator David Zuckerman of Vermont claims, "As consumers, we are guinea pigs, because we really don't understand the ramifications.
  • Not true say biologists. GMOs have been studied intensively and found benign.
  • The cons say GMOs are too new for us to know if they are dangerous.
  • Popular Science tells us genetically-engineered plants first appeared in labs about 30 years ago and became a commercial product in 1994. Since then, over 1,700 peer-reviewed studies vouch for their safety.
  • Contrarians claims farmers can't re-plant GMO seeds.
  • The facts? Farmers do sign agreements that prohibit re-planting in order to ensure annual sales, but large-scale commercial growers typically don't bother to save seeds anyway. "The quality deteriorates," says plant scientist Kent Bradford. "They get weeds and so on--and it's not a profitable practice."
  • All research on GMOs has been funded by big-Ag, claim the cons.
  • "Simply not true," says Popular Science. "Hundreds of independent researchers have published peer-reviewed safety studies. At least a dozen medical and scientific groups worldwide, including the World Health Organization and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, have stated that GMOs currently approved for market are safe."
The scientific consensus? GMOs are no more or no less risky that conventional crops.

Chew on that for a minute and then consider a compromise: labeling. Although that opens another whole can of worms and promises to bite us in the wallet, maybe it'll finally put an end to the food fight...but don't hold your breath. Something tells us that labeling won't cut the mustard either.

A wise woman once said: "Myths about the dire effects of genetically modified foods on health and the environment abound, but they have not held up to scientific scrutiny." -- Nina Fedoroff, molecular biologist

Jesus said, "...the bread from heaven gives eternal life to everyone who eats it. I am the living bread that came down out of heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever..." (John 6:50-51).
  • DEBKAfile: Trump and Netanyahu confirm U.S.-Israel military coordination against threatened Iranian attack
  • SF: Study finds average person feels "too old" to work out regularly at age 41
  • Sputnik: Wild theories pour in as UFO hunter claims spike in sightings of "snake-like" objects in U.S. skies