When nature is allowed to run its course, you'll end up with a certain balance, especially when it comes to gender.
For instance, 105 male babies are born for every 100 females.
By age 30, the numbers become equal. Why? Because the death rate for boys is slightly higher than girls.
In other words, there is roughly one male for every marriage-age female.
Not so in China. Abortion based on gender has unnaturally stacked the deck in favor of boys.
The result? 40 million Chinese men facing life without a mate.
The Chinese would call this cause-and-effect (the end result from a certain action).
The Bible calls it 'reaping what you've sown'.
David Kupelian, author of The Snapping of the American Mind, believes the U.S. is sowing the seeds of its own destruction. Kupelian contends:
"We have a culture and a bureaucracy in which basically we're taught there is no God, there is no right and wrong, and the biblical morals that this country did pretty well with for several centuries are oppressive and racist and we need to get rid of them."China thought they needed draconian family planning rules (e.g. murdering lots of baby girls). Decades later they've got 40,000,000 frustrated and angry men on their hands and a demographic bent towards violence and an illicit sex trade.
Kupelian believes "America the Beautiful" will morph into "America the Bizarre" if our nation continues on its current path. Only it won't take decades. It seems our people have already lost the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, male and female, and what's good and what is evil.
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life" Galatians 6:7-8.
A wise man once said: "It is a vain attempt to "mock" God for a Christian to think that if he sows to his flesh he can escape the harvest of destruction and judgment that comes upon those who participate in sin." -- Andrew Hill, Ph. D.
click here to find out: How To Go To Heaven!
- ABC News: 13 weeks of increasingly violent protests plague Hong Kong as fear of China military intervention grows.
- Wall Street Journal / NBC News survey: Patriotism, religion and having children are not important values to American youth (under 40) according to new survey.
- The Washington Times: Military suicides top record despite government's best efforts: "We have to do better."
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